The dbSNP Excel Submission Template

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Estimated reading time: 1 minute

Where can I find the dbSNP excel submission template?

All three submission templates are in “templates_SNPsub.xls”, located in the submission file, which can be found in the /specs subdirectory of the dbSNP FTP site.

You can download the excel submission template (template_SNPSub.xls) from the submission file located in the /specs subdirectory of the dbSNP FTP site. This excel spreadsheet contains submission templates for submitting SNPs, individual genotypes, and population frequencies that you can use to create a form for your own submission. The fields contained in the template spreadsheet have comments embedded in them that will tell you which fields are the minimum requirement for your submission, but you can include additional fields from the how-to-submit document. To create a submission template for yourself, create a new excel spreadsheet, and copy the first column (Gray area) of the excel submission spreadsheet to the new spreadsheet. (2/28/06)

Once I complete the Excel submission file, what do I do with it?

Please send the completed file to the dbSNP submission address:

vog.hin.mln.ibcn@bus-pns (12/14/05)

Could you send the submission templates for Mus musculus? I could only download the ones for Homo sapiens.

The submission format for mouse is identical to human. Just replace the ORGANISM field in SNPASSAY with “Mus musculus” instead of “Homo sapiens”.