Table 1MEDLINE search strategy (adapted for individual databases)

1 exp INFANT/
2 infant?.tw.
3 (newborn$ or neonate$).tw.
4 (baby or babies).tw.
5 exp Child/
6 (child? or children?).tw.
8 (adolescen$ or teenager$).tw.
9 or/1–8
11 constipat$.tw.
12 ((difficult$ or delay$ or irregular$ or infrequen$ or pain$) adj3 (defecat$ or stool$ or faeces or feces or bowel movement$)).tw.
13 Fecal Impaction/
14 ((feces or faeces or fecal or faecal) adj3 (impaction or impacted)).tw.
15 (f?ecalith? or coprolith? or stercolith?).tw.
18 Fecal incontinence/
19 Encopresis/
20 (f?ecal incontinence or soiling or encopresis).tw.
21 Megacolon/
22 (megacolon or megarectum).tw.
23 or/10–22
24 and/9,23
25 (2009072$ or 200908$ or 200909$ or 20091$ or 2010$ or 2011$ or 2012$).dc.
26 24 and 25
27 limit 26 to english language

From: Constipation in children and young people

Cover of Constipation in children and young people
Constipation in children and young people: Evidence Update June 2012: A summary of selected new evidence relevant to NICE clinical guideline 99 ‘Diagnosis and management of idiopathic childhood constipation in primary and secondary care’ (2010) [Internet].
Evidence Update, No. 20.
Copyright © National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence, 2012.

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