Adverse Effects of medium- to long-term use of Laxatives in Children with Chronic Idiopathic Constipation

Bibliographic InformationStudy Type & Evidence LevelNumber of PatientsPatient CharacteristicsIntervention & ComparisonFollow-up & Outcome MeasuresEffect SizeReviewer Comments
Erickson et al. Polyethylene glycol 3350 for constipation in children with dysfunctional elimination. 2003. Journal of Urology 170[4 Pt 2], 1518-1520Study Type:
Retrospective case series

Evidence level:

Study aim:
To review the efficacy of PEG as a single agent for the treatment of constipation in children with dysfunctional elimination and asses bladder function following treatment
46 children

Inclusion criteria:
Children diagnosed with dysfunctional voiding and constipation who received polyethylene glycol 3350 between January 2000 and July 2002

Exclusion criteria:
Known neurological impairments
46 children

35 girls
mean age: 7.7 years (range 4.5 to 11.2 years)

11 boys
mean age: 7.6 years (range 4.4 to 11.1 years)

Polyethylene glycol 3350 without electrolytes (MiraLax)

17 gm (1 capful) mixed with 8 ounces of fluid of parent's choice

Starting dose: 8 ounces of mixture each day with instructions to adjust the amount consumed by 1 to 2 ounces every 3 days to achieve the goal of 1 to 2 soft bowel movements per day Final dose normalised to patient weight Average final dose: 0.63 gm/kg (reported in abstract) 0.59 gm/kg (reported in text)

Duration of treatment

Mean: 194.3 days (SD 133.5)

Assessment points

Not clear

Outcome Measures:

side effects
Side effects:

Diarrhoea: 9/46 children, all female

age at start of PEG (mean ± SD, years):

patients with diarrhoea (n=9):
6.8 ± 1.1

patients without diarrhoea (n=37):
8.2 ± 1.8


duration of follow-up (mean ± SD, days):

patients with diarrhoea (n=9):
336 ± 153

patients without diarrhoea (n=37):
108 ± 11


1 child stopped taking PEG because of side effects
Additional information from study:
Diagnosis of constipation based on history of Infrequent bowel movements (less than very other day) and/or hard, large or painful bowel movements. Most children also had confirmatory abdominal x-ray demonstrating accumulation of stool in the rectum and throughout the colon

25 patients also underwent biofeedback, and 8 patients began anticholinergic medication during the course of PEG treatment

Reviewer comments:
Not clear how side effects measured in the first place

Not clear how the reviewing process was conducted

Source of funding: not stated
Loening-Baucke et al. Polyethylene glycol 3350 without electrolytes for the treatment of functional constipation in infants and toddlers. 2004. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 39[5], 536-539Study Type:
Retrospective case series

Evidence level:

Study aim:
to evaluate the safety and efficacy of PEG 3350 without electrolytes for the treatment of constipation in children < 2 years of age
75 children

Inclusion criteria:
Children with constipation <2 years of age at start of PEG therapy

Exclusion criteria:
Hirschsprung's disease, chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction, previous surgery of colon/anus, disease states that place limitations on the act of defecation such as hypotonia, cerebral palsy and severe mental retardation
75 children

36 boys

mean age 17 months (range 1 to 21 months)

PEG 3350 without electrolytes (MiraLax)

Starting average dose 1g/kg body weight/day

Parents asked to adjust dose to yield 1 to 2 soft painless stools/day

Duration of treatment (months, mean ± SD)

short term: 2.3 ± 1.3 (range: 1 to 4)


long term: 10.6 ± 8.1 (range 6 to 37)

Assessment points

short term: ≤ 4 months (mean 2 months)


long term: ≥ 6 months (mean 11 months)

Outcome Measures:

Adverse effects
Adverse effects

a. ≤ 4 months (n=71)

5 children (7%): runny stools

(Dose of PEG (g/kg body weight/day):
Range 0.4 to 2.3
Mean 1.1 ± 1.2
Median (0.82)

b. ≥ 6 months (n=47)

1 child (2%): watery stools (he was only brought by his mother for a 6-month follow-up). The diarrhoea disappeared after lowering the dose of PEG.
(Dose of PEG (g/kg body weight/day):
Range 0.3 to 2.1
Mean 0.8 ± 0.4
Median (0.67)

Parents did not report increased flatus, abdominal distension, vomiting or new onset abdominal pain. None stopped PEG because of adverse effects.

Complete blood counts (in 24 children), electrolytes (in 9 children), renal functions (in 8 children) and liver functions (in 8 children) occasionally done in children on long-term PEG treatment, and all were within normal limits.
Additional information from study:
Constipation defined according to NASPGHAN criteria

Reviewer comments:
Authors reviewed charts from their own clinics. Not clear how the reviewing process was conducted

Not completely clear how side effects were measured in the first place, it seems that parents were asked about the at the time of consultation

Source of funding: not stated
Michail et al. Polyethylene glycol for constipation in children younger than eighteen months old. 2004. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 39[2], 197-199Study Type:
Retrospective case series

Evidence level:

Study aim:
to determine safety, efficacy, and optimal dose of polyethylene glycol powder for treatment of constipation in patients younger than 18 months
28 children

Inclusion criteria:
children younger than 18 months treated for constipation with PEG powder

Exclusion criteria:
Organic aetiology for constipation: Hirschsprung's disease, anorectal malformation, bowel obstruction, or systemic illness (hypothyroidism, cystic fibrosis, or lead poisoning associated with constipation. Taking medication that could potentially change the frequency or consistency of bowel movements
28 children

age at initiation of therapy:

  • 3 children: age 0 to 5 months
  • 9: age 6 to11 months
  • 16: age 12 to 17 months
gender not reported

PEG 3350 administered orally, mixed in a ratio of 17 g to 240 mL of fluid, as recommended by the manufacturer. Caregivers for small infants mixed PEG 3350 in formula if it was the sole diet. After initial dose, families asked to titrate the dose to obtain at least one nonformed bowel movement daily. Change in dose permitted within 24 hours, if necessary

Mean initial Dose: 0.88 g/kg/day (range, 0.26–2.14 g/kg/day)

Mean effective maintenance dose: 0.78 g/kg/day (range, 0.26–1.26 g/kg/day)

