Box 9Some dbMHC/browser limitations

  • Because of operating system limitations, the Alignment Viewer can only display up to 300 nucleotides in one line if the browser is Internet Explorer, whereas Netscape is not restricted by this limitation.
  • Several essential parts of dbMHC are based on Javascript interaction and dynamic text generation within a page. Users must be aware that many browsers are unable to properly interpret and display Javascript-generated text.
  • Netscape version 4.76 does not check for browser content size changes; therefore, users must manually resize to trigger the correct size recognition. Users may resize contents by using a "post" command, which will lead to a new download of the initial request instead of simply resizing the window.
  • Netscape 4.7 may sometimes cause fatal errors and does not allow users to copy and paste sequences from the alignment to the probe sequence field in the probe edit function.
  • Internet Explorer version 5.5 and Netscape version 6.2 will correctly interface with dbMHC.

From: Chapter 11, The Major Histocompatibility Complex Database, dbMHC

Cover of The NCBI Handbook
The NCBI Handbook [Internet].
McEntyre J, Ostell J, editors.

NCBI Bookshelf. A service of the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.