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Cover of Using a Bayesian Approach to Predict Patients' Health and Response to Treatment

Using a Bayesian Approach to Predict Patients' Health and Response to Treatment

, PhD, , PhD, , PhD, , MD, PhD, , MD, , MD, , PhD, , DHA, , PhD, , PhD, , PhD, , MSE, and , MBA.

Author Information and Affiliations


The PCORI mission is to address questions about health care from the patients' perspective, such as “What is my health status and its trajectory?” and “What are my treatment options and the expected benefits and harms of each?” The purpose of this PCORI-funded project is to make it easier for clinicians and patients to find valid answers to these and other clinical questions by using modern digital tools that support (1) learning from the experience of prior patients, and (2) translating what is learned to inform the decision at hand, taking into account each patient's unique circumstances. For this project, we developed and implemented statistical methods called bayesian hierarchical models that combine existing data on past clinical experience from a reference population with new measurements for the individual. Clinicians currently use such methods when screening patients for disease. Modern technologies make it possible for this proven approach to extend far beyond its current use. The recent revolution in information technology has unleashed new types of health data, from DNA sequences to functional images of the brain to patient-reported outcomes. Furthermore, the electronic health record captures every patient's sequence of health measurements, diagnoses, and treatments. The bayesian methods developed and reported on here combine even complex data to produce predictions about an individual patient's health status, trajectory, and likely benefits and harms of interventions.

In addition to developing novel methods, we facilitated their use by creating and locally disseminating a software package, OSLER inHealth, that will allow other researchers to apply this methodology. The software repository is open-source and includes the methodology developed as part of this research as well as other existing methods that facilitate individualized health prediction.

We have tested the proposed methods and software on 3 case studies to (1) estimate the frequency with which various pathogens cause children's pneumonia and predict which pathogen is likely to be causing a particular child's pneumonia given her or his clinical data, potentially reducing unnecessary use of antibiotics; (2) infer whether a prostate cancer is indolent or aggressive for a patient under active surveillance; and (3) characterize the variation in multiple, time-varying symptoms of major mental disorders, including schizophrenia and depression, and then use this knowledge to provide patient-specific estimates of past and, likely, future trajectories.

With this project, we have developed and demonstrated the value of combining even complex measurements on a population of patients, then translating this experience into more valid assessments of a new patient's health status and trajectory. The model also supports inferences about the likely benefits and harms associated with available interventions.


The electronic health record (EHR) now captures more information about patients' characteristics and changes in health over time.1-3 Fuller use of these data could improve diagnostic accuracy and prediction of treatment effects, but standard approaches for analyzing clinical data are not adequate for this purpose. To make the best use of newly available data, statistical methods must account for longitudinal data, informative sampling and missing data, heterogeneous treatment effects, and the need to combine expert knowledge with empirical knowledge.

Our work focuses on developing and implementing more powerful and flexible statistical frameworks and software that can generate more accurate information that can be incorporated into tools to help patients and clinicians make better decisions. Specifically, we designed and implemented bayesian hierarchical models for diverse types of emerging longitudinal data to answer patient-centered research questions. We use hierarchical (or “multilevel”) statistical models as a basic framework because they can address each of the complexities that arise with the EHR data.

The main innovation of this research was to design and implement bayesian hierarchical models for diverse types of emerging longitudinal data to answer patient-centered research questions. We use hierarchical (or “multilevel”) statistical models as a basic framework because they represent levels of variation, for example, time within an individual within a population, and produce point and interval predictions for individuals.4,5,6,7,8,-9 A bayesian approach is used for 2 reasons: (1) to explicitly include prior medical knowledge about treatment effects or other parameters using prior distributions, and (2) to communicate findings in terms of probabilities that clinicians are accustomed to using. Three case studies on pneumonia etiology in children, prostate cancer, and major mental disorders, respectively, were chosen to provide different challenges to the model development.

The specific aims of this research are as follows:

  1. To develop a bayesian hierarchical model for possibly multivariate longitudinal data that predict the health status, trajectory, and likely intervention effects for each member of a clinical population. The modeling approach comprises the following components: the effects of exogenous (eg, age, clinical history) and endogenous (eg, current treatment) variables on the individual's health status; multivariate health measurements from which health status can reasonably be inferred; the effects of health measurements at one time on subsequent interventions; and the embedding of the individual within a reference clinical population of persons with similar values for measured covariates.
  2. To build, test, and refine the model in 3 case studies representing diverse clinical challenges: (1) predicting the probable causes for childhood pneumonia; (2) diagnosing and evaluating treatments of prostate disease; and (3) quantifying the sources of variation in patient-reported measures of major mental disorders, including depression and schizophrenia; and to create preliminary designs of decision-support tools for each clinical application in collaboration with the area-specific stakeholder.
  3. To implement the statistical methods in open-source R-packages in a repository named Open-Source Learning Environment for Research on Individualized Health (OSLER inHealth). In this proof-of-concept study, we developed and implemented novel statistical models that address key PCORI questions. The next key steps are to scale these and other similar tools to larger and more diverse populations in which they can be systematically evaluated and then used to improve health outcomes at more affordable costs.

Patient and Stakeholder Engagement

This project included several clinical stakeholders to ensure it was focused appropriately on patients and clinicians. Each of the 3 case studies included 1 or more clinical stakeholders as a member of the research team: Dr Kate O'Brien for children's pneumonia; Drs Todd Fojo and Peter Zandi for mental disorders; and Dr Bal Carter for prostate cancer. We also included Dr Mary Cooke, vice president of Johns Hopkins HealthCare to represent administrative leadership at Johns Hopkins Medicine (JHM), an early consumer of the tools developed. Dr Cooke leads JHM health plans with approximately 40 000 members and is charged with improving the design of health care for all of the 500 000 covered lives.

Each stakeholder was involved in the planning and execution of this research program. During the study, the stakeholders provided their expert knowledge about the disease and measurement processes and also shared their clinical data. They participated in the specification and refinement of the model. In addition, 3 patients with prostate cancer participated in semiannual meetings to review design plans and early versions for our decision-support tool. The clinician stakeholders met with the study team in person at least once per month or more frequently when needed.

