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Naughton F, Hope A, Siegele-Brown C, et al. A smoking cessation smartphone app that delivers real-time ‘context aware’ behavioural support: the Quit Sense feasibility RCT. Southampton (UK): National Institute for Health and Care Research; 2024 Apr. (Public Health Research, No. 12.04.)

Cover of A smoking cessation smartphone app that delivers real-time ‘context aware’ behavioural support: the Quit Sense feasibility RCT

A smoking cessation smartphone app that delivers real-time ‘context aware’ behavioural support: the Quit Sense feasibility RCT.

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Appendix 5Interview topic guide

Introduction/preamble to interviews

  • Introduce myself
  • Calling to get feedback on Quit Sense study. We really want to know about people’s experiences of this research so that this can be factored in when we design and run a much larger trial in future. Stress that there are no right or wrong answers and how important their feedback is
  • Check aware that call will be recorded > that it will be written up, that personally identifying details (e.g. names, places) will be removed from the written version and the recording will then be deleted
  • The call around half an hour but can be stopped at any point
  • Reaffirm verbal consent.


*Prompts are in blue.

INTERVENTION ARM (Quit Sense + SmokeFree website)


Overall, how have you found using the Quit Sense app? *Has it met your expectations? Have you used the app as much as you thought you would? Why? Has that changed since you first installed it? [Probe for specific examples, e.g. if not met expectations, can you say how? If a feature is liked, which feature, and can you give an example of how you used it or what you liked about it? Also probe for technical issues (installing, running, updates, etc).]



How have you found reporting smoking using the app? *Did you use this as a tool for yourself? Were you honest? Did you feel like you were being checked up on? Is it easier to report in some places or at some times than at others? When reporting smoking are there any situations that are missing/hard to categorise?



What are your thoughts on the messages the app sends you? *Do you feel the messages delivered during your quit attempt (if you’ve made one) have been appropriate for where you have been spending your time? Ask for an example. Are there any situations where messages have been particularly helpful/unhelpful? Ask for example. Why is that? Any differences pre-quit + post quit. * Did you rate the messages? If no, why not?



Which strategies suggested by the app (if any) did you use? *Were there any app strategies which you found particularly helpful/unhelpful with managing cravings to smoke?


Have you used any quit smoking aids or other support since you started this study? In previous quit attempts? *If no – are you interested in using any? What have you used/tried? Examples – e-cigarettes, other cessation apps, other health and well-being apps and the NHS website



Did you complete the end of day surveys? What did you think of these? *For example, in terms of timing and convenience. Any situations missing?

MY (PROFILE relevant IF they did the end of day surveys)


Did you view the My Profile feature? What did you think of it? *When did you look at it and why? Anything that could be added or improved?


Have you viewed the My Smoking Patterns feature? What did you think of it? *Did this tell you anything you didn’t already know about the things that make you want to smoke (e.g. places, moods, people, whether being aware made a difference to quit attempt). Example? *Have you noticed any changes to your triggers for wanting to smoke (i.e. cravings changed during the study)?



Have you smoked at all (even a puff) during your quit attempt? If yes, what effect did it have on your quit attempt? *Did this affect your confidence in being able to quit, did you report this on the app and, if so, was the app helpful? (>ASK ONLY IF FULLY RELAPSED > If you make another quit attempt in future would you use Quit Sense again?)

OVERALL APP (time allowing)


What one aspect did you most like about the app?


If you had to change one aspect of the app, what would it be and why?



How have you found being part of this study so far? *Is it what you expected? Anything you think could be changed to improve your experience?

*It is possible to provide study feedback using the audio-record function of the app. Have you seen/used this feature? How did you/would you feel about leaving recorded feedback?

CURRENT CONTEXT (time allowing)


Has your personal situation changed as a result of the coronavirus pandemic (probe, e.g. working from home)?


Do you feel that the pandemic situation has impacted your smoking behaviour? Probe: more/less/different contexts of smoking? Aware of media reports around smoking and C19?


How have you found using the app during the pandemic situation? Probe: more helpful than it might have been, or less helpful than it might have been, messages tailored to situation or less relevant?

USUAL CARE ARM (SmokeFree website only)

INTRO along lines of > We are planning on doing a larger study in the future and we would therefore find your feedback on this study very helpful.


How have you found being part of this study so far? *Is it what you expected? Any suggestions on ways to improve the experience of participants?


Do you recall which group are you in (the app or SmokeFree only)? *How did you feel about being allocated to that group? Probe for awareness and understanding of randomisation. (Ask about ways to improve experience if people unhappy about allocation.)


How did you decide whether to take part? *For example, did you talk to anyone about it, download the participant information sheet (PIS), did you enrol right away or return later?


What has helped you to remain motivated to stay involved in the study? *For example, follow-up calls, incentives, postcard. Have you felt as involved in the study as you would like to be? If not, is there anything we could do to make you feel more involved?


Am I right in thinking that you found about this study through seeing an online advertisement? What did you think about the ad? *Any concerns about following the link?


What did you think about the study website? *For example, was it easy to use and understand? Could you easily find all the information you wanted about taking part?


What did you think about the questionnaires? *Baseline and 6-week. Length, content, functionality on mobile/computer, time taken.


What about the text messages you’ve received about the study? Have communications been too frequent, too few or about right? *Or follow-up phone calls?


Since starting this study, have you tried out any strategies to help you to stop smoking?


Have you used any quit smoking support? For example, apps, medicines, self-help. *Have you looked at/used the NHS SmokeFree website?


Do you have any other comments or suggestions? Anything you would like to ask us?

CURRENT CONTEXT (time allowing)


Has your personal situation changed as a result of the coronavirus pandemic (probe, e.g. working from home)?


Do you feel that the pandemic situation has impacted your smoking behaviour? Probe: more/less/different contexts of smoking? Aware of media reports around smoking and C19?

Copyright © 2024 Naughton et al.

This work was produced by Naughton et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care. This is an Open Access publication distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 4.0 licence, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, reproduction and adaptation in any medium and for any purpose provided that it is properly attributed. See: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/. For attribution the title, original author(s), the publication source – NIHR Journals Library, and the DOI of the publication must be cited.

Bookshelf ID: NBK603169


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