Duration of treatment
Mean 6.2 ± 5 months (range, 3 weeks to 21 months)

Assessment points
at initial visit and subsequent visits every 8 to 12 weeks

Outcome Measures:

Side effects
Side effects:
Total: 5 (17.9%) of patients

1 (3.6%) infant experienced increased passage of gas per rectum

4 (14.3%) infants experienced transient diarrhoea that resolved after dose adjustment
Additional information from study:
Diagnostic criteria for functional constipation in infants and preschool children adapted from Rasquin-Weber and included: 2 weeks of hard stools (the majority of stools), or firm stools 2 or fewer times a week in the absence of structural, endocrine, or metabolic disease

No patient placed on a clean-out protocol using any other drug

Duration of therapy and side effects retrieved from the patient's chart. Information not available in the chart was obtained by telephone interview. Only 1 family needed to be contacted by telephone

Reviewer comments:
Authors reviewed charts from their own clinics. Not clear how the reviewing process was conducted

Source of funding: not stated
Pashankar et al. Long-term efficacy of polyethylene glycol 3350 for the treatment of chronic constipation in children with and without encopresis. 2003. Clinical Pediatrics 42[9], 815-819Study Type:
Retrospective cohort

Evidence level:

Study aim:
to report efficacy of PEG therapy, effective dose and patient compliance separately for children with constipation and children with constipation and encopresis over the long term
74 children

Inclusion criteria:
children > 2 years of age with chronic constipation treated at authors' clinic daily with PEG 3350 without electrolytes (MiraLax) for > 3 months

Exclusion criteria:
history of Hirschsprung's disease, anorectal malformations, abdominal surgery, or any systemic illness leading to constipation
74 children 40 boys

mean age:

constipation only: 6.6 years (range 2 to 16.9)


constipation and encopresis: 8.4 years (4.3 to 12.8)

PEG 3350 without electrolytes (MiraLax)

0.8 g/kg/day administered orally, as recommended by the manufacturer mixed in a ratio of 17 g of powder to 240 mL of water or other beverage. Families allowed free choice of beverage

Parents asked to adjust the dose as required to yield 2 soft painless stools per day

Behaviour modification programme
Duration of treatment
Mean 8.4 months (range 3 to 30)

Assessment points

Outcome Measures:
Adverse effects
Average dose of PEG at time of evaluation:

0.73 g/kg/day (range 0.3 to 1.8) following adjustment of dose by caretakers

Adverse effects:

no major clinical adverse effects observed
Additional information from study:
Diagnosis of chronic constipation based on symptoms of at least 3 months' duration including at least 2 of the following: hard stools, painful defection, encopresis or fewer than 3 bowel movements/week

Encopresis defined as constipation with involuntary loss of stools into the underwear beyond a developmental age of 4 years

Reviewer comments:
Authors reviewed charts from their own clinics. Not clear how the reviewing process was conducted. Some outcomes variables gathered by interviewing patients/parents and examining patients. Unclear how data on adverse effects were obtained

Source of funding: Financial assistance provided in part by Braintree Laboratories, Braintree, MA
Pashankar et al. Safety of polyethylene glycol 3350 for the treatment of chronic constipation in children. 2003. Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine 157[7], 661-664Study Type:
Prospective case series

Evidence level:

Study aim:
to assess the biochemical and clinical safety profile of long-term PEG 3350 treatment in a large cohort of children and also paediatric patient acceptance of long-term PEG therapy
83 children

Inclusion criteria:
Children > than 2 years old with chronic constipation who were treated daily with PEG >3 months

Exclusion criteria:
history of Hirschsprung's disease, anorectal malformations, or any systemic illness potentially leading to constipation
83 children


Mean age 7.4 years (range 2.0 to 16.9 years)

PEG 3350 without electrolytes (MiraLax)

Initial dose: 0.8 g/kg per day According to manufacturer's directions, parents instructed to dissolve 17 g of PEG powder in 240 mL of water or other beverage and to give prepared solution in 2 divided doses. Families allowed choice of beverage to suit child's preference. Parents asked to adjust dose of PEG solution as required to yield 2 soft painless stools per day. Over time, parents instructed to gradually decrease dose of PEG if symptoms of constipation and encopresis showed improvement

Duration of treatment
mean 8.7 months (range, 3 to 30 months

Assessment points

Outcome Measures:

Adverse effects:




Clinical adverse effects
Minor and acceptable over mean duration of therapy

8 patients (10%): frequent watery stools sometime during therapy. Diarrhoea disappeared with reduction of dose

5 children (6%): bloating or flatulence

2 children (2%): abdominal pain

1 patient each (1%): thirst, fatigue, and nausea after receiving PEG solution on an empty stomach

None of the patients stopped treatment due to adverse effects and all were to continue PEG therapy.

General physical examination findings revealed no new significant abnormalities compared with the pre-treatment

Laboratory evaluation results:

Haemoglobin, haematocrit, serum electrolytes, blood urea nitrogen, serum creatinine, serum albumin, and osmolality, normal in all patients (10 patients did not have serum osmolality measured)

9 patients (11%) had slightly elevated ALT level (<1.5 times the upper limit of normal; range, 31 to 45 U/L). 8 of these patients had ALT levels remeasured within 8 weeks, 7 of whom still receiving PEG therapy. 7 of these 8 patients had values in the reference range, 1 had slightly elevated ALT level (<1.2 times normal; 28 U/L).
3 patients (4%) had an elevated aspartate aminotransferase level (<1.5 times normal; range, 42-52 U/L), and all had normal values when remeasured while still receiving PEG therapy

Dose and duration of PEG therapy not significantly different in patients with abnormal values compared with those with laboratory values in the reference range
Additional information from study:
Diagnosis of chronic constipation based on symptoms of at least 3 months' duration, including at least 2 of the following: hard stools, painful defecation, encopresis, or fewer than 3 bowel movements per week

All other laxative treatments stopped before starting PEG

Parents interviewed using structured questionnaire and asked about dose of PEG given, medication compliance, any possible adverse effects of PEG, and particularly about excessively loose or frequent stools, abdominal pain, flatulence, bloating, and nausea. Parents asked about overall improvement in bowel movement pattern regarding stool frequency and consistency with PEG therapy. Following interview and physical examination, 4 mL of blood obtained for measurement of different parameters

