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Database Division

BLAST Databases


FASTA Databases

at EBI

Location of "Finished" HTG records

BCT Bacterial

nr1, month

emall, emnew, ebact


PRO Prokaryotic


emall, emnew, epro


FUN Fungal


emall, emnew, efun


HUM Human


emall, emnew, ehum

H. sapiens (EMBL)

PRI Primate

nr, month


H. sapiens (GenBank)

ROD Rodent

nr, month

emall, emnew, erod


MAM Other mammalian

nr, month

emall, emnew, emam


VRT Other vertebrate

nr, month

emall, emnew, evrt


INV Invertebrate

nr, month

emall, emnew, einv

C. elegans & D. melanogaster

PLN Plant

nr2, month

emall, emnew, epln

A. thaliana

ORG Organelle


emall, emnew, eorg


VRL Viral

nr, month

emall, emnew, evrl


PHG Phage

nr, month

emall, emnew, ephg


RNA Structural RNA

nr, month

emall, emnew, erna


SYN Synthetic/chimeric

nr, month

emall, emnew, esyn


UNA Unannotated

nr, month

emall, emnew, euna


EST Expressed sequence tags

dbest3, month



STS Sequence tagged sites

dbsts, month



GSS Genome survey

dbgss, month

emall, emnew


HTG High throughput genomic

htgs, month

emall, emnew

Includes all "unfinished" HTG

PAT Patent

nr, month

emall, emnew, epat


1 NCBI offers "ecoli" as a separate BLAST database for queries against Escherichia coli genome and protein sequences.

2 NCBI offers "yeast" as a separate BLAST database for queries against the Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome and protein sequences.

3 NCBI plans to split dbest into three files of "human only", "mouse only", and all "non-human, non-mouse" ESTs.

Abbreviations: month, a rolling month database consisting of nucleotide or protein sequences added to nr in the last 28 days; nr, a "non-redundant" nucleotide (or protein) database of all sequences excluding ESTs, STSs, GSSs and HTGs; emnew, new EMBL entries since latest release; emall, all EMBL entries, latest release + new (Other FASTA database acronyms are derived from the EMBL division to which they correspond).

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Last updated: 2017-11-09T23:46:53Z