As part of the organizational structure of the study, an OSLER inHealth Steering Committee provided guidance to the study team about the software issues. The committee was chaired by Dr Vince Carey; members of the committee included Dr Martin Morgan (current leader of the Bioconductor software project, senior staff scientist, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center); Dr Francesca Dominici (professor of biostatistics, vice senior associate dean for Research, Harvard School of Public Health); Dr Roger Peng (associate professor of biostatistics, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health); and Dr Patrick Heagerty (professor and chair, Department of Biostatistics, University of Washington). The Steering Committee met at least once per year via teleconference or internet meetings or in person.


Research Design

Hierarchical Statistical Models

For this project, we developed and applied bayesian hierarchical statistical models with 2 levels—time within person and persons within population—to represent the key components necessary to learn about the level and trajectory of a disease and to make well-informed health decisions.10 The following components were included.

Health status

In most problems, an individual's true health status (call it η) cannot be precisely measured but is instead reflected in clinical measurements, Y. For example, pathogens infecting a child's lung cannot be directly observed, so their presence or absence in samples from the nose and throat is observed instead. The conditional distribution of these observations, given the actual health status (here, lung infection), is the first component of our model.

Mechanistic effects of covariates and interventions on health status

Effects of covariates (X, exogenous; R, endogenous) on health status is the second component. We use standard generalized linear models to describe the conditional distribution of the health status given the individual's covariate values at each time. We allow these covariate effects to vary across individuals to account for heterogeneous treatment effects. A special case is to assume that more homogeneous subgroups of people exist and that interventions can be tailored to the characteristics of the subgroup. Our combined scientific and clinical goal is to define “clinically relevant and mechanistically anchored” subgroups.11

Treatment decisions with feedback

To learn about the efficacy and safety of an intervention, the third component of the model is a regression of the intervention assignment process on previous health measures. For example, in the mental disorders case study, one might anticipate that the choice of therapy depends on previous measurements of depressive symptoms.

Embedding the individual within a reference population

The final component of our model is a second level that describes the variation in the individual-specific model terms across the population.

Case Studies Dictate Model Development

As listed in Table 1, the 3 case studies on pneumonia etiology in children, prostate cancer, and major mental disorders were chosen to provide different challenges to the model development. For each case study, we specified and computed an initial model and worked with the stakeholder to refine it.

Table 1. Applications of Bayesian Hierarchical Model for Individualized Health to 3 Case Studies.

Table 1

Applications of Bayesian Hierarchical Model for Individualized Health to 3 Case Studies.

When this project began, Johns Hopkins EHR data could not be readily accessed for research. Therefore, another criterion for the case studies is that the data were ready for modeling.

Model Specification

The framework in Figures 1 and 2 is general. We implement the model using the following additional specifications.

Figure 1. Graphical Representation of Person-Time Levels of Bayesian Hierarchical Model for Individualizing Health Showing State Trajectory (η) for a Single Individual (i).

Figure 1

Graphical Representation of Person-Time Levels of Bayesian Hierarchical Model for Individualizing Health Showing State Trajectory (η) for a Single Individual (i).

Figure 2. Graphical Representation of a Population (n = 4) Showing the Population Level in Which the Individual Specific Parameters Are Assumed to be Independent Realizations From a Distribution (β, θ, φ, η | X).

Figure 2

Graphical Representation of a Population (n = 4) Showing the Population Level in Which the Individual Specific Parameters Are Assumed to be Independent Realizations From a Distribution (β, θ, φ, η | X).


We have narrowed the focus of this project to discrete, rather than continuous, time. By discrete time, we mean daily, monthly, or annual measures; continuous time allows measures anywhere. There are 2 main reasons for this decision. First, continuous time processes are tractable mainly for Gaussian processes, whereas continuous covariance functions are natural. Continuous-time models do not easily accommodate non-Gaussian outcomes such as categorical, count, or repeated event times, which are common in medical research. Second, most continuous-time models can be closely approximated by a discrete time.

Health status

We allow the latent health status to be represented by multiple variables that can be a mixture of discrete and continuous variables.12,13


We assume that the measured health outcomes (Ys), given the true underlying health status (η) are distributed according to the exponential family of distributions (including Gaussian, binomial, Poisson, γ, and others). Where measurement error may depend on external covariates, generalized linear models are used.

Missing data

This model naturally handles missing data by treating them in the same way as other latent variables. At each iteration of the estimation algorithm, the missing values are randomly imputed. The full data set is then used to simulate parameters and latent variables. Conditioned on the model, the inferences are not substantially affected by missing data unless the unobserved value is what caused the missingness (“nonignorable missingness”).14

Plug-and-play extensibility

A feature of this hierarchical model design is the possible use of conditional independence of components. This allows the modeler to change parts of the model while leaving the rest intact. For example, one health status measurement model can be substituted for another without changing the rest of the structure.

Model Computation

Given the dramatic advances in bayesian computing packages, such as JAGS (http://mcmc-jags.sourceforge.net/) and Stan (https://mc-stan.org/), we changed our plans to implement our longitudinal models in R using the existing computational software rather than writing original software.

Model Deliverables

This section briefly summarizes the key outputs from the bayesian hierarchical model we developed. The inputs are the predictor variables (X and R), health outcome measurements (Y), a prior distribution for the unknown health status (η), and the model structure that ties the observations to the unknowns. The major outputs are listed in the following paragraphs and illustrated in more detail for each of the 3 case studies.

Predictions of individual's health status

The model produces an estimate of the posterior distribution of the health status ηit for individual i at every time t. For example, in the pneumonia etiology case study, the model produces the probability that the lung infection is caused by each of the candidate pathogens given the observed measurements and the estimated population pathogen frequencies.

Predictions of individual's health trajectory

The model produces an estimate of the posterior distribution of the trend in health status for each value of the predictor variables that can include the treatment. For instance, in the major mental disorders example, the model calculates the risk for a particular patient's depression to worsen (negative slope) based on his history of Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) scores and covariates.

Estimates of treatment effects

The model produces an estimate of the marginal distribution of the regression coefficients; each coefficient measures how the outcome, health status, is associated with its predictor variable (R, X). For example, if health status is a binary latent variable representing presence or absence of a disease and R is an indicator of whether the patient has received intervention B rather than alternative A, then, a model output is the estimated posterior distribution for the relative risk of disease for a person receiving B as compared with another person with the same X value receiving A. The assumptions required to interpret this quantity as a causal effect are well known.15-18

Measuring heterogeneity of treatment effects and predictions of individual treatment effects

This modeling approach naturally accommodates heterogeneity of intervention effects through both fixed and random effects. As with any regression, the user can include interactions between exogenous covariates (X), for example, genetic markers, and the intervention indicator variables (R). Here, the regression coefficients for the interaction terms estimate the differences in intervention effects across the levels of the interacting variables. In addition, this hierarchical model includes a distribution of intervention effects across the population. With substantial amounts of information for each individual or with prior knowledge about the variance of the intervention effect coefficients across the population, the model produces the posterior distribution for an individual's treatment effect under each intervention.