Results of blood tests considered abnormal if outside (even by 1 point) the age- and sex appropriate reference range established in authors' hospital. If results abnormal, blood tests repeated within 8 weeks while patient continued to receive therapy

Source of funding: Study financially assisted by Braintree Laboratories
Clark et al. Serum beta-carotene, retinol, and alpha-tocopherol levels during mineral oil therapy for constipation. 1987. American Journal of Diseases of Children 141[11], 1210-1212Study Type:
Prospective case series

Evidence level:

Study aim:
to prospectively monitor children receiving large doses of mineral oil throughout the early phase of treatment
25 children

Inclusion criteria:
Children with encopresis, over 1 year old with no previous treatment with mineral oil

Exclusion criteria:
not stated
25 children

mean age: 7.83 years (range 1.75 to 14.27 years)

gender not reported

Following initial disimpaction (not reported with what) , mineral oil, 45 mL twice daily between meals

Dose gradually decreased on monthly basis (usually 30 mL/mo) depending on patient's reported performance and results of serial rectal examinations

Mean ± SEM:

  • Month 1: 4.0 ± 1.4
  • Month 2: 2.9 ± 1.2
  • Month 3: 2.1 ± 0.5
  • Month 4: 1.4 ± 0.4
Duration of treatment
4 months

Assessment points
1, 2, 3 and 4 months

Outcome Measures:

Serum beta-carotene level

Retinol level

Alfa tocopherol level
Serum levels (micromols/L (micrograms/dL) (mean ± SEM):

Month 1 (n=25):

Serum beta-carotene:

  • Baseline: 1.0 ± 0.5 (55.7 ± 26.0)
  • Treatment: 0.7± 0.4 (35.9 ± 22.1)
  • P<0.01
Retinol: NS as compared to baseline

Month 2 (n=17):

Serum beta-carotene:

  • Baseline: 1.1 ± 0.6 (59.5 ± 30.6)
  • Treatment: 0.7 ± 0.5 (38.2 ± 28.4)
  • P<0.05
Retinol: NS as compared to baseline

Month 3 (n=10):

Serum beta-carotene:

  • Baseline: 1.1 ± 0.6 (60.4 ± 30.0)
  • Treatment: 0.6 ± 0.2 (34.7 ± 12.3)
  • P<0.05
Baseline: 1.48 ± 0.84 (42.3 ± 24.1)
Treatment: 2.22 ± 0.77
(63.5 ± 22.1) P<0.01

Month 4 (n=5):

  • Serum beta-carotene: NS as compared to baseline
Retinol: NS as compared to baseline

Serum alfa tocopherol levels remained relatively unchanged throughout study. No statistical significant difference between baseline levels and those obtained throughout the 4 months of therapy
Additional information from study:
Vitamin supplementation not prescribed

Normal serum values for authors' laboratory:

Serum beta-Carotene: >0.6 micromols/L (>30 micrograms/dL)


Retinol: 0.70 micromols/L (20 micrograms/dL)


Alfa tocopherol: >9 micromols/L (>0.4 micrograms/dL)

Since number of patients returning for subsequent visits gradually decreased, basal levels were recalculated for each month of treatment using the remaining patients as their own controls

Source of funding: not stated
Hardikar et al. Macrogol 3350 plus electrolytes for chronic constipation in children: a single-centre, open-label study. 2007. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health 43[7-8], 527-531Study Type:
Prospective case series

Evidence level:

Study aim:
To evaluate the safety and efficacy of a macrogol 3350-based electrolyte containing preparation in the treatment of chronic constipation in children
81 children

Inclusion criteria:
Children aged 24 months to 11 years with chronic constipation for at least 6 months, which was either untreated or inadequately treated by laxatives

Exclusion criteria:
children treated for faecal impaction with bowel washouts during the previous 2 months, or had a past history of intestinal perforation/ob struction, Hirschsprung's disease, paralytic ileum, toxic megacolon, severe inflammation of the intestinal tract, urinary tract infection,, uncontrolled renal, hepatic or cardiac diseases, endocrine disorders, or any other severe unstable coexisting disease during the previous 30 days
77 children

44% boys mean age:
4.9 ± 2.6 years

Macrogol 3350 plus electrolytes (Movicol)

Each sachet (6.563 g Macrogol) dissolved 62.5 mL of water

Number of sachets first 5 days

Children aged 2 to 6 years:

  • Days 1 & 2: 1/day
  • Days 3 & 4: 1 twice a day
  • Day 5: 1 three times/day

Children aged 7 to 11 years

  • Day 1 & 2: 1 twice a day
  • Day 3, 4 & 5: 2 twice a day
Thereafter and until end of study dosage titrated according to faecal form. This dose increased by 1 sachet/day in the event of continued hard stools/no bowel movements, and decreased by 1 to 2 sachets/day in the event of loose stools or diarrhoea

Duration of treatment
Mean 75.5 days

Assessment points
Adverse effects monitored throughout the study, venous samples for laboratory taken at baseline, 28 days and 84 days. Vital signs measured at baseline and 84 days

Outcome Measures:

Safety :

adverse effects

laboratory tests

changes in vital signs
Mean numbers of sachets/day during treatment period:
1.3 (6.9 g)

Adverse effects (n=78)
72 children (92%) reported a total of 318 events

241 (76%) assessed as unrelated to study treatment

262 (82%): mild
302 (95%): resolved by end of study

6 serious adverse events in 4 children: 4 affected gastrointestinal system. All assessed by investigator as unrelated or unlikely to be related to study medication and resolved at end of study. 1 serious adverse event (faecal impaction) led to patient's premature withdrawal from study as child was admitted as impatient for bowel washout

Changes in vital signs:
No clinically significant changes as result of study medication
Additional information from study:
Chronic constipation defined as fewer than 3 complete bowel movements per week over previous14 days in association with either straining or passage of hard stools in at least a quarter of bowel movements

If investigator considered it to be clinically necessary patients could be given another laxative provided they had failed to respond to the maximum dose for 3 days

No other therapeutic interventions, including an increase in oral fluids or dietary fibre were instituted

