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Using bedtools with dbVar GVF and VCF ftp files 

GVF and VCF formatted data for dbVar can be found in the dbVar FTP Manifest.  Download the *.vcf.gz file or the corresponding *.gvf.gz file as needed.   

Note: dbVar does not provide support for bedtools installation.  Please follow the bedtools software provider installation instructions for your specific system.

Download gvf files from dbVar FTP: 



Decompress files using gunzip: 

gunzip estd214.GRCh38.variant_region.gvf.gz

gunzip nstd102.GRCh38.variant_region.gvf.gz

Command line example bedtools query: 

bedtools intersect -a estd214.GRCh38.variant_region.gvf -b nstd102.GRCh38.variant_region.gvf > estd214_nstd102_GRCh38.var.intersect.gvf

On the command line use 'bedtools -h' for a complete list of bedtools sub-commands. Use 'bedtools sub-command -h' for Summary, Usage, Options, and notes on the bedtools sub-command.

Information on bedtools: http://bedtools.readthedocs.org/en/latest/

bedtools is also available on GitHub: https://github.com/arq5x/bedtools2

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Last updated: 2019-07-26T17:40:24Z