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  • Update information: June 2021: the section on shared decision making was replaced by the NICE guideline on shared decision making. Minor updates June 2021: appendix A on recommendations adapted from published clinical guidelines was removed. February 2020: the quality statements in the guideline was replaced with a link to the updated NICE quality standard on patient experience in adult NHS services. October 2015: recommendation 1.4.3 was updated to cite the Health and Social Care Safety and Quality Act 2015. You can see these changes at www.nice.org.uk/cg138

Update information: June 2021: the section on shared decision making was replaced by the NICE guideline on shared decision making. Minor updates June 2021: appendix A on recommendations adapted from published clinical guidelines was removed. February 2020: the quality statements in the guideline was replaced with a link to the updated NICE quality standard on patient experience in adult NHS services. October 2015: recommendation 1.4.3 was updated to cite the Health and Social Care Safety and Quality Act 2015. You can see these changes at www.nice.org.uk/cg138

Cover of Patient Experience in Adult NHS Services: Improving the Experience of Care for People Using Adult NHS Services

Patient Experience in Adult NHS Services: Improving the Experience of Care for People Using Adult NHS Services

Patient Experience in Generic Terms

NICE Clinical Guidelines, No. 138



This guidance is directed to all NHS services, including primary and community care, e.g. NHS dentistry services as well as district nursing and health visitor services, and hospital inpatient and outpatient care. The guidance is directed to all staff involved in providing NHS services. Many interactions are with clinically trained staff but interaction with non-clinical staff can have a profound effect on patient experience of care. As the guidance is generic in nature we have concentrated on core areas such as staff-patient interaction. There are inevitably a large number of areas not covered and are important for patient experience. Most frameworks of patient experience include the physical environment and access but to enable us to develop guidance in the time available it was agreed with NICE that we would not look at these. There are many groups of patients who have needs beyond those that generic guidance can cover. Patient experience issues specific to particular topics will be covered as usual in topic specific guidance and quality standards.

Many of the recommendations in this guidance overlap with recommendations from policy documents and codes of professional organisations. The inclusion of these items in quality standards will allow the NHS to be held to account for the delivery of these key areas for patient experience.


Copyright © 2012, National Clinical Guideline Centre.

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Bookshelf ID: NBK115230PMID: 23285499


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