Any child who developed faecal impaction (faecal loading) which required treatment was withdrawn from study and classified as treatment failure

78 (96%) patients included in safety analysis.
65 (80%) patients completed study. 16 patients withdrew prematurely: 6 unable or refused to take medication, 4 protocol deviation, 3 poor compliance, 1 failed to return for final visit, 1 parent refused to give medication, 1 serious adverse effect

Reviewer comments:
6 serious adverse events in 4 children: 4 affected gastrointestinal system, remaining 2 not reported

Not clear how clinical adverse effects were asked for

Source of funding: Movicol sachets supplied by Norgine Ltd. Uxbridge, UK. Study supported by a research grant from Norgine Ltd. Uxbridge, UK and Norgine PTY, Sydney, Australia
Urganci et al. A comparative study: the efficacy of liquid paraffin and lactulose in management of chronic functional constipation. 2005. Pediatrics International 47[1], 15-19Study Type:

Evidence level:

Study aim:
to determine and compare efficacy, safety and optimal dose of liquid paraffin and lactulose in children with chronic functional constipation
40 patients

Inclusion criteria:
children 2 to 12 years old referred for evaluation of constipation with evidence of faecal impaction

Exclusion criteria:
Hirschsprung's disease, hypothyroidism, mental deficiency, chronic debilitating diseases, neurological abnormalities, previous surgery of colon
40 patients
22 male
mean age 3.7 ± 2.7 years

Liquid paraffin


Medication administered orally as a suspension at 1 mL/kg, twice daily for each drug.

For determination of best dose for each child, parents asked to increase or decrease the volume of each drug by 25% every 3 days as required, to yield 2 firm-loose stools per day. Maximum dose used throughout the study: 3 mL/kg per day for each drug
Duration of treatment:
8 weeks

Assessment point (s):

4 and 8 weeks after initiation of treatment

Outcome Measures:

optimal dose of drugs


compliance rate

Optimal dose of drugs (mean ± SD) (mL/kg/day)

data reported in table, assumed that for the whole study period:

  • Liquid paraffin (n=20): 1.88 ± 0.27
  • Lactulose (n=20): 2.08 ± 0.27
  • N.S

data reported in text for the last 4 weeks of treatment:

  • Liquid paraffin (n=20): 1.72 ± 0.18
  • Lactulose (n=20): 1.82 ± 0.57
Compliance rate (%)

first 4 weeks:

  • Liquid paraffin (n=20):
  • Lactulose (n=20):

end of 8 weeks:

  • Liquid paraffin (n=20):
  • Lactulose (n=20):
No patient stopped treatment because of adverse effects (adverse effects not reported). During first 4 weeks, taste aversion in 1 child on liquid paraffin and abdominal distension in 2 patients on lactulose influenced compliance. During last 4 weeks, poor symptom control in 5 patients, side-effects (abdominal distension and cramping) in 3 on lactulose, and watery stools in 2 on liquid paraffin influenced compliance
Additional information from study:
Diagnosis of constipation based on symptoms of at least 3 months duration including at least 2 of the following: hard stool, painful defecation, rectal bleeding, encopresis and fewer

Open-label randomised study

Children also met with a nutritionist, were given instructions to increase daily fibre intake to amount of grams equal to their age plus 10, parent asked to have children sit on the toilet 4 times daily after meals

Stool frequency and stool consistency recorded by parents in daily diary forms. Stool consistency scoring: 1, hard; 2, firm; 3, loose

No significant baseline differences between 2 groups

Patients considered compliant if ≥ 80% of prescribed dose taken correctly. Patients instructed to take both empty and full containers to calculate amount of medication taken

Reviewer comments:
Randomisation method not described No sample size calculation performed No clear definition of “evidence of faecal impaction” given
Apparently no children dropped out the study/were lost to follow-up Study not controlled for potential confounders

Source of funding: not stated
Dupont et al. Double-blind randomized evaluation of clinical and biological tolerance of polyethylene glycol 4000 versus lactulose in constipated children. 2005. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 41[5], 625-633Study Type:

Evidence level:

Study aim:
to assess the safety of a polyethylene glycol (PEG) 4000 laxative without additional salts in paediatric patients
96 children

Inclusion criteria:
ambulatory children with constipation despite their usual dietary treatment for at least 1 month, aged 6 months to 3 years

Exclusion criteria:
history of intractable faecaloma, Hirschsprung's disease, neurologic, endocrine or metabolic disorders, allergic disease or allergies
96 children
51 male

Age (months) (median, (25th–75th percentiles)

PEG 4000:

28 (19.5–33.7)



25.8 (12.3–33)

PEG 4000


  • Starting dose:
    1 sachet (4g) and 1 placebo to be taken at breakfast


  • Starting dose:
    1 sachet (3.33g) and 1 placebo to be taken at breakfast
For both drugs, dose could be doubled if ineffective in children aged 13 months to 3 years If maximum authorised dose unsuccessful, one micro-enema of glycerol per day could be prescribed for a maximum of 3 consecutive days. If child not produced stools after treatment 2 enemas could be administered at a 48-h interval. This procedure was only allowed twice during the study, If child produced liquid stools for more than 1 day or more than 2 or 3 stools/day depending on age, dose could be decreased by 1 pair of sachets/day to a minimum of 1 pair of sachets every other day and possibly to transitory interruption
Duration of treatment:
3 months

Assessment point (s):
Day 42 (D42) and day 84 (D84) after starting treatment Outcome Measures:

Biological tolerance:

  • ion
  • electrolytes
  • total protein
  • albumin
  • vitamin A
  • vitamin D
  • folates

Clinical tolerance:

  • body height
  • body weight
  • adverse effects
Clinical tolerance (ITT population)

6 adverse effects (all non serious):

  • 5 diarrhoea (5 episodes in 2 children in both treatment groups)
  • 1 anorexia (on lactulose)

median (interquartile range) duration of either new onset or worsened flatulence (days):

  • PEG 4000: 3 (1 to 4.5)
  • Lactulose: 5 (3 to 19.5)
  • P=0.005

median (interquartile range) duration of either new onset or worsened vomiting episodes (days):

