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Cover of Comparing Ways to Treat Arm Weakness Due to Stroke

Comparing Ways to Treat Arm Weakness Due to Stroke

, PhD, , PT, PhD, , MA, , PT, , PhD, , PhD, , PhD, , OTD, , PT, and .

Author Information and Affiliations

Structured Abstract


Motor disability following stroke is common and results in difficulty performing everyday tasks such as dressing and meal preparation. Constraint-induced movement therapy (CIMT) is unique among motor rehabilitation paradigms because it employs intensive motor practice to build strength and function and also incorporates behavioral techniques to maximize use of the more-impaired arm during daily activities (self-monitoring of arm use, goal-setting, and guided problem-solving to overcome barriers to not using a hemiparetic arm). Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) consistently show that CIMT is superior at producing improvements in daily arm use, yet it has only minimally penetrated clinical practice because of cost and its demanding treatment schedule. With the advent of new camera sensors, it became possible to program video games for rehabilitation that use a person's own body movements to drive game play. Rehabilitation gaming provides a solution for making the intensive training and behavioral techniques of CIMT more accessible to underserved individuals. A previous pilot study established the feasibility of this treatment approach, but a definitive trial of the comparative effectiveness of this novel model of CIMT delivery is needed to guide clinical decision-making.


This multisite RCT aimed to (1) establish the comparative effectiveness of 2 different implementations of an in-home video game delivery model of CIMT vs traditional clinic-based CIMT and vs standard care; and (2) examine individual factors that may differentially influence response to 1 treatment vs another.


In total, 193 individuals with chronic stroke were randomly assigned to 1 of 4 interventions that occurred over a 3-week period: (1) traditional CIMT (35 therapist/client contact hours over 10 sessions); (2) therapist-as-consultant Gaming CIMT (5 therapist/client contact hours over 4 sessions and 15 hours of independent game play at home); (3) therapist-as-consultant Gaming CIMT with additional teleconsultation (5 therapist/client contact hours over 4 sessions, 6 additional video conference “check-ins,” and 15 hours of independent game play in the home); and (4) standard occupational therapy (5 hours over 4 sessions plus a home exercise program). The gaming system logged active play time to monitor adherence to the prescribed unsupervised in-home game play. Motor function/speed (Wolf Motor Function Test [WMFT]) and self-reported daily use of the more-affected hand (Motor Activity Log [MAL]) served as the primary outcome measures. Participants were assessed immediately before treatment, after 3 weeks of treatment, and 6 months later. Between-group differences in treatment response/maintenance were assessed through intent-to-treat analyses using linear mixed models. Initial motor ability, cognition, tactile sense, use of the more-affected arm for daily activities (outside the clinic), treatment adherence, age, sex, and chronicity were examined as potential moderators of motor outcome.


Of 193 participants who consented to the study, 168 started treatment, 150 completed treatment, and 113 completed 6-month follow-up assessment. All 3 treatments incorporating a form of CIMT (both game-based CIMT groups and traditional in-clinic CIMT) produced clinically meaningful improvements in use of the more-affected arm for daily activities (MAL), whereas standard care did not. Between-group differences (95% CIs) relative to standard care were 0.8 points (0.5-1.0), 1.0 points (0.8-1.3), and 1.2 points (1.0-1.5) for the gaming, gaming with teleconsultation, and in-clinic CIMT groups, respectively. Retention of MAL gains at 6 months posttreatment was 57%. Regarding gains in motor function/speed (WMFT), all groups attained clinically meaningful improvements that were maintained 6 months later (median proportional improvements of about 20%). There were also marginally significant (P = .05-.08) comparative treatment effects immediately posttreatment whereby in-clinic CIMT produced greater improvements in natural log-transformed WMFT scores during the treatment period than Gaming and Standard Care; between-group differences were −0.18 (−0.37 to 0.00) and −0.17 (−0.36 to 0.02), respectively, which corresponds to a performance time decrease of 0.85 seconds per task for in-clinic CIMT relative to both Gaming and Standard Care. These marginally significant comparative treatment effects can likely be attributed to greater dosing of motor practice in the in-clinic CIMT group. Comparative treatment effects on the WMFT were absent in follow-up. Poorer motor ability at baseline was associated with significantly greater improvements in motor function and poorer improvements in daily arm use.


Superior gains in daily arm use were achieved from all CIMT and gaming CIMT interventions in which the therapist delivered behavioral interventions compared with standard care (in which therapy time focused primarily on motor practice). Clinically meaningful long-term gains in motor function were roughly equivalent between groups, suggesting that survivors of chronic stroke can continue to make meaningful improvements in motor function regardless of how they access motor practice (ie, whether through virtual reality, CIMT, or standard care). Video games can thus provide a vehicle for therapists to monitor and encourage in-home intensive motor rehabilitation while freeing up therapist time to conduct the critical behavioral elements of CIMT. This therapist-supported self-management model maximizes both motor function and daily arm use within the typical constraints of managed care.


Adherence to in-home gaming rehabilitation was imperfect, particularly for the gaming group that received fewer therapist consultations. Thus, a dose-matched comparison of the efficacy of game-based vs in-clinic CIMT for promoting motor restoration could not be achieved from this pragmatic study design. Follow-up data should be cautiously interpreted given substantial and unequal attrition between groups in follow-up.


The majority of stroke survivors experience prolonged difficulty moving their hand or arm on 1 side of the body. American Heart Association and Canadian clinical practice guidelines recommend that most stroke survivors receive at least some outpatient rehabilitation,1-3 yet many cannot access long-term care and experience stagnant recovery as a result.4 Moreover, many individuals who do undergo outpatient rehabilitation do not have access to the more intensive interventions that the literature mostly strongly supports.

The literature indicates that an upper extremity rehabilitation program should address both function (ie, ability and efficiency performing movements with the weaker arm)5,6 and use (ie, extent to which the weaker arm participates in daily activities).7,8 As such, at least 2 critical elements are required to maximize treatment effectiveness: (1) motor practice that is sufficiently intense (to maximize motor function) and (2) techniques to carry motor improvements over into everyday activities (to maximize use). Intensive motor practice can be challenging to achieve because insurance caps usually limit the number of therapy hours, and many patients, particularly those in rural areas, do not have access to a nearby clinic. Moreover, for those who can access treatment, the portion of treatment time spent actively engaging in motor practice may be suboptimal.9 Accordingly, many patients struggle to achieve the high doses (eg, ≥15 hours of total active motor practice; >30 hours of total therapy time) of outpatient therapy employed within upper extremity research trials that document large treatment effects.5,10-13

The ultimate goal of a motor-restorative approach to rehabilitation is not only to improve motor function, however, but also to increase the extent to which the hemiparetic arm is used during daily activities. Gains in arm function, absent use, would have little influence on improving a person's independence or fostering their participation in activities. Accordingly, behavioral training that promotes use of the hemiparetic arm for daily activities is arguably an even more important component of therapy than motor practice. It has long been established that improvements in arm function through motor practice do not translate into clinically meaningful improvements in arm use.8,14 In contrast, daily use of a weaker arm increases about 3-fold when specific behavioral techniques, such as self-monitoring and problem-solving,15 are incorporated into rehabilitation.8,16-19 Despite the documented impact that they have on brain plasticity17,18 and daily arm use,8 these techniques have not penetrated clinical practice. Identified barriers include the time that it takes to implement these techniques,20,21 reimbursement,21 and limited therapist training.21

Constraint-induced movement therapy (CIMT) is a well-researched treatment7,10,22 that combines intensive motor practice with behavioral techniques to increase the weaker arm's participation in everyday activities. CIMT delivers upwards of 15 hours of active motor practice (over 2-4 weeks) that progresses in difficulty as the client improves. It also incorporates at least 10 sessions of 1-on-1 behavioral intervention with a therapist that focuses on self-monitoring, accountability, and problem-solving.15 CIMT is known to produce motor gains that are at least equal to other dose-matched motor training programs,7,23 yet it far surpasses other interventions in promoting the weaker arm's participation in daily activities.7,22,24,25 Because of the intensive treatment schedule and cost, however, CIMT has only minimally penetrated clinical practice.20

It has been hypothesized that the benefits of CIMT stem from its focus on both intense motor training and daily arm use rather than on specific aspects of the CIMT motor training program per se.20 As motor training can be carried out independently in home and community settings,26 an alternative model of care that employs self-managed, high-intensity training could preserve therapist time for behavioral interventions targeting arm use. In recent years, new low-cost active video gaming technology has provided a vehicle for engaging people with disabilities in intensive home practice programs that retain many of the elements of in-person care: engagement, progression of difficulty,27 immediate feedback,27 and progress tracking.28 It is therefore unsurprising that gamified stroke rehabilitation appears to be about as effective as quality in-person care.13,27,29,30 Employing gaming as a self-management approach to rehabilitation would therefore enable both critical elements (intensive motor practice and a focus on use) to be delivered within the confines of available resources and could solve the challenge of suboptimal stroke rehabilitation constrained by cost and access issues.

Our research team piloted a therapist-as-consultant model of care in which stroke survivors independently completed high-repetition motor practice at home using a custom rehabilitation video game between periodic consultations with a therapist. Self-managed motor practice through the game freed up therapists for the behavioral techniques of CIMT that are known to promote increased arm use for daily activities: goal-setting, establishing a treatment contract, self-monitoring daily arm use, and guided problem-solving.15 As such, this therapist-guided self-management treatment approach promoted carryover of motor gains to daily activities while providing access to high-intensity motor training. Initial pilot work demonstrated the feasibility of this approach and established preliminary evidence of efficacy.31 A definitive randomized controlled trial (RCT) was needed, however, to directly compare the in-home video game–based self-management approach with gold-standard CIMT and standard care.

Accordingly, the primary objective of this randomized 4-parallel-group trial was to determine the impact of 2 therapist-as-consultant video game–based models of CIMT vs clinic-based CIMT and standard upper extremity rehabilitation on the function and daily-activities-participation of the more-impaired upper extremity in stroke survivors. The CIMT group received intensive in-clinic motor training combined with behavioral techniques to encourage use of the weaker arm for daily activities. The gaming groups employed intensive motor training at home via a video game combined with once- to twice-weekly therapist consultations to deliver the behavioral components (4 total consultations). One video gaming group employed additional behavioral video consultations with a therapist to match the number of behavioral support encounters provided by the clinic-based CIMT group (10 in all). The Standard Care group employed the same schedule of in-person treatment visits as the 2 Gaming groups but with a more traditional focus on motor training during these sessions (the behavioral techniques of CIMT were not administered to this group). The 4 treatment groups thus allow for determining the comparative effectiveness of in-person CIMT vs self-managed motor practice through gaming, as well as the influence of using in-person treatment time to deliver behavioral techniques in lieu of motor practice.

A second aim of this project was to examine individual factors, such as baseline motor ability, that may differentially influence response to 1 treatment vs another. We hypothesized that the function and daily-activities-participation of the more-impaired upper extremity would improve as much following in-home video game–based CIMT as traditional in-clinic CIMT. We also hypothesized that all 3 CIMT interventions (which emphasize both motor training and behavioral techniques) would be superior to standard physical therapy (which solely focuses on motor training).

