Table 4Asthma self-management education packages: delivery and accessibility

PackageIn-Person EducationSelf-Directed LearningPhone-Based ComponentPaper-based MaterialsAudiovisual ComponentDownloadableAvailable Only Upon RequestRequires MembershipNo Fee RequiredFee for Some ComponentsFee for all ComponentsCopyrighted or Licensed

A Breath of Life

NHLBI (2014)

Asthma 101

ALA (Year NR)

Asthma Basics for Children

AAFA (2010)

Asthma Care for Adults

AAFA (2018)


Asthma Workbook

University of Michigan (2018)

Breathe Well, Live Well

ALA (2019)

Creating Asthma-Friendly Environments and Promoting Access to Guidelines-Based Care for Children with Asthma

NEEF & NASN (2018)

Kickin’ Asthma

ALA (2015)

Open Airways for Schools

ALA (2018)

Pediatric Asthma Initiative

NEEF (Year NR)

Severe Asthma Care for Adults

AAFA (2019)

Wee Breathers

AAFA (2013)

Women Breathe Free

University of Michigan (2010)

You Can Control Asthma

AAFA (2005)

Total (N=14)1352127104091412

AAFA=Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America; ALA=American Lung Association; NASN=National Association of School Nurses; NEEF=National Environmental Educational Foundation; NHLBI=National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute; NR=Not reported


For Asthma Care for Adults, printed materials can be purchased, or are available at no cost for those who qualify, such as Federally Qualified Health Centers.

From: Findings

Cover of Characteristics of Existing Asthma Self-Management Education Packages
Characteristics of Existing Asthma Self-Management Education Packages [Internet].
Technical Brief, No. 35.
Leas BF, Tipton K, Bryant-Stephens T, et al.

NCBI Bookshelf. A service of the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.