Model Refinement

Sensitivity analyses

For a statistical model to be relied upon by clinician scientists and practitioners, these users must develop an understanding of its main ideas. Trust was built by making the practitioners full partners in the design of the models. In addition, “kicking tires,” (ie, repeated testing of the sensitivity of results to varying assumptions and data) was used. Our design of software has attempted to make this easier for statistical users.

Testing with stakeholders

In each case study, we met approximately weekly with our clinical colleagues and their staff. Part of each meeting was dedicated to sensitivity analyses to improve the model performance and clinical utility.

Model Evaluation

Statistical evaluation

Each model was evaluated in 2 ways. First, we used 10-fold cross-validation to estimate the accuracy and precision of the predictors relative to competitors. The second method was to simulate data sets from a known distribution like the one estimated from the case study data and to calculate the statistical performance (ie, bias, variance, mean squared error) of the model.

Clinical evaluation

The refinement process we have described included a qualitative user evaluation of whether a tool was ready to test clinically. It was beyond the scope of this project to complete this clinical evaluation that, in the future, will include 2 phases. In phase 1, we will use the tool with a representative sample of clinicians and patients, then administer a questionnaire to measure their opinions about the value added or subtracted by its use. In phase 2, we will randomly assign clinicians and patients to use the tool or not and measure clinical end points. For example, in the prostate cancer trial, we would hypothesize that our decision-support tool would reduce the number of prostatectomies that remove indolent tumors without increasing the rate of metastases.

Case Studies

The general model was tailored to address clinical research questions within the 3 collaborations: childhood pneumonia, prostate cancer, and major mental disorders, listed in order of their maturity (most to least) in Table 1. In the following sections, we discuss each in more detail, illustrating the scientific problem, how the general model applies, and what clinical outcomes are anticipated.

Childhood Pneumonia Case Study: Collaboration With Pneumonia Etiology Research for Child Health Study

The Pneumonia Etiology Research for Child Health (PERCH) study, initiated in 2009, is a large, multinational, case-control study of severe pneumonia in hospitalized children aged <5 years. Seven PERCH sites from South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa have been selected for the study because they represent areas where most of the severe pneumonia cases in children occurred in 2015 and where key interventions are already in place.19 Kate O'Brien, PERCH principal investigator (PI), was a funded stakeholder on this project. To improve on previous laboratory techniques that have remained largely unchanged for more than a century, her team is applying modern diagnostic tools and standardized methods in the hope of contributing to new, precise information about the cause of each pneumonia case and, ultimately, to guide the development of new vaccines and treatments.

Scientific background and study aims

Pneumonia is the leading cause of global childhood deaths, accounting for almost 1 in 5 childhood deaths in 2010.20,21 Pneumonia is a syndrome associated with infection of the lung tissue, which can be caused by microorganisms of >30 different species, including bacteria, viruses, mycobacteria, and fungi, among which only a few are likely to have infected each patient by the time of hospitalization.22 Knowing which pathogen has caused a pneumonia case is crucial for choosing effective treatment. For example, antibiotics are ineffective for treating viral infections. The strategy for direct pneumonia treatment and prevention efforts is also complicated by various epidemiologic and microbiologic factors.19

In the PERCH study, approximately 5000 cases and 5000 control participants were enrolled and specimens from both groups were tested by a comprehensive array of laboratory measurements with differing precisions.23 These specimens are collected from the lungs and peripheral body fluids, including the blood, nasopharyngeal (NP) cavity, pleural fluids, and induced sputum. Direct sampling from the lungs (lung aspirates) of patients serves as a “gold standard” measurement of the pathogens in the lung; that is, the test has nearly perfect specificity and sensitivity. Culturing bacteria from blood samples gives a “silver standard” measurement assumed to be perfectly specific but imperfectly sensitive. Obtaining lung aspirate samples is painful for the patient and uncommon in resource-limited settings, so only some case patients in the PERCH study had these collected in response to clinical needs, whereas all case patients had blood samples collected. Finally, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) evaluation of bacteria and viruses from NP samples are a “bronze standard” because they have imperfect sensitivity and specificity. NP samples were taken from all case and control participants and tested by PCR.

Our research addressed 2 biomedical questions:

  1. What is the frequency with which each pathogen on a prespecified list causes clinical pneumonia in the population of infected children?
  2. What is the probability that a child with clinical pneumonia has ≥1 particular pathogens infecting the lung given the child's specimen measurements and other characteristics like age and disease severity?

We developed original methods called partial latent class models (PLCMs) and nested versions (nPLCMs) that can estimate the etiology of any disease from multiple types of measurements, regress the etiology distribution on covariates, and produce a patient-specific probability distribution for each potential cause.

Prostate Cancer Case Study: Collaboration With Brady Institute of Urology

Through our collaboration with stakeholder Dr H. Ballentine Carter, the director of Adult Urology at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and PI of the Active Surveillance Program within the Department of Urology, we have access to longitudinal data on 1300 men who elected to follow active surveillance upon receiving their initial prostate cancer diagnosis.24,25

Scientific background and aims

Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed nonskin cancer in men in the United States and has a lifetime risk of diagnosis of 15% and lifetime risk of death of 2.7%.26 Upon diagnosis, early curative treatment with surgery, radiation, or androgen deprivation therapy is common.27 In particular, nearly half of men with biopsy-detected localized prostate cancer receive prostatectomy, whereas only 6.8% choose surveillance.28 Curative interventions can be physically, emotionally, and financially taxing for patients. In particular, 1-month mortality after surgery is as high as 0.5%, and at least 20% to 30% of men experience urinary incontinence and/or erectile dysfunction after surgery or radiotherapy.29,30

There is also evidence that treatment is not always proportionate to risk; patterns of both overtreatment of low-risk disease and undertreatment of high-risk disease have been identified.28 To this point, the risks and benefits of treatment vary for patients depending on the severity of their cancer. Specifically, men whose cancer would never become symptomatic have no potential to benefit from treatment.