Participation of Patients and other Stakeholders

Stakeholders Involved

Stroke Advisory Board

Our Stroke Advisory Board consists of patients, their families, and community therapists. The board was formed during the initial PCORI pilot project and has continued to provide planning and input throughout the current trial. Some board meetings were held with all groups present, whereas other, smaller meetings were held to accomplish specific tasks that require the input of either survivors/families (eg, recruitment planning) or therapists (eg, planning the standard care treatment protocol). Table 1 shows the breakdown of the board and provides examples of functions served by each group of stakeholders.

Table 1. Functions Served by Stroke Advisory Board Members.

Table 1

Functions Served by Stroke Advisory Board Members.

A Stroke Survivor Served as a Principal Investigator on the Project

Nancy Strahl is a long-term stroke survivor who is an active leader within the stroke community and an active consumer of research. She has collaborated with the research team for many years. Ms Strahl is well connected within the rural stroke community and thus was well poised for a leadership role on the project team. She attends a monthly neurorecovery group to connect with other individuals who have experienced stroke or brain injuries, helps others advocate for their stroke recovery needs, and participates on an assisted rowing team. She also lives in a rural area, so she is intimately familiar with the challenges posed to stroke survivors living in rural communities. Ms Strahl served as a member of the Stroke Advisory Board for the pilot project and expanded her role for the current project, leading the Providence Medford Medical Center (PMMC) site during the RCT. In this role, she established personnel for the site, organized personnel trainings, established the site's recruitment procedures, worked with the remainder of the research team to establish the final study protocol, conducted participant screening and recruitment, maintained contact with study participants during the follow-up period, addressed logistical challenges (eg, arranging housing for participants who lived too far away to commute daily for treatments), and managed the storage and transfer of data to and from the site. She has also been instrumental in dissemination efforts, participating in several media interviews.

The contributions of stakeholders to each aspect of the project are outlined below.

Formulating Research Questions and Study Design

A half-day conference with the patient and family stakeholders on the Stroke Advisory Board was held for the purpose of planning this work before the initial grant submission. First, board members informed relevant comparisons, yielding the 4-group design proposed. As an example of the contribution that the board made to the initial project design, the game was conceptualized to be a stand-alone therapy application that individuals who did not have ready access to a clinic could use independently in their homes. Many board members expressed the view, however, that attending therapy was beneficial and important to stroke survivors. Therapist stakeholders also expressed concern that clients would be missing an opportunity to problem-solve through specific routines of importance to them (eg, how to tie their own shoes or eat a specialty food) in a stand-alone implementation of the game. We thus modified the design of our trial to be in keeping with these patient preferences.

A few members of our Stroke Advisory Board (particularly those residing in rural areas) indicated that travel would be prohibitive for some people and favored a rehabilitation solution that would not require clients to travel. We thus minimized travel by incorporating teleconsultation visits for gaming+ (ie, therapist-as-consultant gaming CIMT with additional teleconsultation). The board also informed the schedule of the treatments, advising that the treatment be delivered over a 2- to 4-week period instead of over a strict 2-week period, as initially proposed. This change allowed participants and families to more easily arrange participation around their other commitments and provided more flexibility when relying on transportation, as could occur in standard care settings.

At this initial conference, the board also informed the covariates and dependent variables for the study. They selected 2 primary outcome measures that were most meaningful to them. They also identified which personal characteristics they felt were relevant for examining heterogeneity of treatment effect.

The board retained final say over the inclusion criteria, which were collaboratively discussed with the academic members of the team. There was 1 exclusion criterion on which board members and academic team members initially disagreed: the ability to include participants who were receiving onabotulinumtoxinA (hereafter referred to as Botox) in their weaker upper extremity. Although the board would have liked to include participants who were taking Botox to manage hypertonicity (difficulty opening the hand because of overactivity of the finger flexors), they ultimately accepted the scientists’ concerns that the fluctuating effects of Botox on hypertonicity (and hence motor function) would introduce additional error into the analyses (ie, that motor function would increase or decrease depending on where a person was in their Botox cycle, making it difficult to measure the true treatment effect). We did, however, agree that study participation could be timed to Botox administrations so that potential participants would have the option of delaying a dose by 3 weeks in order to participate.

Finally, the board suggested the following strategies to increase retention and adherence to the therapy protocol: (1) feedback regarding adherence during therapist encounters; (2) reminder phone calls when necessary and feasible (to attend in-person therapy, complete scheduled at-home game play, and perform home exercises); (3) providing an instructional DVD/video links for the client and family (eg, to educate/inform family members about CIMT); and (4) being provided with a T-shirt at study completion if >90% adherence was achieved. Some members of the board provided edits to the grant proposal following this initial meeting.

A second half-day meeting of the board was convened to finalize the study protocol before beginning the study. During this meeting, the board suggested minor changes to 1 of the Gaming groups. Initially, the therapist consultation sessions for 1 Gaming group were to occur entirely through teleconsultation, while the other Gaming group was to experience the same number/length of in-person therapist consultation (4 therapist contact sessions). Members of the board indicated that the in-clinic CIMT group would have more face-to-face contacts (4 vs 10), however, which they felt could create a difference in the sense of accountability they felt to adhere to the treatment and to the number of opportunities they had to receive feedback and encouragement from the therapist. Accordingly, before the start of the study, we modified the protocol to test this hypothesis by having both Gaming groups receive 4 in-person visits, while 1 Gaming group would receive 6 additional teleconsultations to match the number of therapist encounters with that of the CIMT group. During both conferences with the board, all participants contributed at least 1 idea to the discussion and voted on all ideas.

In determining the protocol for the Standard Care comparison group, several nonacademic therapist stakeholders were consulted 1 on 1 regarding the therapeutic protocol that would most closely resemble the care they would provide in the community within the constraints of limited face-to-face contact time.

Participating in and Monitoring the Conduct of the Project

The project employed co–principal investigator (PI) Ms Strahl as a core member of the research team. In this role, she participated in frequent teleconferences with the PI and worked alongside the academic team to design and implement the detailed study protocol. She established the PMMC study team, recruited and screened participants for the PMMC site, and revised the study treatment forms to be more patient centered. To prepare for this role, she participated in an online Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) program and NIH-sponsored clinical trials management course.

The board participated throughout the course of the project, most extensively in advising recruitment strategy. The members affirmed that the recruitment strategy with the greatest likelihood of success was the one currently being employed but, given underrecruitment during the latter half of the project, suggested additional recruitment strategies that the team could try. Unfortunately, these additional strategies (placing bookmarks in stroke-related library books, placing flyers in senior centers or at senior day centers, National Public Radio advertisement) were not widely successful, yielding only a few additional participants.

A final meeting of the board was convened to discuss and interpret the study findings. The academic PIs presented the findings via Microsoft PowerPoint slides but left the interpretation open to board input. Board members offered some likely explanations that meshed with the researchers’ interpretations but also offered additional interpretation of study findings that the researchers had not initially considered. For example, board members noted that if gaming participants retained access to the game, they could possibly continue to improve motor function during follow-up; hence, the follow-up results were perhaps an underestimation of what could occur.

Planning Dissemination of the Study Results

The proposed dissemination plan was further refined during quarterly meetings with the Stroke Advisory Board. Board members participated in generating additional ideas for methods of dissemination. Initial ideas established collaboratively between the board and the academic team included the following: presenting at local support groups, harnessing social media, generating interest from TV and radio media outlets, and drafting a lay publication to be submitted to StrokeSmart, the publication of the National Stroke Association. To ensure that results are communicated most effectively to the community, members of the Stroke Advisory Board and the co-PI Ms Strahl will draft a lay explanation of study findings to share with former participants. They will continue to direct dissemination activities and will participate in drafting the research publication. Select members of the board have also expressed their enthusiasm for working with the media to share their experiences (and some have already done so). For example, Ms Strahl was co-featured with Lynn Gauthier, PhD, on a May 25, 2020, Choiceology podcast (https://www.schwab.com/resource-center/insights/content/choiceology-season-5-episode-6) episode. Other members of the board have volunteered to share on social media (eg, stroke support Facebook groups, Smart Patients) because their posts would be more trusted by the stroke community than those posted by the academic team.

Therapist stakeholders have indicated their willingness to make the therapist community aware of this new intervention at continuing education conferences and through routine clinical interaction. As an example, some therapist stakeholders co-presented with Dr Gauthier a half-day preconference symposium at the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine offering practical instruction in the behavioral techniques of CIMT that promote increased arm use for everyday activities. We additionally presented a similar talk on how to implement the therapist-as-consultant treatment model at the American Occupational Therapy Association conference in March 2020 (presented as a virtual webinar because of COVID-19).


An abbreviated description of study methods is provided here. A more in-depth explanation can be found in the published study protocol.32

Study Overview


The primary objective of this trial was to determine the impact of 2 therapist-as-consultant video game–based models of CIMT vs clinic-based CIMT and standard upper extremity rehabilitation on upper extremity motor function and daily arm use in stroke survivors. A second aim of this project was to examine individual factors, such as baseline motor ability, that may differentially influence response to 1 treatment vs another.

Study Design

We created an RCT with 4 parallel groups: (1) in-clinic CIMT, (2) therapist-as-consultant gaming CIMT (Gaming), (3) therapist-as-consultant gaming CIMT with additional teleconsultation (Gaming+), and (4) Standard Care (Table 2). Each treatment was scheduled to occur over a 3-week period.

Table 2. Description of Study Treatments.

Table 2

Description of Study Treatments.


Based on the results of a pilot trial,31 we hypothesized that participants who received self-management motor practice through the use of a video game would make motor function gains that deviated only slightly from those of the therapist-led CIMT group. Moreover, we felt that the opportunity to receive additional intensive motor practice, real-time exercise progression, and real-time feedback through video game play would render the gaming treatment more effective than standard care. Based on the results of a small randomized clinical trial,8 we also hypothesized that all 3 groups that received the behavioral components of CIMT (CIMT and both Gaming groups) would show large improvements in daily use of their weaker arm that would be maintained over time, whereas the Standard Care group would not show clinically meaningful improvements in everyday arm use. Poorer motor function at baseline was hypothesized to predict greater improvements in motor function and lesser improvements in everyday arm use irrespective of treatment group, based on prior work.33-35

Study Setting

Study sites included 3 laboratories within academic medical centers (The Ohio State University [OSU], the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB), University of Missouri) and 2 outpatient clinics (OhioHealth, PMMC). Because this research is testing the comparative effectiveness of an approach that can increase access to care, effort was made to select study sites that would be representative of the populations least able to readily access rehabilitation care—namely, people residing in rural communities or urban communities without a robust public transportation system. OSU and OhioHealth serve patients in the greater Columbus, Ohio, region, including Appalachia; approximately 50% of the patients they serve reside in rural Ohio. UAB's clientele consists of about 50% rural-dwelling individuals from central Alabama, many of whom are socioeconomically disadvantaged or part of minority groups. PMMC is located in rural south-central Oregon and serves about 90% rural clients. The University of Missouri was added as a site in year 3 in an attempt to meet recruitment goals and recruit a representative sample of rural participants; it serves a large demographic of rural and socioeconomically disadvantaged individuals. OhioHealth withdrew as a study site in year 3 because of a new administration withdrawing support for research led by OSU (a competing health system). PMMC withdrew its recruitment efforts in year 2 because of a therapist shortage (hence, an inability to provide study-related treatments) after 1 of its 2 outpatient neurotherapists resigned.


