dbSNP Organization and Structure (Schema)

Publication Details

This section contains FAQs that provide general information about how SNP data is structured and organized in dbSNP, as well as FAQs that provide the table location of specific SNP data, and definitions or directions to definitions of these tables. There are also FAQs about schema changes and build changes, as well as the relationship between the two, and FAQs that will show you how to download schema tables, and even how to create and maintain a local copy of dbSNP.

To begin searching this section of the dbSNP FAQ Archive, you can:

Enter your search word(s) text in the text box at the top of the page and click on the “Go” button


Click on any of the “dbSNP Organization and Structure” sub-categories listed in the “Contents” section below to navigate to the sub-category of your choice. Once you are in the sub-category, you will be presented with a grey box containing the questions for the sub-category you selected. Clicking on a question in this list will allow you to navigate to the answer.