Despite the risks associated with overtreatment, patients and doctors may often choose early treatment because of uncertainty in the initial diagnosis and, more specifically, the inability of existing biopsy techniques to distinguish with certainty between cancers that will remain indolent and those that are, or will become, life-threatening. Prostate biopsy specimens are only informative about the biopsied tissue; features of nonbiopsied tissues, such as regional lymph nodes, remain unobserved. As a result, doctors and patients must make treatment decisions in the face of this uncertainty.

Active surveillance with curative intent offers an alternative to early treatment for individuals with lower-risk disease detected.25,31-35 Though active surveillance regimens vary, the approach generally entails regular biopsies (eg, annually) with curative intervention recommended on disease reclassification. Although a primary concern for active surveillance is the potential for delaying life-saving treatment, a low risk of prostate cancer–specific mortality has been observed in several active surveillance studies. Correctly identifying patients at low risk and who, therefore, would benefit from active surveillance could reduce overtreatment, thus reducing the risk of complications and adverse effects from treatment, as well as financial burden, for patients.

In this context, men with a recent diagnosis of lower-risk prostate cancer want to know whether they have a lethal cancer and, for each of their intervention options, what their expected quality and length of life is likely to be. The treatment options are continued active surveillance, radiation treatment, or prostatectomy. For men who choose active surveillance, they want to learn whether the frequency of (painful) biopsies could be safely reduced.

Methodologically, we developed and applied hierarchical models that incorporate measurement error in cancer-state determinations on the basis of biopsied tissue, clinical measurements possibly not missing at random, and informative partial observation of the true state.

Major Mental Disorder Case Study

In this case study, access to data from the major clinical partner, the National Network of Depression Centers (NNDC), was delayed nearly 2 years as this new organization became established. Therefore, we developed our bayesian hierarchical models on the basis of directly analogous schizophrenia data obtained from a Janssen Pharmaceutical clinical trial that we had previously used in model development.36 Once JHM depression data became available, we applied our methods to longitudinal measurements of depression, mania, and anxiety symptoms. Dr Peter Zandi, a member of the NNDC data acquisition and analysis team, was a funded stakeholder on this proposal.

Scientific background

Depression is a complex disease with heterogeneous etiology, phenotypes, and treatments.37 Depression is also associated with significant psychiatric (eg, anxiety, mania, panic) and general comorbidities, including cardiovascular disease, stroke, and dementia. The heterogeneity of response to treatment makes the choices of first-line and later therapies more difficult.38

Scientific aims

To support NNDC in their mission, a first key step was to build a statistical understanding about sources of variation in the NNDC-selected, patient-reported measure of depression, the PHQ-9, a general instrument for screening, diagnosing, monitoring, and measuring severity of depression.39 To this end, we built a multivariate longitudinal data model for the depression, anxiety, and mania data to estimate a patient's level and trajectory of symptoms and to predict them into the future, given the covariate profile.

Methodologically, we developed methods to jointly predict the trajectory of a patient's mental health status as measured by multiple outcomes and the effect of this trajectory on the risk of key clinical events. Our methods accommodate substantial missing data and irregular observation times.

OSLER inHealth

The overarching goal of OSLER inHealth (https://oslerinhealth.org/) is to provide an R-based environment comprising software tools to support the visualization and analysis of health data to better inform clinical decisions. For many health decisions, the intelligent acquisition and use of data improves the chance of a successful outcome. The relevant information is longitudinal and increasingly complex, now including digitalized images, DNA sequences, novel biomarkers, and multivariate time series from wearable devices, in addition to more traditional clinical indicators of phenotype. EHRs have made it possible to acquire and manage health information more effectively. They also enable Boolean-style (ie, “if, then, else”) decisions. For example, if a newly recorded laboratory value is above a particular level, an EHR can automatically signal a clinician to inquire further, perhaps by scheduling a follow-up visit.

But in today's information-rich environment, there is a heightened need to define, measure, and track health status; integrate traditional with more complex health measures; and develop and use appropriate tools for analysis. For an EHR to maximally benefit patients, it must be a component in a system that integrates the relevant evidence to build, test, and continuously refine mechanistic or empirical (statistical) models that evaluate and communicate the evidence from the available data to the point of care where health decisions are made.

OSLER inHealth, like Bioconductor (https://www.bioconductor.org/), must operate at the interface of statistical and biomedical science. We intend for it to be used by professional data scientists, by their quantitatively oriented biomedical colleagues, and by students from both groups. However, unlike Bioconductor, the main consumers of the OSLER inHealth output are nontechnical persons making health decisions. Hence, it must also support effective communication of the questions, data, and findings to health experts and their clients/patients.


Aim 1

To develop a bayesian hierarchical model for longitudinal data that predicts the health status, trajectory, and intervention effects for each member of a clinical population.

We have used a hierarchical statistical model with 2 levels—time within person and persons within a population—to represent the key factors relevant to making medical decisions.10 Details on the model formulation are provided by Ogburn and Zeger.40 Details of its implementation are given in the papers specific to each of the case studies.41-46

The model for an individual over time is pictured in Figure 1. The health status trajectory is represented by the temporal sequence of latent variables, here called η. For example, η can represent the pathogenic species infecting a child's lung or the cancer state of the prostate over time. Specification of this part of our model has 3 major components.

Health Status

In many medical applications, the true health status cannot be directly or precisely measured, but it can be inferred from measurements that we denote Y in Figure 1. For example, the child's lung cannot be directly sampled, so blood and the NP cavity are sampled instead. The conditional distribution [Y|η, ϕ] of the observations, given the true health status, is indexed by unknown parameters ϕ that represent errors in measurements.

Mechanistic Effects of Covariates and Interventions on Health Status

Effect of covariates (X, exogenous; R, endogenous) on health status η is represented by the conditional distribution [η|X, R; β, δ]. The β parameters represent the intervention effects; the unobserved δ parameters are latent indicators of possible classes of disease states or trajectories or responses to treatment. The interaction effects of either observed (X) or latent subgroup indicators (δ) with the treatment indicators (R) cause heterogeneity in treatment effects across the population.

Treatment Decisions With Feedback

To estimate the efficacy or safety of a treatment, one must understand the intervention assignment process [R|Y, X], especially its dependence on prior health measures.