Community-dwelling stroke survivors were recruited from February 2016 through May 2019 (the end of the recruitment phase of the PCORI contract). At the 3 academic medical centers, prospective participants were identified primarily through mining electronic medical records for ICD-9 and ICD-10 codes for stroke and hemiparesis. Potential participants then received a letter informing them of the study and providing them with study-related contact information. Potential participants at the 2 outpatient clinic sites were primarily identified through referrals from therapists and physicians. To lessen the burden on potential participants, study staff offered a brief phone screening. Participants who appeared to meet eligibility criteria based on the phone screening were then invited to participate in an in-person screening session to ensure that they met the full inclusion criteria before being enrolled in the study.

Inclusion Criteria

Patients had to meet the following criteria to participate in the study:

  • At least 6 months poststroke
  • Experienced a stroke of any etiology
  • Mild to moderate upper extremity hemiparesis (in which all the following motor criteria are met):

    At least 10° of active range of motion in at least 2 fingers, the thumb, and the wrist

    At least 45° of active range of motion for shoulder abduction and flexion

    At least 20° of elbow extension from a 90° flexed starting position

  • Ability to provide informed consent
  • Expressed willingness to comply with all study procedures and attend all study-related visits
  • Aged ≥18 years
  • Ability to follow 1-step instructions
  • Community dwelling, with transportation to therapy sessions
  • Ability to operate the gaming system with minimal assistance, including sufficient corrected vision to perceive game objects from a distance of 5 ft (1.5 m)

Exclusion Criteria

Patients were excluded from study participation if they met at least 1 of the following criteria:

  • Concurrent participation in other experimental upper extremity rehabilitation trials
  • Concurrent participation in other outpatient rehabilitation for the upper extremity during the treatment phase(s) of the study
  • Upper extremity Botox within 3 months before beginning study-related treatments
  • Substantial use of the more-affected arm in daily life (Motor Activity Log [MAL] score at screening >2.5)
  • Major medical conditions that would render intensive rehabilitation infeasible or unsafe
  • Had received CIMT previously


As previous studies have shown that those with poorer initial motor ability show greater treatment-induced improvements in motor function and poorer improvements in everyday arm use,34,36 participants were initially stratified by motor ability before randomization by a research assistant or study coordinator. Stratification was based on participants’ ability to place any number of pegs on the 9-Hole Peg Test (9-HPT) within 120 seconds. The 9-HPT was chosen as the instrument to determine stratification because it could be rapidly administered by a research assistant during the in-person screening visit. This procedure increased the probability of balanced initial motor ability across study groups because participants in the higher-functioning stratified group randomly drew a folded paper containing a group assignment from 1 large, opaque envelope, and those classified as having lower functioning drew from a separate large, opaque envelope. Both the experimenters and participants were naive to treatment condition before randomization (concealed allocation).


The main objective of the research was to examine the comparative effectiveness of a new self-management approach to delivering CIMT using an in-home video game37,38 between consultation sessions with a therapist. The following are the most informative between-group comparisons:

  • Gaming CIMT vs gold-standard in-clinic CIMT. This comparison examines whether a self-management in-home approach to motor skills practice can produce equivalent motor outcomes to an intensive in-clinic treatment. The total time of prescribed active motor practice is the same between the CIMT and Gaming groups, and both employ the same behavioral techniques to promote everyday use of the weaker arm.
  • Gaming CIMT vs the standard approach to treatment. This comparison examines whether providing at-home access to a video game for self-managed motor practice and focusing therapists’ interactions on behavioral intervention can enhance motor outcomes compared with standard care. The number and duration of in-clinic visits with a therapist is the same between these 2 interventions, but the use of a game at home for motor practice “frees up” therapist time to focus on behavioral strategies to promote greater arm use, an aspect of treatment that is typically absent from standard care. Thus, the face-to-face time with a therapist is spent mostly on behavioral strategies in the Gaming groups and on motor practice in the Standard Care group.

Treatments are described in more detail below and depicted in Table 2 above. All treatments were scheduled over a 3-week period, which could be extended to 4 weeks in the case of illness or other unanticipated conflicts or events.

In-Clinic CIMT (High-Intensity Comparator)

The in-clinic CIMT group received all treatment elements from an established CIMT protocol.15 Participants randomly assigned to this group received ten 3.5-hour sessions of in-clinic traditional CIMT with a therapist (35 hours total). Approximately 30 hours were devoted to motor practice, during which participants received about 15 hours of active repetitive motor practice (breaks, feedback, task setup, etc, made up the remaining 50% of the motor practice portion). The other 5 hours were devoted to behavioral techniques (described below).

Motor practice

Five to 9 tasks per day were administered, each consisting of up to ten 30- to 120-second trials. Therapy tasks involved repetitive manipulation of real objects. Most tasks involved both proximal and distal movements. Examples included flipping over cards, placing rings on cones, stretching rubber bands over a can, and scooping beans into a bowl with a spoon. When possible, tasks represented portions of a functional task that the participant desired to improve upon. For example, 1 participant wanted to improve ability to shave; this participant thus repetitively practiced picking up a (bladeless) razor and moving it between different parts of the body. Tasks were selected to be moderately challenging but always feasible for the participant to complete. When a participant demonstrated improved performance on a task, its difficulty was increased (eg, an object or target was moved farther away to require greater range of motion to complete the task). Trial-level performance feedback (knowledge of results) was provided following every trial. For example, a participant would be told how quickly a task was accomplished or how many repetitions of a task were accomplished within a 30-second trial. Verbal encouragement (eg, “Great effort!”) or coaching (eg, “Now try a pincer grasp”) was provided for at least 80% of trials.

Behavioral techniques

CIMT participants also received a package of behavioral techniques that were designed to help them carry over motor gains made in the clinic to everyday activities at home. These consisted of goal-setting, a treatment contract, caregiver contract, daily self-monitoring of use of the weaker arm during activities of daily living (ADLs), guided problem-solving to overcome barriers interfering with use of the weaker arm, and prescribed home practice on activities of personal importance (eg, those that are relevant to the participant's goals). Each behavioral technique is described in turn below. The treatment materials for this study can be found in the study protocol.32

  • Goal-setting. The participant identified 3 goals of importance to him or her that would be accomplishable within the 2- to 3-week treatment period.
  • Treatment contract. The participant agreed to use the weaker arm during all daily activities in which it was safe to do so. Each activity in the person's daily routine (eg, pulling covers off of oneself, getting out of bed) was outlined in detail, along with the expectation of how the weaker arm should be used during the activity.
  • Caregiver contract. When a caregiver was present, the caregiver agreed to provide (1) encouragement and (2) opportunities for the participant to attempt daily tasks with the weaker arm.
  • Daily self-monitoring of use of the weaker arm with problem-solving. The participant completed 2 self-monitoring activities daily on 10 treatment days. At home, he or she checked off activities from the treatment contract that were completed at the end of each treatment day; this list was then reviewed with the therapist at the following session. During each treatment session, the participant also self-rated his or her performance on a subset of these daily activities via informal therapist administration of the MAL. The MAL is a self-assessment of the amount and quality of arm use for 28 different ADLs (additionally described in the “Primary Outcomes” section). Informal administration of the MAL prompts the participant to think more deeply about how the weaker arm was used during some of the activities listed on the treatment contract (as daily tasks on the MAL are universal ADLs, such as drinking out of a cup and brushing one's teeth, they would also have been self-identified by the participant and listed on the treatment contract). While reviewing the treatment contract and administering the MAL to the participant, the therapist conducted guided problem-solving to identify potential solutions to barriers encountered while attempting daily activities with the weaker arm. For more detail on these behavioral approaches, see Morris et al15 and an educational YouTube video.39
  • Home practice on activities of personal importance. Participants agreed to repetitively practice 10 tasks each day that aligned with their treatment goals for a total of 30 minutes of at-home task practice per day for each of the 10 treatment days (5 hours of total at-home task practice).

CIMT participants were also prescribed a restraint mitt to be worn on the stronger arm for a target of 10 hours daily. The purpose of the restraint mitt was to discourage use of the stronger arm during daily activities. In the month following treatment, continued use of the weaker arm during daily activities was encouraged through phone administration of the MAL.

Gaming CIMT

Given that many stroke survivors have insufficient access to rehabilitation, the intervention for this group was designed to empower stroke survivors to manage their own care. A common challenge reported by stroke survivors and therapists alike is difficulty adhering to self-managed home practice programs. Computerized gaming interventions are preferred by stakeholders and have established efficacy29; therefore, a custom kayak adventure–themed rehabilitation game, Recovery Rapids,31,37,38 provided a more palatable vehicle for intensive practice at home. Recovery Rapids uses the Microsoft Kinect sensor to capture 9 proximal and distal movements made by participants that drive navigation of an avatar through various obstacles. Each movement is mapped to an intuitive game action (eg, right shoulder abduction with elbow extension to navigate the boat to the right, grasping and releasing to collect objects). As with CIMT, Recovery Rapids employs a performance-based algorithm to automatically increase the required difficulty as a person improves. For example, the algorithm will increase the required range of motion at the shoulder and elbow during shoulder abduction until the player can exercise sufficient range of motion to trigger game actions on only about 80% of attempts. In keeping with CIMT's constraint of the stronger arm, only movements made with the more-affected upper extremity can trigger game actions. Figure 1 is a screenshot of the game play. Table 3 describes how the game design was in keeping with several principles of motor learning. Additional detail on game design and screenshots of the game can be found in prior publications.31,37,38

Figure 1. Screenshot of Recovery Rapids.

Figure 1

Screenshot of Recovery Rapids.

Table 3. Principles of Motor Learning Underlying the Development of Recovery Rapids.

Table 3

Principles of Motor Learning Underlying the Development of Recovery Rapids.

Participants agreed to play Recovery Rapids for a total of 15 hours (1.5 hours per day) on 10 treatment days over 3 weeks. This treatment schedule was designed to dose-match the duration of active motor practice provided in CIMT (the same duration of active motor practice could be accomplished in half the time because gaming treatment involves continuous practice without breaks for task setup, and automated feedback occurs concurrently with game play). Participants could self-pace their game play (ie, hit “Pause” for short rests or begin another session later if longer breaks were needed). Participants were encouraged to break play into 3 separate sessions per day to avoid fatigue, but ultimately they had the freedom to play for as long as they wished. Participants had complete freedom when scheduling their gameplay but were asked to make up any missed play time on a nontreatment day to encourage adherence to the prescribed motor practice. Game play was driven solely by movements made with the 29 more-affected upper extremity. The gaming system logged compliance with in-home game play (ie, active play time).

A total of 5 hours of in-clinic therapist consultation was delivered over 4 treatment sessions (initial session = 2 hours). This treatment schedule was chosen because the frequency of in-clinic visits (1 to 2 times per week) reflects that of routine clinical practice. Therapist sessions focused on teaching game play (about 30 minutes in session 1) and on delivering the same CIMT behavioral techniques described above under “In-Clinic CIMT (High-Intensity Comparator)” and elsewhere.15,39 In lieu of the CIMT restraint mitt (a component of CIMT that is not well liked by participants), participants were provided with a smartwatch application that tracked use of the weaker arm and notified the participant (vibration with message to “Please use me”) when it detected prolonged inactivity. In the month following treatment, continued use of the weaker arm during daily activities was encouraged by prompting the participant to complete the MAL via a Research Electronic Capture database (REDCap) survey, an exercise that required participants to periodically reflect on daily arm use.

