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This publication is provided for historical reference only and the information may be out of date.

Cover of Anaemia Management in Chronic Kidney Disease

Anaemia Management in Chronic Kidney Disease

National Clinical Guideline for Management in Adults and Children

NICE Clinical Guidelines, No. 39


London: Royal College of Physicians (UK); .
ISBN-13: 978-1-86016-293-0ISBN-10: 1-86016-293-2


Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is not the most common cause of anaemia in the UK, but data from different sources suggest that nationally there are around 100,000 people with the combination of CKD and a low haemoglobin level. Anaemia in this context is important because it contributes significantly to the heavy symptom burden of CKD, and because it is potentially reversible with appropriate treatment, including erythropoietin. Erythropoietin is naturally produced by the kidneys and has been available in synthetic form for the treatment of anaemia of CKD since 1989, but it remains a fairly expensive product and its usage is not straightforward. Moreover, it will not necessarily be the only therapy required for optimal treatment. Against this background, the present guideline has been commissioned to address the appropriate management of anaemia of CKD for patients in the NHS.


Mission statement: The Royal College of Physicians plays a leading role in the delivery of high quality patient care by setting standards of medical practice and promoting clinical excellence. We provide physicians in the United Kingdom and overseas with education, training and support throughout their careers. As an independent body representing over 20,000 Fellows and Members worldwide, we advise and work with government, the public, patients and other professions to improve health and healthcare.

The National Collaborating Centre for Chronic Conditions: The National Collaborating Centre for Chronic Conditions (NCC-CC) is a collaborative, multi-professional centre undertaking commissions to develop clinical guidance for the NHS. The NCC-CC was established in 2001. It is an independent body, housed within the Clinical Standards Department at the Royal College of Physicians of London. The NCC-CC is funded by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) to undertake commissions for national clinical guidelines on an annual rolling programme.

Suggested citation:

National Collaborating Centre for Chronic Conditions. Anaemia management in chronic kidney disease: national clinical guideline for management in adults and children. London: Royal College of Physicians, 2006.

Copyright © 2006, Royal College of Physicians of London.

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Bookshelf ID: NBK45908PMID: 20945579


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