
Defined in file gui_objects.asn
C++ class: CTrackConfig

TrackConfig ::= SEQUENCE {
    --  track name uniquely identify a track
    name         VisibleString,
    --  track order number
    order        INTEGER,
    --  track type key, such as gene_model_track
    key          VisibleString,
    shown        BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE,
    -- suggested track display name shown in track title bar
    display-name VisibleString OPTIONAL,
    --  track subtype key, valid only for feature track
    subkey       VisibleString OPTIONAL,
    --  filter apply on a track
    filter       VisibleString OPTIONAL,
    help         VisibleString OPTIONAL,
    legend-text  VisibleString OPTIONAL,
    --  one or more particular annotations a track looks at
    annots       SET OF VisibleString OPTIONAL,
    --  one or more comments to hightlight a sequence location
    comments     SET OF Comment OPTIONAL,

    category     Category OPTIONAL,
    subcategory  Category OPTIONAL,
    choice-list  SET OF Choice OPTIONAL,
    check-boxes  SET OF CheckBox OPTIONAL,
    hidden-settings SET OF HiddenSetting OPTIONAL,
    range-controls SET OF RangeControl OPTIONAL,

    highlights   SET OF VisibleString OPTIONAL,
    highlights-color VisibleString OPTIONAL,
    setting-group VisibleString OPTIONAL,
    sort-by VisibleString OPTIONAL,

    -- track identifier
    id           VisibleString OPTIONAL,

    -- data source db name
    dbname       VisibleString OPTIONAL,

    -- Net storage key used for user-uploded data track
    data-key     VisibleString OPTIONAL,

    -- Optional user-changable settings, such as a threshold value
    text-boxes   SET OF TextBox OPTIONAL,

    -- Show track title (and title bar) or not
    show-title   BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,

    -- if TMS returned is_private attribute, contents of this attribute
    is-private   BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,

    -- stored_scale attribute from TMS (when present there)
    -- contains a string (linear, log2, loge, log10) that defines the stored format of a histogram
    stored-scale VisibleString OPTIONAL,

    -- All tracks with the same render group should be rendered in one call
    render-group INTEGER OPTIONAL,

    -- Track legend
    legend        SET OF LegendItem OPTIONAL,

    -- user-defined track_id (e.g. to assign graphs to graph overlay)
    uId VisibleString OPTIONAL,

    --  list of id, annots or track_id that this track contains (e.g. graph_overlay children)
    subTracks       SET OF VisibleString OPTIONAL,

    -- batch for alignment tracks based on AlignDb
    batch VisibleString OPTIONAL,

    -- affinity token that needs to be presented to seqgraphic.cgi in affinity_token parameter
    -- when it is called specifically for this track
    affinity-token VisibleString OPTIONAL,

    -- data provider for this track
    -- if absent, seqgraphic is assumed
    data-provider VisibleString OPTIONAL,

    -- data is remote
    -- if absent, false is assumed
    remote-data VisibleString OPTIONAL,

    -- contents of TMS seq_data_key to NetCache that contains GBProject with local sequence data
    seq-data-key VisibleString OPTIONAL,

    -- extra, track dependend, info needed to create the track
    extra-info VisibleString OPTIONAL,

    -- for remote tracks (bigBed/bigWig), string to which NCBI seq-id is mapped in the remote file
    rmt-mapped-id VisibleString OPTIONAL,

    -- for remote tracks (BAM), the location of a remote data file containing the index.
    big-data-index VisibleString OPTIONAL,

    -- hub information to which this track may belong
    hub-id VisibleString OPTIONAL,
    hub-name VisibleString OPTIONAL,
    hub-url VisibleString OPTIONAL