Gaming CIMT With Additional Teleconsultation (Gaming+)

The treatment administered to this group was identical to that of the Gaming CIMT group but with 6 additional video conference visits (teleconsultations) to match the number of behavioral support encounters that occurred during in-clinic CIMT. Thus, the Gaming CIMT group was matched with the Standard Care group on total time spent with a therapist, whereas the Gaming+ group was matched with the CIMT group on the number of sessions focusing on behavior change. An initial 1-hour video consultation occurred between the first 2 in-person sessions, with subsequent 20-minute check-ins occurring throughout treatment (2.6 hours total of teleconsultation). In the month following treatment, continued use of the weaker arm during daily activities was encouraged through phone administration of the MAL by a therapist, consistent with the in-clinic CIMT group.

Standard Care (Matched With Gaming CIMT on Time Spent With a Therapist)

This treatment was designed to follow the same in-clinic treatment schedule as the Gaming groups. The standard care treatment protocol was established by community therapists to incorporate the balance of activities typically provided during outpatient upper extremity therapy. Following a 25-minute evaluation on day 1, the following components of the intervention were delivered: (1) neuromuscular reeducation (20 minutes on day 1 and 10 minutes daily thereafter); (2) functional training (25 minutes on all treatment days); (3) progressive strengthening (25 minutes on day 1 and 15 minutes thereafter); and (4) review, adjustment, and teaching of home program (25 minutes on day 1 and 10 minutes thereafter). For the active procedures of neuromuscular reeducation, functional training, and progressive strengthening, the target for exercise intensity was 4 (somewhat hard) on the Borg CR10 Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE) scale.53 A self-management home program was designed for all participants on the first visit, modeled on the strengthening exercises from the self-managed Graded Repetitive Arm Supplementary Program (GRASP)26 and the Locomotor Experience Applied Post-Stroke (LEAPS) trial.54 This home program consisted of strengthening exercises (including use of a TheraBand, when appropriate) to be done for 15 minutes twice daily (total of 30 minutes daily) on the first 10 nontherapy days (such that the total time of prescribed nongaming motor practice was equivalent across all groups). Strengthening home exercises are commonly employed in standard care because they are inexpensive, accessible, and easy to teach, and their use is generally supported in the literature.26,55,56

Treatment fidelity for the 13 therapists at the 5 sites (plus additional student trainees operating under their supervision) was promoted through the following approaches:

  1. Therapists received full-day in-person training by Dr Gauthier and/or Alexandra Borstad, DPT, before treating the first participant.
  2. Whenever possible, therapists first shadowed another therapist who had demonstrated mastery, and then were directly observed by that therapist before independently treating participants.
  3. Therapists were provided with a treatment packet for each participant that included a checklist and all required study forms to ensure that no treatment components were missed.
  4. Sessions for all interventions were videotaped and randomly checked for adherence to the protocol by an independent rater.
  5. Retraining was required before treating additional participants if the independent rater identified protocol deviations.
  6. Therapists participated in a virtual asynchronous “brush-up” training midway through the study.

Primary Outcomes

Qualitative analysis of feedback from our Stroke Advisory Board indicated 2 main therapy objectives: (1) regaining sufficient motor control to accomplish daily tasks/hobbies independently and (2) decreasing the time and effort required to perform tasks. To address the former participation outcome, quality of arm use for daily activities was measured via the MAL, which is a reliable and valid measure of quality of arm use during daily activities.57,58 Arm use for each of 28 ADLs was self-rated on an 11-point scale, from 0 (no use) to 5 (normal ability) assessed at 0.5-point intervals. The minimally clinically important difference (MCID) for the MAL is about 1.0,59 which qualitatively reflects the difference between requiring help from the stronger hand to accomplish a task and being able to accomplish a task with effort using just the weaker hand.

To address stakeholders’ priority for increased speed of movement, we used the Wolf Motor Function Test (WMFT), which measures the time to complete standardized functional movements (eg, turning over cards, lifting a can to one's mouth, folding a towel).60-62 The WMFT has established reliability and validity60-62 and has been commonly employed in previous CIMT trials.8,10,22,63 The MCID on the WMFT is a 16% decrease in performance time.64 WMFT performance time scores were natural log (Ln) transformed before analysis, following precedent,65 for 3 reasons. First, an Ln transform renders positively skewed WMFT performance time data approximately normally distributed. Second, improvements on an Ln scale better characterize clinical improvement. For example, an improvement in performance time from 12 seconds to 2 seconds is not clinically equivalent to an improvement from 112 to 102 seconds; the former would be viewed by stakeholders as appreciably more meaningful, and the Ln transform reflects that. Finally, Ln-transformed WMFT scores are more easily interpretable because they approximate percentage change.

The study group was masked to those conducting the testing. Assessments were conducted within a week before treatment, a week following treatment, and within 5 to 7 months after posttest (see Table 4). Assessments were video recorded to enable later review (eg, if a data entry error or test administration error was suspected).

Table 4. Timeline of Participation.

Table 4

Timeline of Participation.

Secondary Outcomes

Secondary/exploratory outcomes for this trial were scores on measures whose psychometric properties are still being established (Quality of Life in Neurological Disorders [Neuro-QoL]) or whose sensitivity to clinical improvement may be limited (eg, 9-HPT).66 Additional clinical measurements were obtained to determine how factors such as sensation (Semmes-Weinstein monofilament [SWM] touch test), cognition (Montreal Cognitive Assessment [MoCA]), or adherence (eg, duration of game play) could affect treatment response. Each measurement is described below in turn.

Measured at All Time Points

The Neuro-QoL67 is a computerized adaptive test (CAT) that measures self-reported health-related quality of life (QOL) for individuals with neurologic disorders. It assesses aspects of physical, cognitive, emotional, and social functioning that are important to stakeholders and was developed using patient-centered methods.67-69 This assessment was selected by stakeholders because of the CAT's significantly shortener administration time (about 4 minutes compared with 20 minutes for the Stroke-Specific QOL assessment) and by researchers because it resulted from an NIH-funded initiative to develop common data elements for measuring QOL in clinical studies. Stakeholders identified the Anxiety, Fatigue, Lower Extremity Mobility, Well-being, Sleep, Social Roles and Activities, and Cognition scales as most relevant to them. Each Neuro-QoL domain is reported as a T score (mean [SD], 50 [10]). The Neuro-QoL assessment was new at the time this research began, so it largely lacked psychometric validation. Recent work has provided some psychometric validation—for example, moderate to strong cross-sectional correlations between the Neuro-QoL and the 36-item Short Form Health Survey (SF-36) QOL assessments70—and demonstrated responsiveness to change on most scales among a population of individuals with Huntington disease.71 Other psychometric properties of the assessment appear more troubling, however. A recent paper by Healy and colleagues70 showed (1) a compressed range of scores (SDs around 7) on this assessment; (2) that the CAT version of the test had “mild or no correlation with any of the clinical outcome measures including anxiety, depression, fatigue, and positive affect”; and (3) that change on the Neuro-QoL correlated only weakly or not at all with change on the SF-36, another patient-reported QOL measure. The Neuro-QoL CAT is relatively new, so published accounts of its psychometric properties are still limited70,71 and have yet to be established in a chronic stroke population. Results of analyses on this assessment should thus be interpreted cautiously.

The SWM touch test was included because (1) stroke survivors identify loss of tactile sensation as a barrier to use of their more affected arm; and (2) pilot work showed a trend toward improved sensation among participants who were treated with the Recovery Rapids computer game employed in this study.31 This test quantifies the index finger's threshold for detecting touch (in grams of pressure),72 with acceptable interrater73 and test-retest reliability.74 SWM touch test data were log transformed as recommended for analysis.75

The 9-HPT was included in the assessment battery because it is commonly used to measure distal (fine-motor) improvement within clinical settings because of its short (2-minute) administration time, and it is the test of manual dexterity included in the NIH Toolbox. However, consistent with another stroke study,76 60% of participants scored at floor on this measure at baseline (ie, inability to place all pegs within 120 seconds), rendering the measure inappropriate for capturing comparative treatment effects in this study sample.

Measured at a Single Time Point

Adherence was objectively measured for the Gaming and Gaming+ groups via the gaming system. The gaming system logged both body movement and game actions so that the time (in hours) that the participant consistently performed therapeutic movements could be calculated. A multiparadigm computational approach was employed to automatically remove durations of artifact from the play time calculation. For example, a participant can answer the phone without pausing the system, begin exhibiting patterns of movement that are inconsistent with engagement in therapeutic game play, or take breaks; a computational approach described by Yang and colleagues removed these epochs from the play time record (post hoc). This computational approach also used features from the Microsoft Kinect skeleton (eg, arm length, torso length) to remove (infrequent) periods of time in which a different person was captured by the gaming system. A detailed description of these computational procedures for removing artifact can be found in Yang et al.28

Cognition was assessed via the MoCA at baseline. The MoCA was designed as a rapid screening measure (approximately 15 minutes of administration time) for detecting mild cognitive impairment; it is more sensitive than other commonly used screening tools (eg, Mini-Mental State Exam).77 It has both excellent specificity and sensitivity for distinguishing participants with mild cognitive impairment and dementia from healthy controls.78

Sample Size Calculations and Power

A sample size was selected to provide 80% power to detect an MCID between 1 group and the other 3 groups on the WMFT. Power was estimated in MATLAB using a Monte Carlo approach79 in which data were repeatedly randomly sampled from a simulated data set and the statistical significance calculated for each of 5000 permutations. The simulated data set employed within-group variability from a previous CIMT study8 and a between-group difference equal to the MCID for the WMFT (16% [Lin et al]64 of the baseline WMFT mean performance time from this study Ln transformed8). A 2-tailed test with an α level of .05 indicated that 51 participants per group would yield 80% power. Accounting for an estimated 10% attrition (based on the pilot study31), our targeted enrollment was thus 224 participants. As the MCID for the MAL is proportionally larger than the MCID for the WMFT and the MAL showed larger comparative treatment effects in prior work,8 power for the MAL approached 100% at the target sample size of 224.

Time Frame for the Study

A 3-week intervention period for all treatments was chosen based on feedback from the Stroke Advisory Board that members would prefer a more compressed intervention to a diffuse one. They thus favored the traditional CIMT schedule but petitioned for it to be extended from 2 weeks to 3 weeks to allow more flexibility in scheduling transportation and other commitments. A follow-up of 6 months was the longest that could be feasibly accomplished given the study timeline.

Procedures to Maximize Study Adherence and Retention

To maximize retention, all therapy sessions and pretreatment, posttreatment, and 6-month follow-up testing appointments were scheduled at the time of enrollment. A financial incentive of $50 per occasion was provided to encourage attendance at testing sessions. A thank-you letter was sent to participants a month after study completion, with a reminder of their follow-up testing date. Members of the Stroke Advisory Board suggested the following adherence-enhancing measures that were employed uniformly for this trial: (1) feedback regarding adherence during therapist encounters; (2) reminder phone calls when necessary and feasible (to attend in-person therapy, complete scheduled at-home game play, and perform home exercises); (3) providing an instructional DVD/video links for the client and family (eg, to educate/inform family members about CIMT); and (4) being provided with a T-shirt at study completion if >90% adherence was achieved.

