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Cover of Physical Health of People in Prison: Assessment, Diagnosis and Management of Physical Health Problems

Physical Health of People in Prison: Assessment, Diagnosis and Management of Physical Health Problems

NICE Guideline, No. 57


London: National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE); .
ISBN-13: 978-1-4731-2152-2


In April 2013 NHS England became responsible for commissioning all health services for people in prison in England. Healthcare in prison has a very important role in identifying significant health needs, maintaining health and detecting chronic conditions. This guideline supports equivalence of healthcare in prisons, a principle whereby health services for people in prisons are provided to the same standard, quality and to the same specification as for patients in the wider NHS. Providing equivalence of care will aim to address health need, reduce health inequalities, prevent deterioration, reduce deaths due to natural causes and subsequently assist rehabilitation and reduce re offending. This approach takes into account the differences in client groups to support improved take up of services and contribute to health improvement of people in prison.

  • For women, these include women-specific services and national screening programmes being available. For those women who are pregnant, maternity and social care services are provided in line with the wider community.
  • For young people aged 18-21 in young offender institutions, services are geared to take into account age appropriateness and the opportunity to have access to catch-up services (for example, vaccinations) that they may have missed in mainstream services during childhood.
  • For males, this includes a range of services to support healthier lives and better understanding of health issues as well as access to adult male screening programmes available to the wider population.


Developed by the National Guideline Centre, hosted by the Royal College of Physicians

Disclaimer: Healthcare professionals are expected to take NICE guidelines fully into account when exercising their clinical judgement. However, the guidance does not override the responsibility of healthcare professionals to make decisions appropriate to the circumstances of each patient, in consultation with the patient and, where appropriate, their guardian or carer.

Copyright © National Institute for Health and Care Excellence 2016.
Bookshelf ID: NBK395929PMID: 27831669


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