  • PEG 4000: 1 (1 to 2)
  • Lactulose: 2 (1 to 6)
  • P<0.05

anal irritation: 5% (2 out of 40 children, both on lactulose)


no difference between PEG 4000 and lactulose groups with regards to other digestive tolerance outcomes


Body height and body weight unaffected during the 3-month treatment for both boys and girls

Biological tolerance (ITT population):
No significant difference between treatment groups for the % of children with ONR values on D84 compared to baseline status. No treatment-related changes found in serum iron, electrolytes, total protein, albumin and vitamins A, D and folates

Dose used (sachets/day) (median (interquartile range))


  • 1 (0.9 to 1) PEG
  • 1 (1 to 1.3) lactulose
  • P = 0.67


  • 1 (1 to 1.3) PEG
  • 1.1 (0.9 to 1.5) lactulose
  • P = 0.58
Treatment stopped in 1 child because of lack of efficacy (lactulose group)
Additional information from study:
Constipation defined as <1 stool/day for >1 month in children 6 to 12 months old and <3 stools/week for > 3 months in children aged 13 months to 3 years

PEG 4000 and lactulose packaged in a double-blind and double-dummy design, by means of coupled sachets, according to a randomisation list. Double dummy design required because of the difference of taste between the drugs. Numbered boxes provided to investigators at each site in equal numbers. Investigators randomly allocated either PEG 4000 or lactulose to the children for a 3-month period, with the same strategy for dose adaptation

3 children not included because of a baseline laboratory value ONR (out of normal range) before the amendment was applied. 2 children in PEG 4000 group dropped out before any study drug intake, so the intention to treat (ITT) population included 51 children (10 babies and 41 toddlers) in the PEG 4000 group and 45 (12 babies and 33 toddlers) in the lactulose group. 76 of these children included in the per protocol analysis and 20 excluded by the independent scientific committee for at least 1 major deviation, 11 in the PEG 4000 group and 9 in the lactulose group. Reasons for exclusion were no laboratory test at D84, 1 or more one missing laboratory results at D84, delayed laboratory test at D84 (n = 12), inadequately long exposure to the study drug (n = 2), personal reasons (n = 5) and unauthorized concomitant treatment (n = 1). There were no clinically relevant differences between the 2 treatment groups at baseline for clinical or biologic parameters.
Stool frequency, abdominal pain, vomiting, and nausea recorded by parents on Self-Diary Evaluation Booklet

Reviewer comments:
Methods of randomisation and allocation concealment not clearly described No sample calculation performed Results not controlled for potential confounders

Source of funding: not stated
Perkin. Constipation in childhood: a controlled comparison between lactulose and standardized senna. 1977. Current Medical Research and Opinion 4[8], 540-543Study Type:


Evidence level:

Study aim:
to compare effectiveness and side effects between a standardised senna syrup and lactulose in the treatment of childhood constipation
21 children

Inclusion criteria:
children aged <15 years with a history of constipation treated at home for 3 months or more

Exclusion criteria:
any cause of constipation requiring surgical or medical correction in addition to laxation
21 children (age and gender not reported)

Senna syrup 10 to 20 ml daily for 1 week

Lactulose 10 to 15 ml daily for 1 weeks

Each preparation given throughout the appropriate treatment week in a daily dose varied according to the age of the patient

1 intermediate week with not treatment
1 week each period with 1 week no treatment in between

Assessment point (s):
immediately after treatment completed

Outcome Measures:

adverse effects

Adverse effects (n patients):
  1. senna week:
    12 (8 colic, 1 diarrhoea, 2 colic+ diarrhoea, 1 colic + distension)
  2. no treatment week:
    4 (3 colic, 1 colic + distension)
  3. lactulose week
    1 (colic)
  4. p<0.001 (a vs. c)
    NS (b vs. c)
Additional information from study:
Patients given either treatment according to a code-list of random numbers, placed in a series of sealed envelopes, one of which was opened each time a child entered the trial

1 dropout: 1 patient on senna at the beginning of study failed to attend at the end of 1st week

No written or oral indication of any medical preference for other preparation given and patients presented with single bottle of one or other of the preparations according to the coded instruction at start of trial. On 3rd week a bottle of alternative preparation was given

Outcomes recorded by parents in written diaries

4-point scale of stool consistency: loose, normal, hard, none

Reviewer comments:
Very small sample size, no sample size calculation
Inadequate method of allocation concealment
Patients' baseline characteristics not reported
Study probably non blinded
Results not controlled for confounders
Very short treatment period
According to authors the number of stools passed each day was recorded, but is not reported

Source of funding: not stated
Thomson et al. Polyethylene glycol 3350 plus electrolytes for chronic constipation in children: a double blind, placebo controlled, crossover study.[erratum appears in Arch Dis Child. 2008 Jan;93(1):93]. 2007. Archives of Disease in Childhood 92[11], 996-1000Study Type:
RCT (cross over, multicentre)

Evidence level:

Study aim:
to assess the efficacy and safety of polyethylene glycol 3350 plus electrolytes (PEG + E) for the treatment of chronic constipation in children
51 children

Inclusion criteria:
chronic constipation for at least 3 months

Exclusion criteria:
current or previous faecal impaction decided by either physical examination or abdominal X-ray, previous intestinal perforation/ob struction, paralytic ileus, Hirschsprung's disease, severe inflammatory conditions of the intestinal tract, severe gastroesophageal reflux, diabetes, receiving doses of stimulant laxatives considered by local observers to be at higher end of their own doses spectrum
51 children
29 girls
mean age 5.4 years (range: 24 months to 11 years)

PEG + E (6.9 g powder/sachet)

Placebo (6.9 g powder/sachet)

Washout period in between: 2 weeks

Dosing regimen for both PEG + E and placebo (number sachets/day):

children aged 2 to 6 years

  • days 1-2: 1
  • days 3-4: 2 (taken together)
  • days 5-6: 3 (2 morning, 1 evening)
  • days 7-8: 4 (2 morning, 2 evening)

children aged 7 to 11 years

  • days 1-2: 2 (taken together)
  • days 3-4: 2 (taken together)
  • days 5-6: 5 (2 morning, 3 evening)
  • days 7-8: 6 (3 morning, 3 evening)
For both groups if diarrhoea, dose was decreased by 2 sachets or miss a day. If loose stools dose decreased by 1 sachet
Duration of treatment:
2 weeks each treatment period separated by a 2-week placebo washout