Analytical and Statistical Approaches

Demographic measures and initial scores on outcome variables were compared between groups using analysis of variance (ANOVA) for continuous variables or χ2 tests for categorical variables to ensure initial group equivalency. Therapy-induced changes in motor function (WMFT) and daily arm use (MAL) were analyzed separately via mixed-effects linear models in intent-to-treat (ITT) analyses (primary analyses). In these analyses, data from participants who voluntarily withdrew from the study (during or after treatment) and those with poor adherence to the protocol were included. Each model included treatment and time (as well as their interaction) as fixed effects, and study site and participant as random effects. In these models, the interaction of treatment and time was the primary effect of interest because it tests the difference in change over time between the 4 treatment groups.

The following participant factors were entered as covariates in the model in a stepwise manner to determine whether they influenced the treatment response (factor × time): baseline motor ability, baseline arm use, therapy adherence (number of hours of active motor practice), tactile sense (SWM touch test72), cognition (MoCA),80 age, sex, chronicity, and whether the dominant hand was more affected. The comparative treatment response (3-way factor × time × group interaction) was examined for any factors that influenced treatment outcome (ie, showed a significant factor × time effect). Baseline motor ability was shown to influence both primary outcomes in prior research,33-35 so its potential influence was examined first (ie, by adding the interaction between baseline motor ability and time as a fixed effect to the original mixed-effects general linear model). Each of the aforementioned covariates was retained in the model only if it significantly influenced treatment response (ie, interacted with time, P < .05) or influenced comparative treatment response (ie, produced a P < .05 three-way interaction). Variables and 3-way interactions were removed from the model when the addition of other variables reduced the statistical significance of the variable/interaction to P > .10. Dummy coded contrasts were used for categorical variables. Of interest was the extent to which each factor influenced the outcome variable (ie, partial slopes); the interaction of the factor with time; and the 3-way interaction between factor, time, and group. To determine whether the observed relationships were, in fact, linear, we constructed added variable regression plots.81 These plots display the added variable against the residual space of the other covariates.

Outlier Detection

Extreme outliers can skew overall treatment estimates. The MAL was examined for extreme outliers because these could indicate 1 or more of the following: (1) failure of the tester to follow the testing manual (ie, paraphrased or incomplete instructions), (2) a participant misunderstanding the scale, (3) a participant's limited awareness of his or her deficits, or (4) a participant's poor memory of how the weaker arm was used during activities over the 2 days before MAL administration. Given that participants with significant cognitive impairments were included in the sample and that the MAL relies on accurate self-report, it was necessary to examine the data for outliers with z-scores >3 SDs from the mean. Time-series outliers were replaced following random forest imputation (RFI; described in more detail in the “Missing Data” section below). Outlier analysis was also conducted on the WMFT and SWM touch test data to detect potential data-entry errors. Outliers were to be adjusted only for these objective measures in the case of test administration error.

Missing Data

Missingness was examined via logistic regression to determine whether the pattern of missingness related to study group or measured participant factors.

Two different ITT analyses were then examined, 1 treating voluntary dropouts as nonresponders and the other using imputation of missing data. The most conservative analysis (outlined in the original study protocol32) treated voluntary dropouts as nonresponders (pretreatment scores were carried over to subsequent time points). It thus determined the relative effectiveness of each treatment approach on the entire population that was treatment eligible. To avoid “penalizing” the treatment effect if participants were forced to withdraw for reasons unrelated to the study (eg, medical issues), it was determined a priori that missing data for these participants should be interpolated (thus, last observation carried forward [LOCF] was used to replace missing data for voluntary dropouts, while multiple imputation was used in the case of medical withdrawals). Imputing the data for medical withdrawals was more appropriate than treating them as nonresponders, because many of these participants would return to resume the treatment protocol at a later date (ie, when medically stable) within a clinical setting that does not place time constraints on treatment completion. Missing data for individuals who withdrew during follow-up were also imputed to avoid overestimating retention of clinical gains (LOCF would produce estimates of 100% retention of the treatment effect).

Multiple imputation was performed by multiple imputation by chained equations (MICE) in the R statistical package.82 MICE employed 800 iterations83 of the random forest (RF) prediction algorithm to estimate the missing data from available data.82 RF is a machine-learning technique that discovers nonlinear and complex relations between different variables in a data set, thus providing a more-accurate and less-biased estimation of missing data compared with popular imputation techniques such as predictive mean matching or multiple regression,84-87 which may be prone to overfitting or rely too heavily on particular participant features.88,89 RF used group assignment, clinical assessment data (summary scores on the SWM touch test, MoCA, WMFT, and MAL, as well as individual item responses on the WMFT and MAL), and select demographic information (affected side, sex, handedness) to estimate the missing data. To verify that the imputed values were not dependent on RF's initial randomly generated parameters (they were not), RF was repeated 5 times, each time with randomly generated initial RF parameters. No appreciable change in the estimates was realized as the number of iterations was further increased above 800, suggesting that 800 repetitions was sufficient.

The first ITT analysis described previously estimates the treatment effects among the entire population of eligible candidates, conservatively assuming no treatment response for individuals who withdrew from the study before posttesting. This analysis is useful for illuminating the pragmatic effectiveness of the treatments because it accounts for the attrition that negatively affects outcomes. The Stroke Advisory Board felt that this analysis was less useful for individual decision-making, however, because stroke survivors who initiate treatment typically do not do so under the impression that they may soon withdraw from treatment. Thus, a priori knowledge of the likely benefit of a treatment approach for those who remain in the treatment program seems more relevant at the point of care. Accordingly, a second ITT analysis was carried out in which all missing data were interpolated using RFI. The latter analysis estimates the typical treatment response of those who remain in treatment. It is the analysis discussed most in-depth in the Results and Discussion sections given its identified relevance to stakeholders.

Finally, stakeholders felt that it was relevant to have information about the relative effectiveness of treatments when they were completed as prescribed (per protocol). This comparison is particularly relevant for this trial; 63% percent of Gaming and Gaming+ participants did not fully adhere to the prescribed in-home game play, whereas all participants adhered almost completely to the in-person treatments. This differential adherence could skew ITT estimates of effectiveness in favor of in-person therapies. For this analysis, missing follow-up data were imputed using RFI.

Changes to the Original Study Protocol

Modifications to the Gaming+ group (Gaming group with teleconsultation) were made before the start of the study based on stakeholder feedback.

For the ITT analysis assessing comparative effectiveness, a slight modification was made to use imputation via RFI rather than list-wise deletion in order to account for missing data after treatment among individuals who were unable to complete the study protocol because of medical or other nonstudy-related causes. This modification was made for 2 reasons: (1) because list-wise deletion methods have been shown to produce biased parameters and estimates, and (2) because imputation was proposed for the analysis of data that were missing at follow-up; employing this modification throughout the study maintained greater consistency. Two related but separate ITT analyses were also performed instead of the single analysis originally proposed. The first analysis (proposed in the published study protocol32) used LOCF to address missing data for individuals who voluntarily withdrew before posttreatment testing (simulating no treatment response). This ITT analysis would thus slightly underestimate the treatment effects, because some participants completed the majority of treatment before withdrawing and thus likely received some benefit from treatment. Accordingly, stakeholders expressed that it would be more relevant to their treatment decision-making to know the comparative effectiveness of the interventions among those who remained engaged in treatment (because participants began treatment under the assumption that they would remain in treatment). An additional ITT analysis was therefore carried out to more closely approximate the desired comparison; data imputation was used to address all missing posttreatment data instead of the LOCF method. This additional ITT analysis is also responsive to the revised PCORI Methodology Standards; these standards discourage the use of the LOCF method to deal with missing data.

For the analysis of participant factors that may influence treatment response, the Brief Kinesthesia Test was dropped as a potential covariate because it was found to be highly confounded by motor ability (and thus not a true measure of proprioceptive ability, as originally intended). Baseline motor function was also analyzed as a continuous rather than a dichotomous (higher/lower) variable to preserve variability and improve power; thus, the baseline score on the WMFT was used as the covariate rather than the ability to place any pegs on the 9-HPT, as originally proposed.

Regulatory Oversight

Regulatory oversight was conducted by the IRBs of OSU, OhioHealth, UAB, and the University of Missouri. The PMMC IRB ceded review to OSU (central IRB). This trial was prospectively registered on ClinicalTrials.gov (NCT02631850: https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT02631850?term=NCT02631850&draw=2&rank=1).


Enrollment and Retention

In total, 193 participants were enrolled in the study. There was higher-than-expected attrition of 13% before the start of treatment. An additional 10.7% of participants dropped out during treatment, and 24.7% dropped out during the follow-up phase. One CIMT participant was withdrawn from the study during treatment after review of her medical records revealed that she had never experienced a stroke (she had experienced a transient ischemic attack with no subsequent motor impairment; nonuse of her arm was related to an old orthopedic injury). During-treatment attrition was consistent with the 9% attrition typical of outpatient stroke trials that recruited participants from the community.90 Higher-than-expected attrition in follow-up was observed for the groups that had received the least amount of therapist contact, while attrition for the other groups was slightly lower than in previous reports.91 The flow of participants through the study is outlined in Figure 2. A site-specific recruitment/retention breakdown is shown in Table 5.

Figure 2. CONSORT Flow Diagram.

Figure 2

CONSORT Flow Diagram.

Table 5. Enrollment and Retention, by Site.

Table 5

Enrollment and Retention, by Site.

Demographics of the Study Sample

The study sample was disproportionately male (64% male, P = .001), reflective of the 41% higher stroke prevalence among men in the general population.92 Disproportionally fewer men were randomly assigned to the Gaming groups than to the Standard Care or CIMT groups (χ2 = 10.07, P = .02). Aside from the gender imbalance between groups, there were no other significant demographic differences between groups or study sites at baseline. Baseline characteristics of participants by study group are shown in Table 6. Baseline characteristics of participants by site are shown in Table 7.

Table 6. Baseline Characteristics of the ITT Sample.

Table 6

Baseline Characteristics of the ITT Sample.

Table 7. Baseline Participant Characteristics, by Study Site.

Table 7

Baseline Participant Characteristics, by Study Site.

Pattern of Missingness

Primary outcomes data were captured from all participants who remained in the study. One UAB participant with transportation challenges received the MAL only at posttreatment because of an inability to travel for testing (the MAL was administered via teleconference). This same participant arrived late to the follow-up testing session; thus, only the WMFT and SWM touch test were administered (the participant could not be contacted afterward to complete the MAL and Neuro-QoL remotely). There were 6 participants with missing data on the touch test (secondary outcome) at posttreatment and follow-up. Five instances of missing touch test data were resulted from testing protocol deviation at 1 of the sites; the other instance of missing data at follow-up resulted from excessive hypotonicity, which precluded opening the participant's hand to administer the test. Neuro-QoL data (secondary outcome) were missing for 21 participants at pretreatment, 16 participants at posttreatment, and 33 participants at follow-up. The majority of missing Neuro-QoL data resulted from hospital firewall or other issues accessing the CAT, particularly at 2 of the study sites.