The full model is completed by embedding the multiple measurements for an individual (Figure 1) within a reference population (ie, to model the variation in the individual-specific model terms across the population). This embedding is shown in Figure 2, where parameters and latent variables for an individual can depend on covariates X in the distribution [β, θ, ϕ, η|X] as discussed by Ogburn and Zeger.40

Complex Latent States

For the 3 case studies, the health status variable η is relatively low dimensional: an indicator for 1 of 30 lung pathogens; an indolent or aggressive prostate tumor; or levels of symptoms for depression, anxiety, and mania. However, there are applications, for example, in image analysis, where the dimension of η is large enough to require specialized approaches. This project investigated an example in which we observed the presence or absence of hundreds of proteins indicative of an autoantibody “signature” in a patient with autoimmune disease that we expect might be predictive of the disease trajectory. Wu et al44 introduce the problem and provide methods for preprocessing the image data generated by a gel electrophoresis assay. In another publication, Wu et al45 reported on their development of a class of restricted latent class models (RLCMs) that favors sparse distributions for high-dimensional latent classes.

Figure 3, taken from Wu et al,45 shows our proposed solution for the autoantibody problem. The original data, after preprocessing, are shown in the matrix on the far left of the figure. Each person's signature forms a row. The color is blue if the protein is present and yellow if not. The proposed RLCM solution is shown in the 2 matrices on the right. On the far right, the matrix has the same number of columns (ie, proteins; here, n = 50 proteins) as the original data (left) but only 7 rows, 1 for each estimated “machine” defined as a combination of proteins that could be targeted by a single immune autoantibody. The middle matrix indicates whether a person's immune system responded to each of the machines using the same color convention. Here, however, the degree of blue indicates the posterior probability that the individual's immune system targeted that machine. This method is designed to find a relatively small number of machines, each of which has a sparse (ie, low number) set of proteins. Details about how this variable reduction method can be used in practice are provided by Wu et al.45

Figure 3. Decomposition Results for Gel Electrophoresis Assay Data.

Figure 3

Decomposition Results for Gel Electrophoresis Assay Data.


Among the many limitations of the hierarchical models discussed, we propose to focus on 2. First, these models are entirely parametric, meaning that the entire distribution of the observations must be specified. We tend to choose distributions that simplify computations without increasing prediction variance or bias. Extensions of these methods to include nonparametric or more flexible parametric models are of future interest. The second limitation is that the image analysis example was lower dimensional (76 × 50 in Figure 3) than many interesting problems. Our computational approaches must be improved to apply our approach to neuroimage or genomic data.

Aim 2

To iteratively build, test, and refine the model in 3 case studies.

Diagnosing Viral vs Bacterial Childhood Pneumonia

The primary goal for this case study was estimating the rates with which 30 different pathogens (ie, viruses, bacteria, and fungi) cause children's pneumonia at 7 sites from Africa and Asia. These estimates of pneumonia etiology can guide investments by governments and nongovernmental organizations in prevention and intervention strategies. In addition, the methods allow clinicians to predict the cause of a particular child's pneumonia by integrating measurements from the child's blood, sputum, and/or NP cavities with current estimates of population rates.

This project has funded the development, implementation, and application of this bayesian hierarchical modeling approach and multiple extensions using the PERCH study data and has enabled PERCH to more precisely achieve its aims. After a brief review of the method's products, we focus on the translation of the model into practice within the infectious disease community. Details are available in the methods paper by Deloria Knoll et al.47 The methodologic details are provided in 2 papers by Wu et al42,43 and in a recent technical report also by Wu et al.45

Figure 4 shows the application of our bayesian hierarchical model to the problem of estimating the etiology of children's pneumonia. The left panel shows the posterior (and prior) distributions of the fraction of pneumonia cases caused by viruses. The panels in the center and on the right show the posterior distributions for 2 children, both with multiple detected pathogens in the NP cavity (shown by the sequence of 0 or 1 values in black) and with no pathogens detected in the blood assay (all 0s in the red). The posterior distribution for the center panel identifies respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) as the cause with high certainty. This is because RSV is rarely detected in the NP cavities of control-group children. The rightmost posterior distribution puts the majority of probability on human metapneumovirus (HMPV) A and B but cannot rule out 3 other causes.

Figure 4. Graphical Displays of the Estimated Population and Individual Etiologies Using Data From a Site of the PERCH Study.

Figure 4

Graphical Displays of the Estimated Population and Individual Etiologies Using Data From a Site of the PERCH Study.

To introduce the bayesian hierarchical approach to the clinical infectious disease community, Deloria Knoll et al47 first synthesized the prior methods for estimating the etiology of children's pneumonia (shown in Figure 5). Only the first and last methods produce estimates of etiology distributions. The first is not reproducible. The last ignores measurement error and cannot easily cope with multiple measurements of each pathogen (eg, from multiple sampling locations).

Figure 5. Alternative Analytic Approaches Used for Determining Pneumonia Etiology.

Figure 5

Alternative Analytic Approaches Used for Determining Pneumonia Etiology.

Deloria Knoll et al47 then introduce the bayesian hierarchical approach developed in this program with the title PERCH Integrated Analysis (PIA) Method (Figure 6).

Figure 6. Estimating the Etiologic Fraction From a Study With 2 Types of Measurements, 1 With Control Data, and Accounting for Imperfect Sensitivity of Both Measurements: The PIA Method.

Figure 6

Estimating the Etiologic Fraction From a Study With 2 Types of Measurements, 1 With Control Data, and Accounting for Imperfect Sensitivity of Both Measurements: The PIA Method.

Having introduced the method in epidemiologic terms and having conducted simulation studies to compare its performance to the attributable fraction method, the PERCH Study team used it as the main method in their PERCH results paper.48 The PERCH investigators showed that most hospital admissions for childhood pneumonia were caused by a small set of pathogens. An example of how the results are communicated is shown in Figure 7 (and the PERCH team's Figure 7 in the supplemental materials accompanying their article48), which shows the estimated etiologic fraction for each pathogen with 95% posterior probability interval, stratified by whether the cases were chest X-ray positive. The lower box in Figure 7 shows the estimated fractions of viruses and bacteria.

Figure 7. All Site Etiology Results Among HIV-Uninfected Patients by CXR Findings: CXR+ Patients vs All Patients.

Figure 7

All Site Etiology Results Among HIV-Uninfected Patients by CXR Findings: CXR+ Patients vs All Patients.

