Information about Haplotypes

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If your question is “What is the definition of haplotyopes in terms of SNPs?” here is the answer:

The word "Haplotype" has two definitions. The first definition is the one most people think of —a haplotype is the genetic constitution of an individual chromosome (in diploid species); one member of a pair of alleles for each loci.

When haplotypes are defined with relation to SNPs, the definition changes: a haplotype is a set of SNPs found to be statistically associated on a single chromatid. That is, adjacent SNPs that are inherited together on the basis of linkage disequilibrium. A good site to go to for a more detailed definition is the International HapMap Project (11/13/06)

What is a Haplotig?

A Haplotig is a "contig of clones with the same haplotype". You can find the original reference to this word in Genome Biology 2007, 8:R114, which is available online. (7/13/07)