For the analysis of the comparative treatment effects during the treatment period (baseline to posttreatment), the pattern of missingness (ie, dropout) was not significantly related to study group or to any measured participant factors (motor scores at baseline on the WMFT and MAL, age, time in years since the stroke, tactile sensation [SWM touch test], cognitive status [MoCA], whether the dominant hand was affected, or rural location). Rather, the pattern of missingness during the treatment period was presumed to be related to unquantifiable participant factors, such as unrelated medical events or reduced ability to travel.

Attrition in follow-up was also unrelated to baseline characteristics, but receiving fewer therapist contacts during treatment was associated with significantly greater attrition during the follow-up period (P = .01). During this period, the dropout rate was more than twice as high for the Gaming CIMT and Standard Care groups that received just 4 therapist consultation sessions than for the CIMT and Gaming+ groups that received 10 therapist consultations (Table 8). Although the reasons for attrition during follow-up were often unknown (eg, participant did not return calls from study personnel), between-group differences in attrition may be the result of participants in the reduced contact groups feeling less connected to study personnel following the active treatment phase of the study, which may have reduced their overall long-term commitment to the study. As follow-up attrition appears to be related to group assignment, follow-up treatment change estimates and comparative treatment effects, particularly among the 2 groups with high attrition (Gaming and Standard Care), should be interpreted with caution. The UAB site had significantly higher overall attrition than the other study sites during the follow-up period (P < .01). Table 8 shows the characteristics of participants who dropped out and who were retained in the study.

Table 8. Characteristics of Participants Who Dropped Out During Treatment, Dropped Out During Follow-up, and Were Retained Throughout the Study (N = 167).

Table 8

Characteristics of Participants Who Dropped Out During Treatment, Dropped Out During Follow-up, and Were Retained Throughout the Study (N = 167).

Outlier Adjustment

Three pretreatment data points on the MAL were flagged as outliers and imputed via RFI. Two had excessively high scores (z > 3) that were inconsistent with MAL scores obtained during screening. The third approached the threshold for outlier detection (z > 2), and video review revealed that instructions had been read incorrectly to the participant during pretreatment MAL administration. One outlier in follow-up was adjusted via RFI; this participant had very poor cognition (MoCA = 6), and his report of fair-good quality of arm use during follow-up differed from his clinical presentation. One participant with cognitive impairment was removed altogether from the MAL analysis (list-wise deletion in lieu of interpolating MAL data from all 3 time points) because of inconsistent patterns of responding (eg, different items rated as not attempted at pretreatment vs posttreatment vs follow-up, better quality ratings for some harder items than for easier items).57 For the WMFT, 1 CIMT participant showed unusually strong recovery during the treatment period (z < −3), and 1 Standard Care participant showed exceptionally strong recovery during the 6-month follow-up period (z < −3); video review confirmed accurate test administration in both of these cases, so these outliers were not replaced with interpolated data. There were no outliers on the SWM touch test.

ITT Analysis With All Missing Data Interpolated

This analysis is the most relevant for patient decision-making because it measures the effectiveness of the interventions among participants who remain engaged in treatment but who may not adhere perfectly to the prescribed treatment. The LOCF analyses are presented in Appendix A. Per-protocol analyses are presented in Appendix B. Table 9 shows the means and SDs of each treatment group at each time point. Table 10 shows the comparative treatment effects.

Table 9. Means and SDs of Each Treatment Group at Each Time Point.

Table 9

Means and SDs of Each Treatment Group at Each Time Point.

Table 10. Comparative Treatment Effects.

Table 10

Comparative Treatment Effects.

Arm Use for Daily Activities (MAL)

The mixed-effects general linear model revealed a significant group × time interaction (P < .0001), with the 3 groups that received the behavioral components of CIMT (ie, CIMT and both gaming groups) significantly outperforming the standard care group. The groups that received behavioral intervention (CIMT and both Gaming groups) showed significant (P < .0001) and clinically meaningful improvements in daily arm use (MAL treatment change >1.0 MCID) during the treatment period, while the Standard Care group showed a statistically significant improvement during treatment (P < .0001) that was not clinically meaningful (MAL treatment change < 1.0 MCID). The treatment response of all 3 groups that received the behavioral components was more than twice as large as that of Standard Care participants. The portion of participants who achieved a clinically meaningful treatment response on the MAL was 92%, 80%, 70%, and 24% for the CIMT, Gaming+, Gaming, and Standard Care groups, respectively. Participants exhibited, on average, 57% retention of MAL gains at 6-month follow-up; retention did not significantly differ between groups. Imperfect retention is not surprising in the context of 100% self-management of behavior change for the 5 to 6 months that preceded the follow- up assessment. The portion of participants who maintained a clinically meaningful treatment response on the MAL after 6 months was 56%, 38%, 32%, and 21% for the CIMT, Gaming+, Gaming, and Standard Care groups, respectively. Although some statistically significant differences between the groups remained at 6-month follow-up, clinically meaningful differences were no longer present between groups. Figure 3 illustrates the comparative treatment effects and their 6-month retention.

Figure 3. Treatment Change on the MAL (Change in Raw Score From Baseline) by Group During the Intervention Period (Blue, Left) and 6-Month Follow-up (Purple, Right).

Figure 3

Treatment Change on the MAL (Change in Raw Score From Baseline) by Group During the Intervention Period (Blue, Left) and 6-Month Follow-up (Purple, Right).

Motor Function Outcomes (WMFT)

All groups attained statistically significant and clinically meaningful improvements in motor function ranging from 20% (Standard Care) to 35% (CIMT) of their maximum possible improvement [(posttreatment ™ pretreatment)/(best possible score ™ pretreatment)]. These improvements were maintained over the follow-up period (Figure 4). The CIMT group showed marginally greater initial improvements in motor function than the Gaming and Standard care groups (P = .05 and .08, respectively). No comparative treatment effects remained by follow-up.

Figure 4. Treatment Change on the WMFT (Ln Transformed) by Group During the Intervention Period (Blue Bars, Left) and at 6-Month Follow-up (Yellow Bars, Right).

Figure 4

Treatment Change on the WMFT (Ln Transformed) by Group During the Intervention Period (Blue Bars, Left) and at 6-Month Follow-up (Yellow Bars, Right).

Adherence to Treatment

Adherence to rehabilitation gaming practice varied markedly among individuals who completed treatment (ie, remained in the study). The Gaming group completed a median of 7 hours of motor practice (46% of the prescribed amount), while the Gaming+ group completed a median of 12 hours (81%) of the exercise dose (Figure 5). While 24% of Gaming participants and 37% of Gaming+ participants achieved or exceeded the prescribed 15 hours of gaming practice (ie, were fully adherent), nonadherence led an approximately equal portion (36% of Gaming participants and 22% of Gaming+ participants) to ultimately receive a lower dose of motor practice than the Standard Care group (ie, <5 hours). Though the focus of the therapist consultations was centered on behavioral techniques to increase daily arm use, with only a brief adherence check-in at each session, participants adhered better to independent game play when they were more closely followed by a therapist (Gaming vs Gaming+ 1-tailed Wilcoxon rank sum test, z = 1.74, P = .04). Each additional teleconsultation yielded a median increase of 52.1 minutes of independent play time.

Figure 5. Box Plot Demonstrating Significantly Greater Adherence to Game Play Among the Gaming+ (Right) Participants Than Among the Gaming (Left) Participants.

Figure 5

Box Plot Demonstrating Significantly Greater Adherence to Game Play Among the Gaming+ (Right) Participants Than Among the Gaming (Left) Participants.

Analysis of Secondary Outcomes

Secondary outcomes assessed at all time points (pretreatment, posttreatment, and 6-month follow-up) included the Neuro-QoL, 9-HPT, and the SWM touch test. The 9-HPT suffered from extensive floor effects in our sample (60% of participants were unable to place any pegs at baseline), so it was dropped from further analysis of comparative treatment effects.

The Neuro-QoL incorporates a relatively new CAT system to measure QOL across multiple domains. There were no significant treatment-related improvements on the Neuro-QoL (main effect of time), and the mean treatment changes on all scales were smaller than the minimally detectable change for the measure.94 There were no significant comparative treatment effects (group × time interactions). These results are consistent with some prior work that shows that QOL improvements from CIMT are limited to ADLs and motor domains (ie, did not generalize to the social, family, cognitive, mood domains, etc, that were measured here)95 or that general QOL improvements are not generally realized from CIMT.96 However, these findings are inconsistent with another previous study that showed QOL improvements following CIMT across multiple nonmotor domains that strongly correlated with improvements in daily arm use.97 The inconsistencies in findings may be partially explained by differences in the assessments that were used, suboptimal psychometric properties of existing QOL assessments70 (eg, in our sample, the composite T score had an SD of just 2.4, and each subscale had substantially lower-than-expected SDs, producing a restricted range for analysis), or participant characteristics.98 In sum, Neuro-QoL results should be interpreted with caution given the inconsistently demonstrated validity of the assessment, general inconsistency within the literature regarding the impact of motor training on QOL (likely in part stemming from limitations of the assessment tools), and the salient impact that mood and educational level have on self-reports of QOL.98

An SWM touch test was employed to determine whether motor rehabilitation could restore tactile sensation (measured in the index finger). Tactile sensation significantly improved over time, independent of group. Participants could detect a pressure stimulus of about 0.24 g less at posttreatment (P < .01) and 6-month follow-up (P < .01). Participants with poorer sensation at baseline made significantly greater improvements. Of the 42 people with severe impairment at baseline (loss of protective sensation), 2 (5%) were able to fully regain protective sensation and 10 (24%) were able to regain some protective sensation. Of the 25 participants with moderate impairment at baseline (diminished protective sensation), 1 (4%) was able to fully recover ability to detect light touch and 8 (32%) were able to fully regain protective sensation. Of the 62 participants with mildly impaired sensation at baseline, 15 (24%) were able to fully recover ability to detect light touch.

Characteristics Associated With Treatment Response

Motor Function (WMFT, Primary Outcome)

Participants with poorer initial motor ability made more robust improvements in motor function (WMFT) that were retained through 6-month follow-up (Table 10, Figure 6). There were no significant 3-way interactions, indicating that the comparative treatment effect between groups did not depend on initial motor ability. Table 11 shows the effect sizes of the covariates for the full model.

Figure 6. Participants With Poorer Initial Motor Ability (Higher Scores) Made More Robust Improvements in Motor Function (WMFT) That Were Retained Through 6-Month Follow-up.

Figure 6

Participants With Poorer Initial Motor Ability (Higher Scores) Made More Robust Improvements in Motor Function (WMFT) That Were Retained Through 6-Month Follow-up.

Table 11. Effect Sizes for Patient Characteristics Associated With WMFT Response.

Table 11

Effect Sizes for Patient Characteristics Associated With WMFT Response.

Arm Use (MAL, Primary Outcome)

Contrary to its effect on motor function improvements, poorer motor function at baseline was associated with significantly poorer improvement and retention of gains in daily arm use (Figure 7). Higher baseline MAL scores were also associated with smaller treatment-induced improvements on the MAL (Figure 8). Comparative treatment effects were not influenced by baseline motor function or arm use (3-way interactions were not significant). Table 12 shows the effect sizes from the full model.