Evaluating Efficacy and Safety of Active Surveillance as An Alternative to Surgery for Prostate Cancer

This case study was developed to support the critical clinical decision, made by a clinician and his patient, to join, continue, or leave active surveillance in favor of prostatectomy or radiation treatment. The team developed specific models, special cases of the general model shown in Figures 1 and 2, to produce the probabilities that (1) a man's prostate cancer is aggressive (Gleason score >6) rather than indolent; and (2) a specimen collected via biopsy conducted on that day would show evidence of an aggressive tumor. This section focuses on the first question; results relevant to the second can be found in the report by Mamawala et al.49


The results presented here are summaries, with considerable direct citation in quotation marks, from 1 of the 2 main articles that present the results in detail (Coley et al).41

The general models summarized in Figures 1 and 2 were tailored to prostate cancer active surveillance. In this case study, we assume there is a true underlying binary state of the tumor. Although the model allows that state to change (Figure 8, panel a), there is little evidence in the data to learn about whether the state has changed. Therefore, as a first approximation, we assume that the true tumor type is fixed (Figure 8, panel b). Given the latent variable, there are 3 sources of direct evidence about the underlying unknown state that we seek to predict: (1) the time series of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) scores that we represent using a random-effects model with random intercept and slope, and a covariance matrix that is the same regardless of true state; (2) the indicator of whether a biopsy was performed at a visit; and (3) the pathology results of the biopsy specimen. In addition, we allow the decision to conduct a prostatectomy to also depend on the underlying state as a sensitivity analysis of whether the predictions change substantially over a range of assumptions about the degree of representativeness of the patients undergoing prostatectomy for the entire cohort.41

Figure 8. Directed Acyclic Graphs Describing the Relationships Between Latent Class and Clinical Outcomes.

Figure 8

Directed Acyclic Graphs Describing the Relationships Between Latent Class and Clinical Outcomes.

Model parameters and their priors are presented in Table 2. Posterior sampling was performed with RJags (Plummer et al).50 Analysis code, sampler settings, and diagnostic plots are available from the supplementary material for Coley et al.41

Table 2. Model Summary With Priors Used for Application to Johns Hopkins Active Surveillance Data.

Table 2

Model Summary With Priors Used for Application to Johns Hopkins Active Surveillance Data.

The Johns Hopkins Active Surveillance Cohort comprises a “total of 874 patients who met study criteria and had at least two PSA measurements and at least one post-diagnosis biopsy as of October 1, 2014… Patient outcomes are given in Figure 9. Grade reclassification was observed in 160 patients (18% of the analysis cohort). Notably, over a quarter of patients with grade reclassification who underwent prostatectomy were downgraded after surgery (17/65) while nearly a third of patients who underwent prostatectomy in the absence of grade reclassification were upgraded (30/96).”41

Figure 9. CONSORT Diagram for Johns Hopkins Active Surveillance Prospective Cohort Patients Included in This Analysis.

Figure 9

CONSORT Diagram for Johns Hopkins Active Surveillance Prospective Cohort Patients Included in This Analysis.

Prediction assessment

“Predictive accuracy was assessed using the whole prostate surgical specimen as the gold standard. To avoid bias in estimating prediction error, we never used the same data to build the model that is used to evaluate it. So called ‘out-of-sample’ predictions of η were obtained for each patient by removing his data from the analysis and re-running the posterior sampler. Out-of-sample predictions of ηi were then compared to known values with receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves and calibration plots. For the former, the area under the curve (AUC) and associated 95% bootstrapped intervals were calculated. For the latter, a plot comparing posterior predictions to observed rates of class membership was constructed by performing logistic regression of the observed true state on a natural spline representation of out-of-sample posterior predictions (degrees of freedom = 2).”41

Prostate cancer findings

“We estimated that the prevalence of aggressive tumors in the cohort was 0.20 (95% posterior interval: 0.14, 0.28) when we allow the decision to have surgery to be informative, and 0.30 (0.23, 0.38) without informative sampling. Ninety-five percent of AS [active surveillance] patients who neither reclassified nor underwent surgery have posterior predictions that are lower than 50%; a majority have predictions below 20%.”41 The posterior predictions with vs without informative biopsy timing or decision to have a prostatectomy are similar for most patients.

“Posterior predictions of η from our full model gave out-of-sample AUC estimates among patients with observed true cancer state of 0.75 (95% bootstrapped interval: 0.67, 0.83).”41 See the graphs in Figure 10.

Figure 10. Predictive Accuracy of Out-of-Sample Predictions of η Among Patients With η Observed.

Figure 10

Predictive Accuracy of Out-of-Sample Predictions of η Among Patients With η Observed.

“Posterior predictions of η from the IOP model also appear to accurately estimate a patient's risk having more aggressive cancer. The calibration plot in [Figure 10, panel b] shows that, for patients with known values of η, the average observed value of η is close to the average posterior predicted probability of η = 1, indicating that the model reasonably reproduces the mean of observations. The risks of clinical outcomes (biopsy results) and choices (occurrence of biopsy and surgery) for all patients appear to be accurately estimated by the IOP model as well, as demonstrated by calibration plots in the online supplement.”41

The results of this model have been visualized for clinician and patient use and successfully implemented within the JHM EHR. Figure 11 shows a screen shot that summarizes 1 man's risk of having an aggressive tumor and the implications of those risks. Clinical studies are underway to evaluate the value of such patient information.

Figure 11. Screen Shot From JHM EHR Showing the Model-Estimated Risk That a Patient's Prostate Tumor Falls Into Each of the Gleason Classes Indicated by the Colors in the Pie Chart on the Left.

Figure 11

Screen Shot From JHM EHR Showing the Model-Estimated Risk That a Patient's Prostate Tumor Falls Into Each of the Gleason Classes Indicated by the Colors in the Pie Chart on the Left.

Diagnosis and Evaluation of Therapies for Major Mental Illness

The results presented here are summaries, with considerable direct citation in quotation marks, from Fojo et al.46

For this case study, we intended to use NNDC data to develop bayesian hierarchical models to predict the trajectory of each patient before treatment to be compared with the outcomes under treatment. The NNDC project was chosen to feature its time-varying multivariate symptoms data and possibly its neuroimaging data. However, NNDC data availability was substantially delayed and so the research team developed the methods for similar symptoms of schizophrenia, including scores for 3 distinct scales: positive, negative, and general symptoms measured over time for approximately 1000 patients. The details about the data set and the bayesian hierarchical models are presented by Fojo et al.46

Figure 12 displays the model's prediction of schizophrenia symptoms for a single patient. “The three panels illustrate the predictions (red circles) for the individual's future General, Negative, and Positive PANSS [Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale] subscale scores as well as predicted cumulative probability of treatment failure (red bars at right) calculated from prior measurements of the subscales at (a) week 0 when treatment is begun, (b) 0 and 1 weeks, and (c) 0, 1, 2, and 4 weeks. Green squares indicate the observed measurements. The individual's trajectory is displayed against other participants in the trial (background blue lines). The dark gray ribbons indicate the 50% confidence intervals, the lighter gray ribbons indicate the 95% intervals. The vertical dashed lines indicate the time up to which observations are used to inform the predictions. A higher PANSS score indicates more severe symptoms. The General subscale score ranges from 16 to 112, and the Positive and Negative subscale scores range from 7 to 49.”46

Figure 12. Example Predictions of PANSS Symptom Scores.