Assessment point (s):
immediately after each treatment period, including washout

Outcome Measures:

Adverse events
Mean effective dose of PEG 3350 (g/kg/day):
0.6 (2 to 6-year-old)
0.7 (7 to 11-year-old)

Adverse events:

PEG+E (31/49, 63%) Placebo (28/49, 57%) during periods I and III. None serious, most judged by investigator to be moderate or mild in severity

20 children (41%) on PEG+E: 41 events 22 children (45%) on placebo: 45 events, judged by investigator to be at least possibly related to the study treatment. Most gastro-intestinal disorders (particularly abdominal pain), PEG+E (39%, 39 events); placebo (45%, 41 events). 1 child in placebo/PEG+E group withdrawn at week 3 because of abdominal pain, assessed by investigator as being related to treatment, this child was taking placebo at the time of withdrawal. New clinically significant abnormalities on physical examination (mainly associated with faecal loading): 13 children (8/27 in the PEG+E/placebo group, 5/24 in the placebo/ PEG+E group). When analysed for what these children were taking for the 2 weeks before the physical examination, 23 out of the 24 reports (95.8%) occurred when child taking placebo. Only 1 report of an abnormal abdominal examination while patient on PEG+E
Mean weight similar before and after treatment, no significant difference found between the 2 groups for change in weight while on treatment (p=0.357)
Additional information from study:
Chronic constipation defined according to Rome criteria as < 3 complete bowel movements/week, and at least 1 of the following: pain on defecation on at least 25% of days; at least 25% of bowel movements with straining, and at least 25% of bowel movements with hard or lumpy stools

Random sequence group computer generated before start of recruitment using block size of 4 patients and study medication labelled accordingly. Random blocks (with numbers stored in sealed code-break envelopes) sent to investigator sites as required. As children enrolled, sites allocated treatment supplies sequentially, started with lowest possible number. Both the children (and their parents/guardians) and those administering treatment were blinded to allocation schedule

A sample size of 50 children was planned to achieve 40 evaluable children, giving 90% power to detect a true treatment difference of 0.3 bowel movements/week using a two-tailed significance test at the 5% level. As dropout rate was higher than originally estimated, recruitment target was increased to 60 children

At baseline, clinically significant abnormalities on physical examination (mainly associated with faecal loading but not impaction) recorded for 8 children (5/27 in the PEG+E/placebo group, 3/24 in the placebo/PEG+E group). Before randomisation, 47 children taking other laxatives (most frequently lactulose)

13/51 children (7/27 in the PEG+E/placebo group, 6/24 in the placebo/PEG+E group) recorded at least 1 deviation from the study protocol (1 child recorded 2 protocol deviations). Main reason for deviation was non-compliance with study medication (7/51 children), followed by failure to supply sufficient bowel movement data (4/51 children), and taking concomitant non-study laxative medication after randomisation (3/51 children)

Safety monitored by adverse events recording, physical examination findings, and weight changes

Reviewer comments:
Blinding procedures not clearly described
Unclear whether outcomes assessors were also blinded to treatment allocation Study not controlled for potential confounders

Source of funding: Norgine Ltd. One of the authors was an employee of Norgine Ltd. At the time the study was written. The others declared that they had nothing to declare
Farahmand. A randomised trial of liquid paraffin versus lactulose in the treatment of chronic functional constipation in children. 2007. Acta Medica Iranica 45[3], 183-188Iran, Islamic Republic of.Study Type:

Evidence level:

Study aim:
to compare the clinical, efficacy and safety of liquid paraffin and lactulose in the treatment of functional childhood constipation
247 children

Inclusion criteria:
chronic functional constipation

Exclusion criteria:
organic causes for defecation disorders including Hirschsprung's' disease, spina bifida occulta, hypothyroidism, cystic fibrosis, neurological abnormalities, intestinal pseudo-obstruction
247 children 127 male

aged 2 to 12 years old (mean 4.1± 2.1 years)

1 or 2 enemas daily for 2 days to clear any rectal impaction (30 cc/10 kg of paraffin oil)

Liquid paraffin orally, 1 to 2 ml/kg, twice daily for 8 weeks

Lactulose orally, 1 to 2 ml/kg, twice daily for 8 weeks

For determination of best dose for child, parents asked to increase the volume of each drug by 25% every 3 days as required to yield 1 or 2, firm-loose stools
Duration of treatment:
8 weeks

Assessment point (s):
4 and 8 weeks after treatment started

Outcome Measures:

optimal dose of drug


side effects

Optimal dose of drug

Final effective dose (mean, ml/kg/day):

  • Liquid paraffin (n=127)
    1.72 ± 0.13
  • Lactulose (n=120)
    2.08 ± 0.21
Side effects (during 4 to 12 week) (not clear whether, n or %, but probably %) (estimates taken from bar chart, outcomes not reported in text):
Lactulose (n=120)

Abdominal pain: 10
Bad palatability: 15
Pain at defecation: 10
Bloating: 10
Diarrhoea: 10
Anal oil leakage: 20
Flatulence: 10
Nausea: 10
Hard stool: 20
Vomiting: 0

Liquid paraffin (n=127)

Abdominal pain: 50
Bad palatability: 40
Pain at defecation: 50
Bloating: 20
Diarrhoea: 30
Anal oil leakage: 40
Flatulence: 20
Nausea: 5
Hard stool: 6
Vomiting: 0
Additional information from study:
Diagnosis of chronic functional constipation based on having at least 2 of the following symptoms for the last 3 months: <3 bowel movements/week, faecal soiling >once/week, large amounts of stool every 7 to 30 days and palpable abdominal or faecal mass on physical examination

Apart from laxative treatment, parents given instructions to increase their daily fibre intake to an amount of grams equal to their age plus 10. Toilet training after each meal advised to enhance compliance

Treatment success defined as 3 or more bowel movements/week and encopresis episodes < 2/week

No significant baseline differences between the 2 treatment groups regarding: age, sex, duration of constipation, defection frequency, number of patients with history of encopresis, large amount of stool, faecal impaction in rectum, rectal bleeding, lost to follow-up after 8 weeks, bad palatability of study medication

