Table 3.

Pediatric Genetic Cholestatic Liver Diseases: Genes and Clinical Features of Disorders with Extrahepatic Metabolic or Developmental Findings

Gene(s) 1 (Disorder 2)Age of OnsetLaboratory FindingsClinical Features / Comments
CFTR 3 (cystic fibrosis)Childhood/
Diagnosis requires ≥2 of following findings:
  • ↑ AST/ALT & GGTP for >6 mos
  • HSM, confirmed on ultrasound
  • Coarseness, nodularity, ↑ echogenicity or portal HTN on ultrasound
  • Liver biopsy w/biliary or multilobular cirrhosis 4
Synthetic dysfunction is usually minimal.
Cystic fibrosis liver disease is diagnosed in 10%-15% of persons w/CF & is cause of mortality in 2%-3% of persons w/CF. 4 Cirrhosis & portal HTN are most clinically significant manifestations. Neonatal cholestasis is possible presenting feature.
CLDN1 5 (neonatal ichthyosis-sclerosing cholangitis) (OMIM 607626)Neonatal↑ ALT & GGTPPortal HTN; ichthyosis & alopecia
DCDC2 6 (neonatal sclerosing cholangitis) (OMIM 617394)Neonatal↑ ALT & GGTPAcholic stools, HSM, coagulopathy, ascites (variable presentation), renal disease
HNF1B 7 (HNF1B deficiency) (OMIM 137920)Neonatal to adulthood↑ AST/ALT; ↑ GGTPSpectrum of hepatic involvement ranges from severe neonatal cholestasis to asymptomatic increase of transaminases in adulthood; clinical manifestations incl paucity of intralobular bile ducts sometimes assoc in newborns w/IUGR. HCC has been reported. Other findings can incl kidney involvement (CAKUT, tubulopathy, &/or interstitial kidney disease), MODY5, &/or pancreatic insufficiency.
(Alagille syndrome)
Infancy↑↑↑ GGTPCholestasis, progressing to ESLD in some; butterfly vertebrae, xanthomas, CHD, posterior embryotoxon, vascular abnormalities
NPC1; NPC2 (Niemann-Pick disease type C)Neonatal to adulthoodNeonatal features incl cholestasis, HSM, & in some cases ALF; neurodegenerative findings in older groups
PEX genes (Zellweger spectrum disorder)NeonatalAbnormal VLCFACholestasis + hepatomegaly; neurologic deficits
PKHD1 9 (polycystic kidney disease, autosomal recessive)Infancy to adulthoodAbnormal lab findings may be absent in newborns w/ARPKD.Congenital hepatic fibrosis; variable dilatation of intrahepatic bile ducts (Caroli syndrome) & dilatation of common bile duct; nephromegaly, HTN, & varying degrees of renal dysfunction
SCYL1 10 (cholestasis, acute liver failure, & neurodegeneration) (OMIM 616719)InfancyLow GGTPCholestasis, fibrosis, & recurrent ALF; DD, neuropathy, cerebellar atrophy, ataxia, chronic anemia, skeletal dysplasia
SERPINA1 (alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency)Infancy to adulthood↑ AST/ALT & GGTP in 20%Neonatal onset in severe phenotype w/cholestasis & progressive liver disease. HCC possible; chronic obstructive lung disease, panniculitis, & vasculitis; rare in Asian populations
SLC25A13 (neonatal intrahepatic cholestasis caused by citrin deficiency) (See Citrin Deficiency.)Age <1 yrHypoproteinemia, synthetic liver dysfunction; ↑ NH3; ↓ glucose↓ birth weight, growth restriction; transient cholestasis; resolves by age 1 yr in most
SLC51A 11 (SLC51A deficiency)Neonatal↑ AST/ALT/ALPDiarrhea & malabsorption, poor weight gain & bleeding; early fibrosis & cirrhosis w/cholestasis
SLC51B 12 (primary bile acid malabsorption 2) (OMIM 619481)Neonatal↑ AST/ALT & GGTP; ↑ INR, normal albumin; ↓ fat-soluble vitaminsCongenital diarrhea; prolonged jaundice in neonatal period
TALDO1 13 (transadolase 1 deficiency)Neonatal↑ AST/ALT/ALP; normal GGTPHepatomegaly, pancytopenia, renal defects, cardiac defects, fetal hydrops, & dysmorphic features; ↑ HCC risk
TTC26 14 (biliary, renal, neurologic & skeletal syndrome) (OMIM 619534)Neonatal↑ liver enzymes; ↑ bilirubin; ↑ GGTP in some casesCardiac defects, renal abnormalities (small/echogenic kidneys, hydronephrosis), DD, pituitary stalk interruption syndrome
VIPAS39 (VIPAR); VPS33B (arthrogryposis, renal dysfunction, & cholestasis) (OMIM PS208085)Neonatal↑ AST/ALT & bilirubin; ↓ or normal GGTPArthrogryposis, renal tubular acidosis, & ichthyosis; poor growth; largely fatal in 1st yr of life
ZFYVE19 15 (ciliopathy of bile duct epithelia) (OMIM 619849)Neonatal↑ GGTP & bile acids; hyperlipidemiaFibrosis/cirrhosis w/o effect on synthetic function; HSM

Adapted from Tables 1-6 in Squires & McKiernan [2018]

ALF = acute liver failure; ALP = alkaline phosphatase; ALT = alanine aminotransferase; ARPKD = autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease; AST = aspartate aminotransferase; CAKUT = congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract; CHD = congenital heart disease; DD = developmental delay; ESLD = end-stage liver disease; GGTP = gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase; HCC = hepatocellular carcinoma; HSM = hepatosplenomegaly; HTN = hypertension; INR = international normalized ratio; IUGR = intrauterine growth restriction; MODY5 = maturity-onset diabetes of the young type 5; VLCFA = very long-chain fatty acids


Genes are listed alphabetically.


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From: Pediatric Genetic Cholestatic Liver Disease Overview

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