Figure 5. . Top panel: RefSeq copy of GRCh37 chromosome 22 (NC_000022.

Figure 5.

Top panel: RefSeq copy of GRCh37 chromosome 22 (NC_000022.10). The annotated RefSeq chromosome NC_000022.11 is a copy of the GRC chromosome CM000684.1. Bottom panel: Annotated RefSeq copy (NW_003315972.1) of the GRC novel patch GL383583.1. A: The blue bars represent each of the components that make up the tiling paths of the patch scaffold and chromosome. B: NCBI annotated genes. C: Top panel: alignment of chromosome to patch; Bottom panel: alignment of patch to chromosome. Red vertical lines in the alignment highlight mismatches, blue triangles represent deletions, and thin red horizontal lines indicate insertions. The anchor component (AL022318.2) of the patch is marked (D). Note that the APOBEC3A_B locus in the patch overlaps its deletion (E) relative to the chromosome sequence.

From: Genome Reference Consortium

Cover of The NCBI Handbook
The NCBI Handbook [Internet]. 2nd edition.

NCBI Bookshelf. A service of the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.