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NCBI Bookshelf. A service of the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.

SNP FAQ Archive [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Center for Biotechnology Information (US); 2005-.

  • This publication is provided for historical reference only and the information may be out of date.

This publication is provided for historical reference only and the information may be out of date.

Custom Report Formats

Created: ; Last Update: February 18, 2014.

Can you tell me where I can find perl script to transfer a dbSNP summary report to the format I want?

dbSNP does not provide a custom report service due to limited resources. We provide standard formats (FASTA, XML, ASN.1, flat file) only. To generate a custom format, you'll have to convert the data yourself. dbSNP can provide suggestions on how to perform the conversion, but ultimately the user will have to write the converter themselves or obtain programming help from their local institutions. (06/02/08)


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