Protein coding genes distribution map for Mycobacterium leprae.

Protein coding genes distribution map for Mycobacterium leprae.

The leprosy bacillus genome contains numerous examples of gene deletion and decay. The relative locations of various genes in the genome are depicted in the map above. Protein coding genes are color coded in the map according to their classification within clusters of orthologous groups (COGs) functional categories. COGs represent proteins or groups of paralogs that are found in at least 3 phylogenetically-distant genomes. For more information about COGs, see Science 1997 Oct 24:278(5338):631-7.

From: Honey, I shrunk the genome

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Coffee Break: Tutorials for NCBI Tools [Internet].
Dean L, McEntyre J, editors.

NCBI Bookshelf. A service of the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.