Figure 12

Example Predictions of PANSS Symptom Scores.

The same model has more recently been applied to the NNDC data from Baltimore for the 3 scales of depression, anxiety, and mania. That work is still in progress and thus is excluded from further description here.

Aim 3

To implement the statistical methods in an open-source, easily extensible R package: OSLER inHealth.

The longer-term goals of OSLER inHealth are as follows:

  • Disseminate software updates quickly
  • Educate a diverse community of scientists, using detailed tutorials
  • Ensure quality via automatic and manual quality controls
  • Promote the reproducibility of personalized health care data analysis

OSLER inHealth (https://oslerinhealth.org/) is a repository of current and future R packages that are relevant for statisticians involved in precision medicine and health care. We have built a repository infrastructure and begun the process of making centrally available high-quality packages. The structure includes feedback for developers. OSLER attempts to fill the gap in repositories whereby a package may not be listed on the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN) because it may contain crucial data that make it too large to store. For example, the rnhanesdata package contains the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) wearable activity data, organized for the user. The size of this package prohibits acceptance into CRAN, but its size is acceptable in OSLER and can be used to analyze NHANES data easily and quickly.

We have an estimated 124 monthly users. We currently have 6 packages; the developers all have been helped by OSLER developers to improve the packages and have them pass a set of quality checks.

We plan to publicize OSLER more in the future. In tandem with OSLER, we have been developing Neuroconductor (https://neuroconductor.org/) with similar goals for medical image analysis. Though much effort has focused on Neuroconductor, all improvements to Neuroconductor have been used to improve OSLER. Thus, we have learned lessons with a larger set of packages and developers and have been able to improve OSLER, even though, because of its recent completion, the number of OSLER packages is much fewer. For example, we have developed custom build scripts (https://github.com/muschellij2/neuroc_travis/blob/master/oslerinhealth_travis.yml) specifically designed for OSLER. These customizations allow packages to be checked with additional software to ensure that the packages run properly for users.

Next steps

Now that we have a stable repository for packages, we plan to publicize this to researchers, encourage more developers to submit packages, and improve current packages to provide more tutorials for researchers entering these areas.


Bayesian Hierarchical Model

With this project, we have developed and demonstrated the utility of bayesian hierarchical statistical models to better characterize and communicate an individual's health status, trajectory, and, to a more limited degree, the likely benefits of interventions. Our model represents key elements of the process that gives rise to clinical or population health data, including a dynamic latent health status process that can comprise discrete and/or continuous variables; heterogeneous (across individuals) effects of treatments and covariates on that process; nonignorable observation bias and complex outcome variables that reflect the underlying process; and a treatment assignment process that can depend on past outcomes. The model has 2 levels that allow the treatment effects, latent health status, and measurement process parameters to vary among individuals.

Case Studies

We have tailored the bayesian hierarchical model to 3 specific case studies representing diverse types of questions and data. The children's pneumonia case is a case-control study at a single time across 6 countries in Africa and Asia. Its latent health status is a discrete multinomial variable that can take 1 of 30 different values, indicating which pathogen caused a child's infection. The outcome data are complex, comprising presence or absence indicators of each pathogen in 3 distinct samples from the NP cavity, blood, and, rarely, from the lung. The prostate cancer and the mental disorder case studies involve multivariate longitudinal outcome data. In the former, the state variable is a static binary indicator of whether the tumor is aggressive or indolent. In the mental disorder case, the latent process is multivariate and takes continuous values. To examine the flexibility of the modeling approach for image data, we added a project using gel electrophoresis assays to identify patient autoantibody signatures. Here, the state space is discrete with 2100 = 1.3 × 1030 possible outcomes.

The bayesian hierarchical model is adaptable to these different problems because of a few key features. First, it is a likelihood-based approach so that, in larger samples, the likelihood dominates the prior distribution for many key parameters such as regression coefficients. Second, the use of priors allows us to address important substantive questions by restricting the possible solutions through the choice of priors so that poorly identified models can be used. For example, absent scientific constraints, the pneumonia etiology model cannot estimate the frequency of lung infections caused by each pathogen, because the likelihood itself does not separate these parameters from the sensitivities of the measurements. But prior laboratory and clinical trials data provide a reasonable range for the assay sensitivities that, once imposed through the prior assumptions, make the model identifiable. Note, in this case, that the confidence intervals account for the prior uncertainty, which does not decrease with sample size. See Wu et al42 for the statistical details and Deloria Knoll et al47 for references to prior selections. Third, Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) is used to estimate the posterior distributions of interest so that missing data and complex outcome measurement are not a computational burden. The bayesian approach also makes model checking relatively straightforward by comparing observed characteristics of the joint distribution of the observed data with predictions of those same quantities based on the model. See, for example, Wu et al42 and Fojo et al46 for practical examples. Finally, posterior distributions are easily understood by clinicians and patients with a small amount of training. They are easily visualized to communicate predictions of health status, trajectories, or likely intervention benefits.


Despite our original plan to write stand-alone, new software, initial experimentation revealed that dramatic improvements in available R-based software for MCMC (eg, RJags, Stan, MCMCglmm) made writing new software a poor investment of resources. Hence, all our software is written as R packages that were made publicly available as soon as completed through GitHub, as cited in each article. We have also built an R software repository called OSLER inHealth in which our software and similar software developed by others can be checked for software standards and kept current as R and supporting software changes, and can be more widely disseminated because of easy access to the programs and helpful documentation.

OSLER inHealth remains a work in progress. The repository is in place and has a few R packages. We are now in a position to inform colleagues about its availability and to receive other contributions. Over the longer term, however, funding for a staff person to support contributors is needed, as was the case for its progenitors Neuroconductor and Bioconductor. Fortunately, JHM has built a new Precision Medicine Analytics Platform (PMAP) that it internally funds and OSLER will become the R repository for internal and external software packages within PMAP. This may provide the core support for an OSLER manager.


