Q.1 What would help you to tell your doctor or nurse about your constipation?

Respondent No.Responses
1A DVD explaining the problems and treatments.
2Write them a letter.
3a) To make it more open e.g. school nurses and teachers talking about the subject. b) No embarrassment around the subject.
4a) Diagrams b) Books c) Pictures d) CDs
5Talking and diagrams.
6My pain passport means I don't have to talk to people.
7That it is where your bowels tighten up and it is hard to go to the toilet.
8That it sometimes hurts when I poo and my tummy is bunged up.
9a) Diagrams b) CDs
10Is there any other medication that he could take.
11Pictures to point at instead.
1212. a) Friendly, relaxed manner. b) Talking in layman's terms and not ‘medic’ speak. c) Empathy and understanding.
13Nice easy to talk to doctors and nurses who you can explain things to frankly.
14Liam has a problem with pooing but he only has sloppy poos and never hard stools.
15Maybe pictures, drawings etc.
1616. a) Approachable staff, b) Maybe a questionnaire before seeing the doctor (sent out with appointments, filled in at time by child/parent, may then include things that are embarrassed to say or forget to say.
17If the subject was easier to talk about or there were drop-in clinics for incontinence matters available to parents or older children.
22Only seen by Dr M x2 per year – would like more frequent access to advice from approachable professionals
23Feel at ease in clinical setting
25Picture chart
26Telling them I squat, telling them who is bullying me
27It would help if Liam didn't feel uncomfortable talking about it because he gets upset
28Charts, a constipation diary.
29A tape recorder at home to make comments on. Likes the poo chart to explain what kind of poo he is doing.
30To know what they are talking about and if I know more about the bowel problem.
31It helps to have the Bristol Stool Form Scale. I find this is an easy way to describe the poo problems.
32If they were kind and they were female.
33Friendly staff.
34To see a doctor or nurse at a time when not playing or watching TV. Appointments at weekend or in hospital.
35May be a leaflet given to parents in the information given by Health Visitor or even in the information given at birth. The leaflet, to describe a few symptoms and to encourage you as a parent to talk about any concerns or views regarding any poo problems. You tend to keep it quiet or think you are failing as a parent with potty training and if it is your first child what is normal?
36It would help if the doctors were nice and friendly.

From: Appendix F, Involving children in guideline development

Cover of Constipation in Children and Young People
Constipation in Children and Young People: Diagnosis and Management of Idiopathic Childhood Constipation in Primary and Secondary Care.
NICE Clinical Guidelines, No. 99.
National Collaborating Centre for Women's and Children's Health (UK).
London: RCOG Press; 2010.
Copyright © 2010, National Collaborating Centre for Women's and Children's Health.

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