Parents received chart to record side effects

Reviewer comments:
Method of randomisation and allocation concealment not described
Non blinded study
No sample calculation performed
No withdrawals/dropouts reported
Results not controlled for confounders

Source of funding: not stated, but authors reported “no conflicts of interests”
Loening-Baucke. Polyethylene glycol without electrolytes for children with constipation and encopresis. 2002. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 34[4], 372-377United States.Study Type:
Prospective cohort

Evidence level:
2 +

Study aim:
to determine the efficiency, acceptability, and treatment dosage of MiraLax (polyethylene glycol 3350 without electrolytes) during a 12-month treatment period in children with functional constipation and encopresis
49 children

Inclusion criteria:
children ≥4 years of age referred for functional constipation and encopresis Functional constipation defined as delay/difficulty in defecation and encopresis ( ≥1/week) for more than 1 year

Exclusion criteria:
Children <4 years of age; children who refused the toilet for stooling but who had no constipation, Hirschsprung's disease, chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction, or previous surgery of the colon/anus

Miralax group:

28 children

20 boys

Mean age ± SD:

8.7 ± 3.6 years

Range 4.1 to 17.5 years


MOM group:

21 children

17 boys

Mean ± SD:

7.3 ± 3.0 years

Range: 4.0 to 13.9 years

MiraLax 17 dissolved in 240 mL of a beverage such as juice or Kool-Aid initial dose: 0.5 to 1 g/kg/daily

Initial dose 1 to 2.5 mL/kg

Large laxative dosages divided into 2 daily doses. Parents told to adjust the dose of medication by 30 mL for MiraLax and by 7.5 mL (one-half tablespoon) for MOM every 3 days to a dosage that resulted in 1 to 2 soft bowel movements/day and prevented soiling and abdominal pain. If child retained stools despite compliance with assigned laxative, daily senna added to treatment
Duration of treatment:
12 months

Assessment point (s):
1, 3, 6, and 12 months after initiating treatment

Outcome Measures:

medication dosage


clinically significant side effects


compliance with medication

Medication dosage
(Mean doses and range for children who were doing well or improved) (PEG, g/kg; MOM, mL/kg)

1 month
0.6 ± 0.2 (0.3 to 1.1)
1.4 ± 0.6 (0.6 to 2.6)

3 months
0.6 ± 0.3 (0.3 to 1.4 )
1.2 ± 0.5 (0.6 to 2.4)

12 months
0.4 ± 0.1(0.1 to 0.7)
only 2 children still required MOM. Their dosages were 0.4 and 1.6 mL/kg, both less than the initial treatment dosage

mean doses for both treatments at 12 months did not differ significantly between children with or without initial palpable abdominal faecal masses. None of the patients required an increased dosage of either medication over time

5 children received a stimulant laxative in addition to PEG and 1 child received a stimulant laxative in addition to MOM (P > 0.2)

Clinically significant side effects

PEG: no significant clinical side effects. Some children had diarrhoea. None of the children in the PEG group became dehydrated. Children receiving PEG and their parents did not report increased flatus, abdominal distension, or new onset of abdominal pain

Compliance with

PEG: No children reported disliking the taste, no parents reported that child refused to take it in juice or Kool-Aid

Parental noncompliance with administering the laxative and supervising toilet use: 14% children

MOM: 33% children refused to take it Parental noncompliance with administering the laxative and supervising toilet use: 4% children

Additional information from study:
Initial dose of Miralax 0.5 g/kg daily suggested for children whose rectums were loaded with stool but who had no fecal abdominal masses at the initial physical examination and no history of long intervals between huge bowel movements. Those with palpable abdominal fecal masses or history of infrequent huge bowel movements started on 1 g/kg daily

Milk of Magnesia given if family could afford only the use of a cheaper laxative or if child had previously received MOM without refusal. For these children, MOM reintroduced or adjusted to an adequate dosage. Parents told how to improve the taste by mixing the child's preferred flavouring with plain MOM. Initial daily dosage of 1 mL/kg body weight suggested for children with rectal faecal masses only at initial evaluation and if they had no history of infrequent large bowel movements. Dosage of 2.5 mL/kg prescribed for those with faecal abdominal masses at the initial evaluation or history of huge, infrequent bowel movements

Regular stool sittings for 5 minutes after each meal required for initial months.

Patients and parents provided with diary sheets to record each outcome measured

Global assessment of whether child was “doing well,” “improved,” or “not doing well” was recorded. Doing well defined as 3 or more bowel movements/week and 2 or fewer soiling episodes / month. Improved defined as 3 or more bowel movements / week and a more than 75% decrease in soiling but not more than 1 soiling / week. Not doing well was defined as fewer than 3 bowel movements / week, a less than 75% decrease in soiling frequency, use of senna, or refusal to take the assigned laxative. Recovered defined as 3 or more bowel movements / week and 2 or fewer soiling episodes / month while not taking laxatives.

No significant baseline differences between 2 groups

Reviewer comments:
No sample size calculation performed

Outcomes for consistency of stools not reported

Not reporting on the clinically significant side effects (or lack of them) for MOM

Source of funding: Dr. Loening-Baucke recipient of grant support from Braintree Pharmaceuticals, Braintree, MA, U.S.A., for continuing studies on childhood constipation
Loening-Baucke et al. A randomized, prospective, comparison study of polyethylene glycol 3350 without electrolytes and milk of magnesia for children with constipation and fecal incontinence. 2006. Pediatrics 118[2], 528-535Study Type:

Evidence level:

Study aim:
to compare the efficacy, safety and patient acceptance of polyethylene glycol (PEG) 3350 without added electrolytes vs. milk of magnesia (MOM) over 12 months
79 children

Inclusion criteria:
age ≥ 4 years and presence of functional constipation with faecal incontinence