Figure 7. Poorer Motor Function at Baseline Associated With Significantly Poorer Improvement and Retention of Gains in Daily Arm Use.

Figure 7

Poorer Motor Function at Baseline Associated With Significantly Poorer Improvement and Retention of Gains in Daily Arm Use.

Figure 8. Higher Baseline MAL Scores Predicted Smaller Treatment-Induced Improvements on the MAL.

Figure 8

Higher Baseline MAL Scores Predicted Smaller Treatment-Induced Improvements on the MAL.

Table 12. Effect Sizes for Patient Characteristics Associated With MAL Response.

Table 12

Effect Sizes for Patient Characteristics Associated With MAL Response.

SWM Touch Test

Poorer sensation at baseline was associated with significantly greater improvements in sensation (partial slopes = −0.26 for treatment and follow-up, P ≤ .04; Figure 9).

Figure 9. Poorer Sensation at Baseline Associated With Significantly Greater Improvements in Sensation.

Figure 9

Poorer Sensation at Baseline Associated With Significantly Greater Improvements in Sensation.

None of the following participant-related factors influenced treatment response or the comparative treatment effect on any primary or secondary outcome measure: cognition, touch sensation, age, sex, whether the dominant hand was more affected, or time since stroke. The mixed-effects general linear models that best characterize treatment response are included in the Appendices.

Adverse Events

Twelve participants experienced medical events unrelated to the study, 10 of whom discontinued participation as a result. Two participants reported study-related adverse events (AEs). One Gaming participant experienced bruising from wearing the activity tracker too tightly, and another experienced nausea secondary to muscle soreness. Both AEs resolved quickly or spontaneously and did not affect study participation.

Exploratory Analyses

To ensure that all study groups had the opportunity to receive intensive motor training, the Standard Care group was given the opportunity to receive in-home game play after completing the 6-month follow-up. Before taking the game home, participants in this group received a 2-hour therapist consultation session in which they learned how to operate the game and were introduced to the behavioral components of the intervention, which they subsequently completed independently. The structure of this 2-hour session was identical to the first in-person consultation from the Gaming and Gaming+ groups, as was the prescribed game play and agreed-upon in-home task practice. Following this initial consultation, crossover participants completed the remainder of the program independently (ie, with no additional therapist consultation). Although controlled comparisons cannot be drawn from this crossover period, it provides some preliminary evidence of (1) the impact of therapist consultations on adherence to game play, (2) the impact of therapist consultations on improvements in daily arm use, and (3) whether a second bout of motor practice months later may continue to improve motor function.

Nineteen participants completed both the crossover intervention and post-crossover motor testing. Mixed-effects general linear models applied to these 19 complete cases examined the main effect of time on the primary outcome variables. No interaction terms were included in the models given the small sample size.

Adherence was approximately equal to that of the Gaming group, with a median active game play time of 6.87 hours. Only 1 individual completed the prescribed 15 hours. Motor function continued to improve through the post-crossover period. By the end of the crossover period, participants attained motor gains that were similar to those attained by the CIMT and Gaming+ groups during their initial treatment period (WMFT Ln post-crossover – WMFT Ln pretreatment = −0.34; Figure 10, left panel). Statistically significant improvements in daily arm use were also achieved (pretreatment to post–cross-over gains = 0.84; 95% CI, 0.51-1.17), but these failed to reach the threshold for clinically meaningful improvement by the end of the crossover period (Figure 10, right panel). Given a much smaller improvement in daily arm use during the crossover period (post-crossover MAL – follow-up MAL = 0.1 point) than that achieved by the Gaming and Gaming+ participants during the period of active gaming intervention (1.3 and 1.5 points, respectively), continued therapist interaction appeared critical for promoting behavior change.

Figure 10. WMFT and MAL Scores at Each Time Point.

Figure 10

WMFT and MAL Scores at Each Time Point.


ITT analyses showed that the 3 interventions that incorporated the behavioral techniques of CIMT (CIMT and both Gaming groups) produced more than double the improvement in daily arm use compared with the Standard Care group; overall 6-month retention of MAL gains was 57%. The 2 interventions with 10 therapist contacts that emphasized behavioral change (CIMT and Gaming CIMT with additional teleconsultation) yielded the greatest gains in everyday arm use and delivered the highest doses of motor practice. All groups attained similar clinically meaningful improvements in motor function that were well maintained 6 months later.

Contracting, self-assessment, and problem-solving are behavioral techniques employed in previous CIMT trials. These techniques were designed to help clients reflect on how they use their weaker arm for daily activities at home and to reduce overreliance on the stronger arm. The finding of a >2-fold increase in daily arm use among those who received the behavioral techniques of CIMT is consistent with a previous study.8 Both studies showed that improvements in daily arm use were dependent almost entirely on whether these behavioral training techniques were used and not on the motor training modality.8 The results of this trial additionally demonstrate that the benefits of behavioral techniques can be achieved even when no motor training is incorporated into treatment sessions with a therapist. In the absence of these behavioral techniques, participants in the Standard Care group in this trial, as well as participants receiving intensive motor training protocols in previous research,8,14 failed to achieve clinically meaningful improvements in daily arm use. Moreover, a meta-analysis of previous CIMT studies revealed that MAL improvement was proportional to the number of behavioral techniques included in the treatment protocol.99 Assuming that the ultimate goal of rehabilitation is to increase a person's ability to use the weaker arm to accomplish daily activities, a strong case exists for the need to integrate behavioral techniques into treatment. The model of care tested here, which uses in-home gamified motor practice to free therapist time for delivering the behavioral techniques of CIMT, proved to be a viable solution for introducing these behavioral techniques into clinical practice.

The 57% six-month retention of MAL gains in this trial was somewhat less than in previous CIMT studies employing carryover techniques.8,22,100 Somewhat weaker retention may in part result from the greater motor impairment experienced by many of our participants compared with those in previous trials,8,22 a hypothesis partially supported by our finding that individuals with poorer motor function at baseline showed smaller gains on the MAL at posttreatment and follow-up. Greater motor impairment makes tasks more challenging to accomplish and thus serves as a disincentive to use the weaker arm. Periodic brush-up sessions may be beneficial for sustaining MAL treatment gains long term, particularly for participants with greater motor impairment.

Therapist contact appeared critical for promoting increased use of the weaker arm for daily activities. The CIMT and Gaming+ groups that received 10 consultations with a therapist had a significantly larger portion of participants achieve clinically meaningful improvements in daily arm use (92% and 80% during treatment and 56% and 38% during follow-up, respectively) than the Gaming and Standard Care groups, which had only 4 consultations with a therapist (70% and 24% during treatment and 32% and 21% during follow-up, respectively). Moreover, the small sample of Standard Care participants who crossed over to a self-management gaming intervention after the 6-month follow-up and received only a single therapist consultation focused on behavioral techniques did not achieve clinically meaningful improvements in daily arm use from baseline. Taken together, these findings suggest that the behavioral techniques of CIMT are not as effective when self-administered and that therapist consultations focused on overcoming barriers to arm use remain a critical treatment element. Additionally, therapist contact was critical for promoting adherence to motor practice, as reflected in a median difference of 5.2 additional hours of play time in the Gaming+ group compared with the Gaming group. The added structured motor practice in the CIMT and Gaming+ groups, combined with additional practice resulting from more frequent daily use of the weaker arm, may account for slightly larger WMFT gains posttreatment among the groups that received more therapist contact.

While therapist contact appeared critical for delivering the behavioral and adherence-enhancing components of the intervention, motor training appeared to be about as effective when carried out at home through a video game as in person training with a therapist. All groups achieved clinically meaningful improvements in motor function that were maintained at follow-up (approximately 20% of a person's maximum possible improvement). Between-group differences posttreatment (that likely resulted from the aforementioned variation in dosing of motor practice between groups) were absent by follow-up. The finding that eventual motor recovery is largely independent of training modality is consistent with a recent multisite clinical trial30 and meta-analyses13,27,29; these showed at most only small differences in effectiveness between gaming and therapist-led treatment modalities. The robust improvements on the WMFT resulting from all 4 interventions demonstrate that individuals who are nearly 5 years poststroke on average can achieve and sustain clinically meaningful improvements in arm function. Results of this study support a continued focus on motor restoration after the acute stage of recovery using either technology-based or clinician-administered modalities.

Although in-home gaming does not appear to produce superior gains in motor function to therapist-led motor practice, it does offer several other advantages to therapist-led alternatives. It can be done largely independently in the home, making it a lower-cost and more accessible alternative. Self-management through gaming also enables the therapist to devote more treatment time to the behavioral techniques that cannot be effectively self-administered. Additionally, rehabilitation gaming systems provide a vehicle for continuously tracking motor improvement, sustained effort (eg, range of motion, repetitions per time), and adherence over time and could ultimately facilitate empirically based personalization of the rehabilitation program. Finally, if gaming participants were able to retain access to the game and continue to engage with it, some could possibly continue to improve motor function after being discharged from therapist care, a possibility that will need to be examined in future work. Incomplete adherence to even gamified home practice remains a barrier for some individuals, as 31% ultimately completed less motor practice at home through the game than they would have if their therapy sessions were devoted exclusively to motor practice instead of behavioral techniques (ie, <5 hours of motor practice). Exploring adherence-enhancing interventions should remain a priority for future research aimed at enhancing the effectiveness and sustainability of self-management programs for stroke recovery.

One unexpected finding of the trial was significant improvements in tactile sensation that resulted from both therapist-led and virtual training modalities. Hence, upper extremity activity in the chronic phase of stroke can yield improved tactile perception even when tactile input does not accompany structured motor practice, as is the case with gamified motor practice that involves only virtual manipulation of objects (ie, no touching of real objects). It has long been established that sensory stimulation can modulate excitation of the motor cortex101,102 and facilitate motor restoration.103,104 This finding shows that the converse is also true: Stimulating motor pathways in turn improves sensation, perhaps via the anatomical and functional interconnectedness of sensorimotor pathways.105

Subpopulation Considerations

As expected, comparative treatment effects do not appear to be influenced by demographic or clinical characteristics. Therapists should thus base their choice of treatment on participant preferences and a treatment's overall effectiveness for achieving participant goals. For example, participants who reside in rural areas or who lack transportation may be more likely to prefer a treatment approach that can be delivered via teleconsultation, such as the gaming therapies employed here. Provided that these participants can adhere to a sufficiently intense program of self-management and receive adequate therapist support through teleconsultation, they can achieve gains that are equal to intensive in-person therapies, such as CIMT.

For all outcome measures that showed a treatment response (MAL, WMFT, SWM touch test), larger treatment gains were achieved by those who initially scored the poorest. This finding supports the concept of a proportional rehabilitation response (eg, those with the poorest function who make a 25% proportional recovery will achieve greater gains because their range of possible improvement was initially larger). Consistent with previous research, individuals with initially poorer motor ability show more pronounced improvements in motor function in response to motor practice yet also have more difficulty sustaining daily arm use.33-35 These individuals remain excellent candidates for motor practice using any approach (ie, in-home gaming vs in-clinic rehabilitation), but they may need continued support integrating their weaker arm into daily activities. In contrast, individuals with initially better motor ability may benefit more from devoting more treatment time to the behavioral techniques of CIMT than to structured motor practice.

