Appendix ISearch Strategies

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What is the diagnostic value of the history taking and the physical examination in diagnosing chronic idiopathic constipation in newborns, infants and children?



History taking: passage of meconium, stool patterns, timing of onset of constipation & potential precipitating factors, growth and general well being, locomotor development, diet and fluid intake, social factors, abdominal distension, vomiting, (more...)

Ovid MEDLINE(R) 1950 to August Week 3 2009 IC_historytaking_medline_160709

EBM Reviews - Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials 3rd Quarter 2009 IC_historytaking_CCTR_170709

DARE, CDSR IC_historytaking_CSTRDARE_170709

EMBASE 1980 to 2009 Week 35 IC_historytaking_Embase_170709

CINAHL Ebsco IC_historytaking_Cinahl_170709

What is the effectiveness of behavioural interventions in improving constipation in neonates, infants and all children up to their 18th birthday diagnosed with idiopathic constipation?



Toilet /bowel / habit training and retraining Behavioural modification: 'chaining' and 'shaping' programmes

Ovid MEDLINE(R) 1950 to January Week 2 2009 IC_Q14_behavioural_MEDLINE_160109

EBM Reviews - Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials 4th Quarter 2008 IC_Q14_behavioural_CCTR_160109

DARE, CDSR IC_Q14_behavioural_CDSRDARE_160109

EMBASE 1980 to 2009 Week 03 IC_Q14_behavioural_EMBASE_160109

Cinahl Ebsco IC_Q14_behavioural_CINAHL_160109

PsycINFO 1967 to January Week 3 2009 IC_Q14_behavioural_PSYCINFO_160109

What is the effectiveness of offering information and support in addition to usual care in improving constipation in children up to their 18th birthday diagnosed with chronic idiopathic constipation?



health information or health education advice or information or education

Ovid MEDLINE(R) 1950 to March Week 3 2009 IC_infosupport_medline_260309

EBM Reviews - Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials 1st Quarter 2009 IC_infosupport_cctr_260309

DARE, CDSR IC_infosupport_CDSRDARE_260309

EMBASE 1980 to 2009 Week 12 IC_infosupport_embase_260309

Cinahl Ebsco IC_infosupport_cinahlebsco_260309_2