Exclusion criteria:
stool toileting refusal, faecal incontinence but no constipation, previous refusal of one of study medications, children who came from far away for a second opinion, Hirschsprung's disease, chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction, previous surgery involving colon or anus
79 children
65 boys
age range: 4 to 16.2 years (median 7.4; mean 8.1 ± 3.0)

disimpacted with 1 or 2 phosphate enemas in the clinic on the day of the visit , if necessary and started laxative therapy that evening

polyethylene glycol (PEG) 3350 without added electrolytes 0.7 g/kg body weight daily for 12 months

capful of PEG (17 g) mixed in 8 oz of beverage (juice, Kool-Aid, Crystal Light or water) making a solution of ~2g/30 mL

milk of magnesia (MOM) 2mL/kg body weight daily for 12 months

Plain MOM could be mixed into apple sauce or milkshakes, or chocolate and other flavouring could be added

Large doses of both medications could be divided into 2 doses
Duration of treatment:
12 months

Assessment point (s):
1, 3, 6 and 12 months after initiating treatment

Outcome Measures:

safety profile


patient's acceptance and compliance

Patient Acceptance
Several children complained about taste of PEG and MOM.
2 children (5%) continued to refuse PEG vs. 14 children (35%) continued to refuse MOM during the 12 months of the study
(P < 0.001)

Treatment doses (mean ± SD):

PEG (g/kg body weight)

1 month: 0.7 ± 0.2
3 months: 0.6 ± 0.3
additional senna at some point: 3 children

MOM (mL/kg body weight)

1 month: 1.2 ± 0.7
3 months: 1.2 ± 0.8
additional senna at some point: 1 child

Mean doses similar in children who improved and who did not improve for both treatments

safety profiles
PEG: 1 child allergic No other significant clinical effects for either medication, apart from transient diarrhoea disappearing with dose reduction

Laboratory tests:

  • PEG: 1 child with elevated platelets before and after treatment, 1 child with decreased sodium levels at 6 months, but normal at 12 months
  • MOM: 1 child high platelet count, 1 low serum sodium level, elevated AST, 1 elevated ALT
Additional information from study:
Functional constipation defined by duration of ≥ 8 weeks and ≥ 2 of the following: frequency of bowel movements <3 stools/week, >1 episode of faecal incontinence/week, large stools noted in rectum or felt during abdominal examination, passing of stools so large that they obstructed the toilet

Randomisation performed by children drawing a sealed envelope with and enclosed assignment

Investigators, children and their parents aware of the study group assignment

It was estimated that 38 subjects were required in each group to be able to detect a difference in failure rates between the 2 groups of 30% in 12 months (40% vs. 10%), at the 0.05 significance level with 0.80 power. Authors hypothesized that PEG would be as successful as MOM in treating chronic constipation and faecal incontinence. Authors' previous study showed that 33% of children refused to take MOM during the first 12 months of treatment.

Children treated with minimal effective dosage of PEG or MOM, allowing for a daily stool and preventing abdominal pain and faecal incontinence. Parents instructed to aim for 1 or 2 stools of milkshake consistency each day. Parents asked to increase dosage if stools too hard or not frequent enough and to decrease the dosage if stools watery or too numerous. Small changes, such as 2 oz of PEG or 0.5 tbsp of MOM every 3 days, were recommended. Regular stool sittings for 5 minutes after each meal required initially. Toilet sitting frequency reduced after children recognized urge to defecate and initiated toilet use themselves.

No significant differences at baseline between the 2 groups regarding: age, sex, primary faecal incontinence, previous treatment with laxatives, history of retentive posturing, frequency of bowel movements, bowel movements obstructing the toilet, frequency of faecal incontinence, presence of abdominal pain, presence of abdominal faecal mass and presence of rectal faecal mass

By 12 months a total of 27 dropouts/lost to follow-up. PEG: 2 children lost to follow-up monitoring, 2 (5%) had refused PEG, 1 child allergic to PEG, 2 children were receiving senna. These 7 children counted as not improved and not recovered. MOM: 2
Children lost to follow-up monitoring, 3 children had discontinued study participation, 14 children (35%) had refused to take MOM, and 1 child was receiving senna

Efficacy analyses performed with intention to treat population, other outcomes calculated from available follow-up data

Patients and parents questioned with respect to side effects during each visit

Reviewer comments:
Results not controlled for potential confounders
High drop-out / lost to follow-up rate: 30.4%

Source of funding: Braintree Laboratories (Braintree, MA) supported study with an unrestricted research grant. According to authors, the funding source had no involvement in the study design, collection, analysis, interpretation of data, writing of the report or decision to submit the article for publication
Adler. Effective Treatment of Constipation and Encopresis with Movicol (Macrogol 3350 with Electrolytes) in Children and Adolescents. 2005. Gut 54[Suppl VII], A217 Adler, 2005Study Type:
Prospective Case series

Evidence level:

Study aim:
to assess the effectiveness of Movicol (macrogol 3350 with electrolytes), over the course of long term treatment in children with constipation
134 patients

Inclusion criteria:
children referred with constipation and/or encopresis to The Queen Silvia Children's Hospital, Sweden

Exclusion criteria:
Not stated
134 patients 88 males age not clearly reported

Movicol (macrogol 3350 with electrolytes,13.8g sachets )

Mean starting dose:

  • Age 2 to 6: 0.58 sachets
  • Age 7 to 11: 0.51 sachets
Doses adjusted in each patient to achieve symptom relief with the minimally effective dosage

Duration of treatment:
Mean: 50 weeks (SD ±50 weeks; range 1 to 211 weeks)

Assessment point (s):

Outcome Measures:

final treatment dose


side effects

Mean dose at end of observational period

Age 2 to 6: 0.42 sachets

Age 7 to 11: 0.49 sachets

overall mean change: 0.553 to 0.477 sachets/day

Side-effects were reported in 10 (7.5%) patients and these were generally mild and transient
Reviewer's' comments
It is difficult to assess the quality criteria and to make comments on this study because we have only been able to review the abstract. This abstract was included because it provides some evidence on long-term treatment with Movicol

Source of funding: Not stated

From: Appendix J, Evidence tables

Cover of Constipation in Children and Young People
Constipation in Children and Young People: Diagnosis and Management of Idiopathic Childhood Constipation in Primary and Secondary Care.
NICE Clinical Guidelines, No. 99.
National Collaborating Centre for Women's and Children's Health (UK).
London: RCOG Press; 2010.
Copyright © 2010, National Collaborating Centre for Women's and Children's Health.

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