Implications for Future Research and Clinical Practice

This study provided evidence in support of “technology outsourcing” the time that a therapist typically spends on therapeutic exercises to enable the therapist to focus limited therapy time on behavioral techniques that promote habit change; technology can be effectively used to encourage intensive and effective independent practice of therapeutic exercises. This finding has important, broad implications for rehabilitation of other neurologic conditions in which daily use falls short of what would be expected from the degree of recovery, such as infrequent speech production in the context of mild expressive aphasia or verbal apraxia. Study findings have consistently shown that habit change (eg, increased use) does not occur unless the client receives specific behavioral techniques.8,14 Because improved function during everyday activities and interactions is a primary goal of rehabilitation, there appears to be a primary disconnect between the techniques that can best accomplish this goal and what is currently practiced in rehabilitation. Dissemination initiatives should therefore have a 2-prong focus: (1) to solve rehabilitation access barriers by promoting adoption and viable payment structures for rehabilitative gaming technologies; and (2) to educate clinicians about the behavioral techniques employed in CIMT and how they can be broadly applied.


Limitations to External Validity

Study sample

Although this study employed broader inclusion criteria (eg, comorbidities, substantial cognitive impairment) than previous CIMT studies,8,22,100 enhancing the external validity of the results, these findings can only be generalized to individuals with mild to moderate upper extremity deficits (ie, some movement in both the proximal and distal upper extremity). Despite efforts to enroll a geographically diverse sample by enlisting sites in different parts of the country (Midwest, South, West Coast), underrecruitment at all study sites except OSU led to 52% of participants having been recruited from a single site and 61% of participants residing near Columbus, Ohio. Given the randomized design, the study population was also restricted to individuals who were willing and able to travel to in-person therapy and testing sessions (eg, the proportion of rural individuals enrolled in the study was less than anticipated). A person's geographical proximity and access (eg, reliable transportation) plays a significant role in determining their preferred balance of in-clinic vs self-management interventions. Thus, those who favor in-person treatments (eg, CIMT) were likely overrepresented in the study sample, which has the potential to introduce placebo-expectancy effects that could theoretically skew the comparative treatment effect in favor of in-clinic CIMT.

Standard care

To maximize internal validity for the study, it was necessary to standardize standard care. The standard care approach was informed by experienced occupational and physical therapists working in outpatient neurorehabilitation clinics within large academic medical centers. It thus may not be wholly representative of (and potentially better than) the treatment that stroke survivors receive in smaller, rural clinics or through home health services that do not specialize in neurorecovery. The Standard Care group also did not employ modalities or devices that are sometimes, albeit infrequently, used in clinical settings to treat this population (eg, functional electrical stimulation, robotic therapy, aquatic therapy, rehabilitation gaming).

Missing data

Some data were missing not at random (ie, disproportionately from 2 sites) for the Neuro-QoL and SWM touch test secondary outcomes. Given that data on these secondary outcomes were disproportionately missing from sites that were not located in Columbus, Ohio, the results of secondary outcomes may have limited external validity.

Limitations to Internal Validity


The study design does not allow for a direct comparison between gaming vs in-clinic treatment modalities because adherence could not be ensured in the Gaming groups (it was imperfect, as expected) and because the pace of treatment differed between the Gaming and CIMT groups (eg, breaks were administered to CIMT participants between trials, whereas gaming therapy involved continuous high-repetition movement). Rather, this study was designed to determine how a largely self-administered therapist-as-consultant treatment approach differs in terms of practical effectiveness from therapist-administered models of care (in-clinic CIMT and typical clinical practice).


The study was slightly underpowered for the WMFT outcome given higher-than-anticipated attrition and an inability to recruit the target 224 participants. Although a smaller-than-anticipated sample size did not preclude finding significant comparative treatment effects when clinically meaningful differences between groups were present, it nonetheless reduced power for detecting relationships between participant characteristics and treatment response (treatment response heterogeneity).


Substantial attrition was present in each phase of the intervention. Attrition is a threat to internal validity because the sample that completed the study may differ from the sample that began the study. Although no observable relationships emerged between the pattern of missingness during the treatment period and any measured variables, it is possible that data are missing not at random because unmeasured variables (eg, transportation challenges) may influence attrition. Maintaining participants during the follow-up period was particularly challenging within the treatment groups that had received less contact with a therapist during the treatment period (Gaming CIMT without additional teleconsultation and Standard Care groups). Substantial and group-dependent attrition during follow-up may have adversely influenced the validity of the follow-up findings because it is possible that those who withdrew or were lost to follow-up had certain unmeasured characteristics (eg, higher levels of family stress, housing instability) that could theoretically influence outcomes.106 Although the use of multiple imputation and ITT analysis may have minimized this bias, they cannot fully eliminate the potential bias arising from nonrandom attrition. Thus, the estimated retention of clinical gains among the 2 groups receiving less therapist contact, as well as the comparative treatment effects in follow-up, should be interpreted cautiously.

Therapist factors

Varying therapist skill may have increased variability in treatment outcomes. Overall, therapists were least skilled at delivering the behavioral elements of the treatment protocol employed within the CIMT and Gaming CIMT groups, as evidenced by occasional retraining needed on these elements. This finding is unsurprising given that these treatment elements differed most markedly from standard clinical practice and that the majority of therapists who delivered the study interventions had no prior experience delivering these techniques before participating in this trial. Thus, the change in everyday arm use observed here may be a slight underestimate of the change that could occur if therapists had more experience employing these techniques in their clinical practice.


This 4-parallel-arm RCT was designed to assess the comparative effectiveness of a treatment approach that combined self-management through in-home video game rehabilitation with intermittent therapist consultation. All interventions (CIMT, Gaming, and Standard Care) showed similar significant, clinically meaningful improvements in motor speed (WMFT) that were largely sustained over time, with the greatest gains achieved by those participants with relatively poor initial motor ability. Treatments that involved more frequent therapist contact yielded higher doses of motor practice. Therapist interactions that focused on the behavioral techniques of CIMT appeared most critical for improving daily use of the weaker arm; significant, clinically meaningful improvements in daily arm use were realized following the interventions that dedicated substantial therapist time (ie, ≥5 hours) to these behavioral techniques (CIMT, Gaming, Gaming+) but not following the interventions in which these techniques were either absent (Standard Care) or largely self-administered (crossover to self-management gaming). Given that motor function ultimately improves to an approximately equal extent regardless of how motor practice is delivered (ie, via therapist or a game) but that improvements in daily arm use depend on therapist-client engagement with behavior change techniques (eg, monitoring arm use and problem-solving), it appears that engaging clients in a behavior-change process may be a more productive use of limited therapist time. For most individuals (ie, those who can at least partially adhere to in-home gaming practice), self-management via gaming is a feasible way of freeing limited therapist time for teaching these behavioral techniques. Brush-up sessions may be required to sustain improvements in arm use long term, given only 57% retention of daily arm use gains at 6 months after treatment. Follow-up data should be interpreted cautiously because of substantial and differential attrition.


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Maung D, Gauthier LV, Worthen-Chaudhari L, et al. Games for therapy: defining a grammar and implementation for the recognition of therapeutic gestures. Paper presented at: International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games; May 2013; Crete, Greece.
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    4. Maung D, Crawfis R, Gauthier LV, et al. Development of Recovery Rapids—a game for cost effective stroke therapy. Paper presented at: International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games; April 3-7, 2014; Ft. Lauderdale, FL. Accessed December 16, 2020. http://www​.fdg2014.org​/papers/fdg2014_paper_18.pdf
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The study team would like to acknowledge the helpful contribution of the Stroke Advisory Board in helping formulate the study design, determine the recruitment strategy, interpret the results, and disseminate the study findings. Dr Gauthier would also like to acknowledge Ryan J. McPherson, PhD, for his general support of the project and Mohammed H. Rafiei, PhD, and Karyn Heavner, PhD, for their statistical support.

Research reported in this report was funded through a Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute® (PCORI®) Award (AD-1409-20772). Further information available at: https://www.pcori.org/research-results/2015/comparing-ways-treat-arm-weakness-due-stroke


Appendix A.

ITT Analysis in Which Dropouts Are Considered Complete Nonresponders (PDF, 161K)

Table A1. Means and standard deviations of each treatment group at each time-point and the comparative treatment effects (PDF, 193K)

MAL scores are expressed as mean MAL ratings. WMFT and Touch Test scores are expressed as the mean of the natural log of performance times for each item. Negative changes on the WMFT and Touch Test reflect improvement. Primary outcomes are designated with a P. Secondary outcomes are designated with a S.

Table A2. Comparative treatment effects. Effect sizes reflect between-group pairwise comparisons adjusted for covariates in the final mixed effects general linear model (95% confidence interval) (PDF, 135K)

Rows labeled “treatment” and “6-month” show the post-treatment and follow-up scores relative to pre-treatment scores, respectively. A positive between-group difference for the MAL means that the group listed first in the comparison showed greater gains in arm use. A negative between-group difference for the WMFT means that the group listed first in the comparison showed greater gains. Statistically significant contrasts are indicated with an *. Clinically meaningful differences between groups are italicized.

Appendix B.

Per-Protocol Analysis of the WMFT (PDF, 261K)

Figure B1. Per-protocol analysis of the WMFT examined treatment change (natural log transformed) by group (PDF, 213K)

during the intervention period (blue, left) and 6-month follow-up (orange, right) amongst individuals who fully adhered to the motor practice. The possible range of the natural log transformed WMFT treatment change is −4.78 to 4.78, with a negative treatment change indicating improvement. Given log transformation, WMFT treatment changes approximate (but slightly overestimate) percent improvement, e.g., a difference of 0.1 log units is roughly equal to 10%. Consistent with the intent-totreat analysis, comparative treatment effects were absent.

Table B1. Comparative treatment effects. Effect sizes reflect between-group pairwise comparisons adjusted for covariates in the final mixed effects general linear model (95% confidence interval). (PDF, 137K)

Rows labeled “treatment” and “6-month” show the post-treatment and follow-up scores relative to pretreatment scores, respectively. A positive between-group difference for the MAL means that the group listed first in the comparison showed greater gains in arm use. A negative between-group difference for the WMFT means that the group listed first in the comparison showed greater gains. Statistically significant contrasts are indicated with an *. Clinically meaningful differences between groups are italicized.

Institution Receiving Award: The Ohio State University
Original Project Title: Comparative Effectiveness of a Virtual Reality Platform for Neurorehabilitation of Hemiparesis
PCORI ID: AD-1409-20772
ClinicalTrials.gov ID: NCT02631850

Suggested citation:

Gauthier L, Larsen D, Strahl N, et al. (2021). Comparing Ways to Treat Arm Weakness Due to Stroke. Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI). https://doi.org/10.25302/05.2021.AD.140920772


The [views, statements, opinions] presented in this report are solely the responsibility of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the views of the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute® (PCORI®), its Board of Governors or Methodology Committee.

Copyright © 2021. The Ohio State University. All Rights Reserved.

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Bookshelf ID: NBK602352PMID: 38556969DOI: 10.25302/05.2021.AD.140920772


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