Figure 3. Three distinct pathways for retroviral assembly.

Figure 3

Three distinct pathways for retroviral assembly. C-type viruses and lentiviruses appear to assemble the internal structures of their particles concurrently with envelopment at the plasma membrane. IAPs are similar except that they bud exclusively into internal membranes. In contrast, D-type and B-type viruses assemble immature particles in the cytoplasm prior to envelopment at the plasma membrane. Spumaviruses, such as HFV, also assemble immature proteins in the cytoplasm but do not undergo an obvious maturation step after budding.

From: Overview of Retroviral Assembly

Cover of Retroviruses
Coffin JM, Hughes SH, Varmus HE, editors.
Cold Spring Harbor (NY): Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; 1997.
Copyright © 1997, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press.

NCBI Bookshelf. A service of the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.