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GaP FAQ Archive [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Center for Biotechnology Information (US); 2009-.

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GaP FAQ Archive [Internet].

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Account Suspension

Created: ; Last Update: December 11, 2013.

Estimated reading time: 1 minute

Why is My Account Suspended and How Do I Fix This Issue?

I have just found out that my dbGaP account is suspended. Could you explain why and what I need to do to reinstate my dbGaP privileges?

The dbGaP account could be suspended for many reasons, such as data use violation or late annual report. The most common reason is a result of overdue annual report. The primary PI’s dbGaP account will be suspended if the year-end-renewal or project closeout request is not submitted 42 days after the project expiration date. Please see here for more information about the dbGaP project expiration date.

When an account is suspended, the PI can still login to the account and review all the information in the account. The functions of making new data request and data download are disabled. The reason for account suspension is displayed in a prominent position in the account. The decision of suspending a PI’s account can also made by the related Data Access Committees (DACs).

If the suspension is because of an overdue year-end project renewal, the PI should renewal the project as soon as possible. Detailed instruction of project renewal can be found here.

If the suspension is because of an overdue year end project renewal and the PI wishes to close out the project, detailed instruction of the close out process can be found here.



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