This project was successful in supporting collaborations among clinical and statistical experts to create the case study methods, software, and applications. Each of the case studies has produced articles that both advance quantitative methods for clinical research and provide substantive findings as reflected in the bibliography of published or submitted manuscripts. Patient stakeholders have also played a critical role in the design and evaluation of the prostate cancer application. Early versions of the model were critiqued by our patient advisory board and significant changes were made as a result. Similarly, when the tool was functioning, the board assisted us in designing the patient- and clinician-facing visualizations. Our early questions were about whether patients wanted to see predictions directly or wanted their physicians to be intermediaries. They were clear that they wanted full access to the model results and to thorough documentation supporting these predictions. They also wanted to make critical decisions in partnership with their physician. A JHM patient with depression and a patient with prostate cancer also served on the OSLER inHealth oversight committee that met once a year.

Influence on Population Health and Patient Care

Each case study has generated patient-oriented results that are used by their target clinical or public health audiences. For example, the prostate cancer software has been implemented within the JHM EHR as described previously. Clinicians can now access and consider the model's risk predictions when they are assisting their patients to decide whether to continue active surveillance. Future research is to determine whether clinicians and patients derive benefits from using the tool, the critical one of which is whether fewer indolent tumors are resected or irradiated. The main obstacle to more rapid dissemination of this tool is the financial model for prostate cancer care. Clinicians in many American settings are rewarded for providing treatment; there is a smaller financial reward for choosing not to treat. One implication is that there is no health system funding to scale the prostate tool for regional or national use. The software has been designed to scale. JHM has built a cloud-based system whereby the tool could be used by clinicians in their private offices. But the start-up and curation costs combined with the intervention incentives remain obstacles to the tool becoming widely available.

Future Directions

There are several important next steps to expand the influence of this bayesian hierarchical model approach for the benefit of patients, some of which are already underway. First, it is important to scale a tool that addresses a particular unmet need across a larger, more diverse population of patients and clinicians so that its utility can be scientifically measured, curation methods can be established to keep the tool current, and a financial model can be established to support its continuous use. We are currently pursuing this vertical scaling of both the prostate cancer and children's pneumonia applications. We think it is equally important to horizontally scale the approach to address a wider set of unmet clinical needs. To this end, we have projects underway in autoimmune diseases, sudden cardiac arrest, and diabetes. Our longer-term goals are to (1) embed a collection of tools to acquire and use the most relevant information, agnostic to its level of measurement, to improve population and individual health decisions that cause better outcomes at more affordable costs; and (2) scale the tool-creation process so that data scientists around the world, in partnerships with population- or patient-health managers (ie, clinicians) share equal access to the best information for each decision.


Bayesian hierarchical models that include dynamic, latent health state; probabilities for the selection and effects of interventions on those states; and the complex health outcomes from which the underlying states can be inferred are useful tools to improve population health or clinical decisions. Such a model combines diverse sources of prior knowledge and data with evidence about the patient (population) at hand, to predict the patient's health status, trajectory, and/or likely benefits of interventions. Visualizations of characteristics of posterior distributions can be immediately understood by clinicians and patients as relevant to their decision. When tailored to the particular medical situation, the models summarize complex information to answer questions of interest to patients, such as, “What is my health status; am I improving; which treatment is most likely to improve these symptoms?” The next key steps are to scale these and other similar tools to larger and more diverse populations where they can be systematically evaluated and to increase the rate at which tools can be developed, tested, disseminated, and then curated. The most significant obstacle is the lack of a financial model by which the improvements in health and cost outcomes derived from using these tools are not returned to support their curation and expand their influence.


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The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of the people of the United States whose tax dollars sustain PCORI, which funded this work through a competitive process. We acknowledge the supportive role that our PCORI staff, ably led by Dr Emily Evans, played in the initiation, execution, and the reporting of this research. We especially appreciate their dedication to clear communication and to engagement of clinical and patient stakeholders.

The authors were ably supported by numerous faculty and staff colleagues, including Darcy Phelan, Ken Fasman, Brionna Hair, Risha Zuckerman, Debra Moffitt, Kara Schoenberg, Tricia Landis, and Joyclyn Gilmore.

We benefited from the positive research environment in the Department of Biostatistics chaired by Dr Karen Bandeen-Roche and in the Johns Hopkins Individualized Health Initiative (Hopkins inHealth), led by Prof Antony Rosen. Hopkins inHealth colleagues Aalok Shah, Dwight Raum, and members of the Technology Innovation Center were important contributors.

We thank all the co-authors of articles partially supported by this grant. Though not themselves funded, they generously added their talents to the science presented here.

We are especially appreciative of the time and good counsel offered by our patient stakeholders: William Wilson, William Lewis, and Peter Johnson. They educated us about what patients need and want.

Our Scientific Advisory Board kept us moving in the right direction. These colleagues—Patrick Heagerty, Francesca Dominici, Martin Morgan, Roger Peng, and Vince Carey—met with us each year and enriched the work by generously sharing their intellects and vast experience. We are most grateful.

The group that worked together on this project have moved ahead in their careers. The postdoctoral fellows Zhenke Wu, Yates Coley, and Todd Fojo are all now assistant professors or the equivalent at top institutions. Two of our midlevel collaborators became full professors during this project, another became a director for the World Health Organization, and yet another was awarded a named professorship. We like to think that the collaboration contributed useful research results as well as new insights for those who enthusiastically invested themselves in this endeavor.

Research reported in this report was funded through a Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute® (PCORI®) Award (#ME-1408-20318). Further information available at: https://www.pcori.org/research-results/2015/using-bayesian-approach-predict-patients-health-and-response-treatment

Original Project Title: Bayesian Hierarchical Models for the Design and Analysis of Studies to Individualize Healthcare
PCORI ID: ME-1408-20318

Suggested citation:

Zeger SL, Wu Z, Coley Y, et al. (2020). Using a Bayesian Approach to Predict Patients' Health and Response to Treatment. Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI). https://doi.org/10.25302/09.2020.ME.140820318


The [views, statements, opinions] presented in this report are solely the responsibility of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the views of the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute® (PCORI®), its Board of Governors or Methodology Committee.

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Bookshelf ID: NBK594756PMID: 37708307DOI: 10.25302/09.2020.ME.140820318


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