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  • March 2018: NICE has made new recommendations on recognition, information and support, managing ADHD (including non-pharmacological treatment), medication, monitoring, adherence, and review of medication and discontinuation. The recommendations and evidence in chapters 4, 7, 8, 10, 11 and 12 have been stood down and replaced. They are marked with grey shading in the PDF. February 2016: NICE has made new recommendations on dietary interventions and dietary advice, which can be found in the Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: diagnosis and management update (CG72.1). The recommendations and evidence in chapter 9 & section 12.4.2 of this guideline that have been highlighted in grey in the PDF have been stood down and replaced.

March 2018: NICE has made new recommendations on recognition, information and support, managing ADHD (including non-pharmacological treatment), medication, monitoring, adherence, and review of medication and discontinuation. The recommendations and evidence in chapters 4, 7, 8, 10, 11 and 12 have been stood down and replaced. They are marked with grey shading in the PDF. February 2016: NICE has made new recommendations on dietary interventions and dietary advice, which can be found in the Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: diagnosis and management update (CG72.1). The recommendations and evidence in chapter 9 & section 12.4.2 of this guideline that have been highlighted in grey in the PDF have been stood down and replaced.

Cover of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Diagnosis and Management of ADHD in Children, Young People and Adults

NICE Clinical Guidelines, No. 72


Leicester (UK): British Psychological Society (UK); .
ISBN-13: 978-1-85433-471-8


This guideline has been developed to advise on the treatment and management of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The guideline recommendations have been developed by a multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals, service users and carers, and guideline methodologists after careful consideration of the best available evidence. It is intended that the guideline will be useful to clinicians and service commissioners in providing and planning high-quality care for people with ADHD while also emphasising the importance of the experience of care for them and their carers (see Appendix 1 for more details on the scope of the guideline).

Although the evidence base is rapidly expanding, there are a number of major gaps; future revisions of this guideline will incorporate new scientific evidence as it develops. The guideline makes a number of research recommendations specifically to address gaps in the evidence base. In the meantime, it is hoped that the guideline will assist clinicians, people with ADHD and their carers by identifying the merits of particular treatment approaches where the evidence from research and clinical experience exists.


The views presented in this book do not necessarily reflect those of the British Psychological Society, and the publishers are not responsible for any error of omission or fact. The British Psychological Society is a registered charity(no. 229642).

Copyright © 2009, The British Psychological Society & The Royal College of Psychiatrists.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced or utilised in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publishers. Enquiries in this regard should be directed to the British Psychological Society.

Bookshelf ID: NBK53652PMID: 22420012


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